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Super Dave Osborne

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About Super Dave Osborne

  • Birthday 07/19/1967

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Ramona CA
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    San Vicente Reservoir
  • Other Interests
    Firearms,Dual Sport Motorcycle riding

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. Super Dave Osborne

    47.5lb Blue Catfish

    Caught this 47.5lb Blue Cat at San Vincente throwing frozen cut bait on 12lb Big Game Trilene from the shore in 2002.
  2. Cool man. I've seen some of your pics. Looks like you catch a lot of bass. Keep it up.
  3. Very Cool! Would like to see you on the lake. Look forward to any posts you put out there for the opener. Lagged on getting tickets but that's cool. Have you been fishing the lake forever like me?
  4. Welcome! I also live in SD county. I am extremely excited about the grand re-opening of San Vicente Reservoir! Received my tickets for the 8th and 9th of Oct. It's like waiting for Christmas. Got the boat all tuned up and ready to go. Studying every possible early Fall bait and technique i can find. Good Luck!
  5. The nicest people i have ever met is when i stayed in Dove Creek CO. For sure not So Cal!
  6. Welcome. I am also from So Cal down in San Diego county. Also like Casitas. Killer lake re-opening down here. San Vicente Reservoir.
  7. Yeah, you guys are all over it. I have been finesse fishing for years with 6 lb test P-Line and I haven't experienced any failures. Rigging up for Fall. Local Reservoir in San Diego County ( San Vicente ) Re-opens 9-22 after being closed for i think 5 years to raise the dam over 100'. Good Luck!
  8. That will teach you to ask. Ha ha. Have a great birthday my friend!
  9. You guys are going to be so glad you came to San Van! The Bass are beautiful and the lake is huge now. Shoot me a message when you guys are in the area and I will buy you a "SODA".
  10. I'm so stoked!! I have tickets for Oct. 8th. I am also obsessed with this lake opening I grew up in Ramona right near the lake and ripping huge bass out of this lake is one of the most exciting things I can think of. Should be epic.
  11. Hello, I am also from So Cal. I live down in San Diego County and have just joined the forum I am very happy this fall because my favorite lake is opening after 5 years. San Vancinte Res. was closed due to the dam being raised 117'. The lake is now at it's deepest point over 300' deep. This is a wonderful lake to fish Bass. I have had the best day ever shore fishing this lake. There is no more shoreline due to the rise in the water level. Opening day is Sep. 22. The only way to get on the lake is to get tickets at tiicketmaster and they sell out FAST. I got tickets to launch my boat Oct 8th and 9th. I am super happy to say the least. Thank you.
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