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Everything posted by WCWV

  1. Prayers for you and your family
  2. OH Yes, my first boat was a 1974 Starcraft Tri-Hual with a Mercruiser. I made a fishing boat out of it. I swore that I wouldn't put it into the water until I had everything the way that I wanted it. After a couple months working on it on the weekends, I almost had it the way I wanted it. Then on a Saturday morning I headed out to work on it and there was my daughter 7 and my son 3, standing in the boat trying to cast out into the yard. I looked at my wife and said it's time to put it in the water. So I put away my tools and we headed to the lake for our maiden voyage. I never did finish everything that I wanted. It was a good boat. That's been over 30 years ago.
  3. Yeah, I have on occasion. If I can't seem to figure anything out, I've been known to troll around some to try and find them. If I find a few, I quit trolling and start fishing for them.
  4. Because it's Fun!! I've seen several tournament guys that looked like they weren't having much fun
  5. I've fish alone probably about 90% of the time. My wife go's with me occasionally and maybe a family member once a year. I enjoy my wife going, but I also enjoy by myself. Now that I'm nearly 60, I take precautions out by myself. Planning on going after walleye this weekend by myself.
  6. I too have the Pro XS 115 4-S on my 190 and have been very satisfied with it.
  8. First I would say don't ignore it, and don't take the first diagnostic. When I was younger I had back problems and just kept going, thinking if you work hard every day that's just part of it. Fast forward to 2014, I lost the use of my right leg while doing night work on a interstate Hyw, after drinking a cup of coffee, I finally got it back. A few days later and after a MRI I found myself in a surgeon's office discussing all my issues. I found out I had broken my back at sometime and I had two herniated disk above it and that I needed surgery. I asked how long I would be off work and he said I would probably never work again. I didn't agree with that thought and seek further advice. I was 48 at the time and had never heard much good come from a fusion. So I continued on, wearing a high dollar brace, eating pills and getting epidural shots every 3 months. It all came crashing down this past February, again working nights out on a Hyw and I had no choice this time. Over the last four years, the surgeon that gave me my shots had told me of a neuro surgeon that he would refer me to if this day ever came. On April 1st 2019, I went into surgery for five hours, they did a fusion, along with two rods, four bolts and two artificial disk. I was released on April 3rd, quit all pain meds by April 7th and took the boat out on April 12th (didn't catch anything) on May 15th on my 54th birthday, I returned to work on a light duty basis. Fast forward now, I feel better than I have in 25 years, I can stand for a hour or so on the front of my boat, I went back hunting this year, not wearing any brace, No Pain pills. God is Good!!! Best decision I ever made. Look at All your options, don't be to quick into letting doctors telling you all you can't do. It's amazing the things they can do to help you these days.
  9. Use your trolling motor and one thing that helps me is I'll drop a buoys, it'll give you a reference.
  10. I owned a 15' side console many years ago (purchased it new) and it wasn't very stable, but it was a smaller boat. I only kept it a couple years because that, but I had no problems with it.
  11. Why does your socks ride down and your underwear ride up? ?
  12. Yes, and yes. I live pretty close and have fished it a few times over the years, I've never caught any lunkers but being the New River it's possible. The only complaints I have is the very rough dirt road going down into the it and it's a small Lake There's supposed to be some big strippers in there but I've never seen any. It also a good Walleye fishery, but there is a limit on them. My son has fished it more than me and has landed some really nice smallmouth and Walleye.
  13. You may want to invest in a Skeg Guard
  14. That's sad. I know in my home waters you have to really pay attention, mostly young people paddling across big open water. I know of one boy who would paddle out and lay down and go to sleep, I told him he was crazy. If I was a kayak fishing, I think I would have a flag mounted, like the ones you see on bicycles
  15. There's a good bait & tackle store in Hinton and they're a great bunch of people to deal with, I don't know if I can say there name here or not, PM me if you want it. Stop in and talk to them, I'm sure if they can help you out or give you some information, they will. I've been in there several times and they're a great folks have a very nice selection.
  16. I've owned both and prefer aluminum but that's just me. But, if I fished big water I would consider glass. I've had my aluminum on some big water with out any issues. Also, if you're buying used, I think on most aluminum you would have a better idea what shape the transom is in. Just my opinion.
  17. The transport company has cargo insurance, they should be held responsible.
  18. I wouldn't even consider not having insurance. I've been with the same insurance company for 40 years and they've insured every boat that I've ever owned in the past 30 yrs. My 190 Tracker that I have now has $25000 on boat & motor, $1500 on the trailer and $300,000 Liability with a $500 deductible. It runs me $292.00 per year. I checked out another company when I purchased it and it was a little cheaper, but I like having my agent 3 miles down the road. If I would ever hit something and tore it up, I'm covered.
  19. I've never heard of such a thing. I believe I would have to reconsider that deal.
  20. This is my little beater around Jeep
  21. The majority of my home waters are 50' plus in areas and in the winter months that's where I'll catch them. In the summer months I'll usually catch them on structure in the channels around 30' or so. Our largest lake which has more smallmouth, has depths of 250' in the summer and around 180' or so in winter months. I've caught smallmouth at 70' to 80' in summer and winter. Have never had to fizz a single one.
  22. I've purchased from The GPS Store before and it was a great price and service.
  23. I also dress in layers. On those very cold days I have my hunting clothes on, long handle underwear, jeans, isolated bibs and then a wool coat. If it warms up through the day, I can take a layer off.
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