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Everything posted by Micropterus

  1. Nhbassin yeah they were mostly out in 10-12 on hard bottom, though a couple came in 5-6 on a chatterbait. Went back to the same place a few days later, water temp dropped 3 degrees and they weren't budging
  2. Smoked em in the Concord area! Glad I can finally stop having to drive an hour to find fishable open water
  3. Anyone know of anywhere that's thawed out on the North Shore/ Merrimack Valley area?
  4. Got down north of Boston to take advantage of your soft water, and got my first kayak fish of the year, a couple dart pickerel and three bass, and missed three more good bites. They're not stunners but I'm still psyched about getting some open water bass in February, water was 39-42 F between a couple ponds
  5. So glad we got a good freeze early, ice fishing has been a blast this year!
  6. Me and a buddy checked out a spot in Loudon today, had a good 5 inches of ice in a lot of spots, but would be literally 30-40 ft away from crap ice spots, and our holes were flooding pretty good. We didn't catch anything, couldn't get out to the spot I wanted to go to, I still didn't trust it, we stayed right by the launch.
  7. Got out yesterday and had a great morning for quality, got four between the two ponds we hit, not pictured is a 3.66 4.38 5.51 5.33
  8. Yeah it was a smaller pond, I got her late in the afternoon as the sun just went behind the tree tops, so the water had warmed to 49 by the end of the day. I would try slower lures, this one came on a jig and rage tail
  9. Well, they're still biting. This one was yesterday in northern MA, but this November has just been out of this world. Between my spots in NH, Maine, and this one in MA I have half a dozen that have gone 5 or better just this month alone, with plenty of others in between. This one went 7.21 LB
  10. ^ I can attest to this, nice mess of 2 LB smallies and a kicker 4 LB largie yesterday during the day
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