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Everything posted by Ohioguy25

  1. Figured as much. Which one do you have again, flex?
  2. Lol I’m not sure that answers my question at all. I am not worried about them missing the hooks, I’m worried about the visual presentation of Hog Farmer’s staggered uneven design.
  3. So I got the Hog Farmer out of the package, I noticed something unusual and different from the other rigs I have tried - the top two wires for the dummy rigs (hookless) are further in than the other three. I assume this is to keep the fish from attacking these which is smart but it looks completely different in the water, less like a bait ball to the naked eye, the uneven nature gives it a less uniform/homogeneous look which I’m not sure if it’s more lifelike or not, but I noticed immediately it is less visible/eye catching and flashy which is what I understood this presentation to be all about. What are your thoughts on this, do all of Hog Farmer’s rigs do this or just the particular one I got? (Hog Farmer BFL Rig.)
  4. Dang it says the handle is 15”. Doesn’t that seem long when everyone is saying you want a shorter handle for this application? It says the Expride handle is 15”. Doesn’t that seem long for what is billed as “the best jerkbait rod in the world” when everyone is saying you want a shorter handle for this application?
  5. What are the advantages/disadvantages of heavy vs thin?
  6. How about this one? https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Hog_Farmer_Baits_BFL_Hitchhiker_Rig/descpage-HBFLH.html
  7. I plan to be standing most of the time I am fishing it. What do you think of the Expride?
  8. I have heard some refer to the Expride as the greatest jerkbait rod you can buy. I understand that this is an impossible statement to validate but is it a pretty safe bet for a starter setup? Just seems a tad long at 6’10”.
  9. Which Hog Farmer specifically? I’m overwhelmed lol there’s like 10 diff models on TW 😭
  10. Is Hog Farmer considered the industry standard or top of the line?
  11. Hog Farmer, Picasso, 6th Sense? What exactly are the key differences and are the premium brands really worth $20-30? What are you getting with those that you won’t with a 6th Sense or Flash Mob?
  12. How do those 3X Mustads stack up against Gammys?
  13. I like mouse rat + Clearwater Shad for these conditions, painted chartreuse in the spring when it’s up and muddy.
  14. The vast majority of the company I keep does not adhere to this nonsense. I usually fish alone anyway.
  15. I just placed my TW order as well, got the dummy heads too (Ohio 3 hook limit.)
  16. This is a strange phenomenon I’ve observed, especially in certain types of anglers. This one friend of mine thinks there are all of these hard and fast rules with zero exceptions, some science based or at least logical sounding and some just nonsensical. I should mention this is regarding river smallmouth, I’m sure he has an entirely separate playbook for their lake dwelling cousins. Some examples, ranging from sensible to just plain moronic: - Never retrieve upstream, baitfish only swim downstream - Never throw moving baits after spawn until the fall bite - Never use snaps or snap swivels, fish can see these and you’ll lose bites - Absolutely NO mono except for topwater, bass are incredibly line shy and you must use fluorocarbon which is invisible - Smallmouth prefer sun and will bite better when it is sunny. The only reason bluebird negatively impacts fishing is due to barometric pressure, absolutely nothing to do with being ambush predators who prefer shade and cover. - ALWAYS match the hatch, especially when it comes to size and color. This would suggest that every strike is an actively feeding fish rather than reactionary, which we all know the inverse is usually true. There are several others that aren’t coming to mind but you get the idea. Do you think there is much if any legitimacy to any of these ideas? I can get behind bits and pieces of them but as a whole I think smallmouth are reactionary and nomadic (within the section of river they live) enough that timing and luck play as pivotal a role as anything. You can study and learn their behavior and habits obsessively and enjoy great success from the advantages this gives you, but at the end of the day I don’t believe bass are quite as predictable as some think.
  17. So 90 degree hooks help prevent hang ups? I have read people suggesting painting one of your baits on the A Rig, ideally the trailer with a splash of red. Does this make a discernible difference, and if so would it hurt if I simply used a different brand paddle tail that had a realistic blood spattering infusion or do I want them all to have identical action? I use Big Joshy which I’ve been happy with, a local bait maker but Big Bite Baits Suïcide Shad has a very cool bloody Shad pattern available. I realize this is more for me than the fish, but this is a hobby after all 😉
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