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Everything posted by Ohioguy25

  1. First I’ve heard of the braid thing, isn’t that what a leader is for?
  2. Less than 6” Hard to beat that black and blue Jackhammer What about for green?
  3. I keep seeing both, with a slight nod in favor of dark more recently. Which is more visible to the fish, and which colors specifically?
  4. This is the second comment I’ve seen about the carpet, why are they designing $20k boats with carpet that can’t get wet or doesn’t dry easily??
  5. Thank you to everyone here for your guidance and patience, you have helped me more than you know. I have learned quite a bit in the 3 years since I started bass fishing, and in the year or two since I made the jump to lures I have really expanded my ability to reach fish I previously couldn’t. I have also found the experience, variety of presentations and different ways of catching them far more enjoyable. Here are some of the nicer fish I’ve landed this season:
  6. Definitely agree with this, my floats will be shorter and closer to dawn and dusk this year. That’s the juice right there, topwater ?
  7. I was planning to go out today but the water is still pretty stained and the radar looks very ugly. I don’t mind summer pop ups but persistent 2-3 hour downpours can be a chore to fish in. All of this in spite of the fact that I have consistently seen the night and day difference in how the fish behave when it rains, especially when the river begins to rise. My buddy and I went out a week or so ago in a light drizzle that transitioned into a moderate patter and the fish were jumping out of the water hitting our spinnerbaits in spots where we usually never get bit. Maybe I just need better rain gear?
  8. Yeah I saw a graph somewhere of their growth from the start of the Gobie invasion to now and it was pretty much a J curve, they exploded. Zebras helped tremendously too.
  9. How is this possible, considering it takes a smallmouth 10-15 years to reach 18/19 inches?
  10. That’s incredible. Now it’s a world class fishery, perfect example of how impactful catch and release is.
  11. Why not split rings I actually agree with this after having fished it a few times now, as the biggest strikes seem to come on the pause and the entire appeal of these baits is how controlled and subdued the action is. We all know the biggest fish chase the least, and yes I actually thought of the similarity to a jerk bait as well.
  12. Hard to say, it appears to be all throughout but I can’t see where it ends or begins.
  13. Do you generally find it to be closer to the start of summer before the bite picks back up?
  14. How long do the post spawn blues typically last
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