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  1. I like the 25lb tactical angler clips
  2. So what you’re saying is every time I snag the bottom with mono I should change my line?
  3. So how is one supposed to break off from shore? If fishing mono and you pull to break off the line should be changed?
  4. after I spool my mono I tie it to a fixed object and walk about half the spool off and stretch the line to reduce line twist and memory. Never had an issue. Can’t comment on fluoro since I don’t use it
  5. So today I pre set my drags at the house before heading to the lake. After fishing a bit I tested the drags again on both of my spinning rods and the drags were considerably tighter than when i had set them earlier. Does cold weather have an effect on spinning reel drags?
  6. I have been very pleased with daiwa fury series. I own 6 and have been fishing three for 3-4 seasons now
  7. Has anyone else experienced original power pro fraying, particularly towards the end of the line where it runs through guides from the reel to the lure?. I’ve had power pro begin to start looking fuzzy after lots of use and many casts but this seems to be actual fraying I have been using power pro for about 15 years and have never had an issue until this season. This was all new braid purchased this year. this happened on 3 different rods with 15, 20, and 30lb braid. No issues with 50lb on frog rod. And yes I’ve checked my rod guides for cracks
  8. Fluoro has just as much stretch as mono. I use it more than any other line bass fishing.
  9. Does this line actually have less memory than trilene xl? I’ve been meaning to try a spool preferably 6 and 8lb on spinning reels
  10. Huddleston and keitech easy shiner or keitech swing impact
  11. I have the shims was just wondering if I left it like this would it have any effect on performance. I just spoiled brand new line on and don’t want to take it off
  12. My Stradic FK has the line more spooled towards the front of the spool versus the rear and being perfectly even, It is not by much but does this have any impact on reel performance or casting?
  13. Interesting the distance with the ball head and keitech on braid was quite a bit shorter than with the mono
  14. So I have been doing some experimenting with 6-8lb mono vs 10-15lb braid on spinning reels. While casting senkos, Ned rig, and keitech on an 1/8oz ball head I’ve found mono to cast further than the braid which is the exact opposite of what you read about casting distances with these two lines. The light mono also appears to just cast smoother overall. Trilene xl and original power pro were used. Just thought I’d share my experience
  15. Crank baits Ned rig jig
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