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Everything posted by NYWayfarer

  1. NY is getting hammered. Especially Northern NY. Over a foot of snow overnight and another foot expected until it winds down around 5pm. Then comes -7 degree temps. Wind chill real feel temp of -30
  2. As usual A-Jay is the voice of reason. As is often the case with his posts I agree and couldn’t have said it better myself.
  3. To each their own. I enjoy watching several sports, fishing, baseball, football, basketball, hockey, MMA, wrestling and tennis. Other sports I could never see myself sitting and watching. Golf would be number one on that list. Blasphemy to some I know. Again to each his or her own.
  4. I agree. I use lots of smaller tubes for Smallmouth fishing. My favorite or late has been the Z-man TRD tubez. Dragged and hopped along the bottom has produced a lot of River Smallmouth. My other favorite tube is the Zoom super salty tube on an exposed hook jighead.
  5. A show I watched when I was a kid had a theme song that sums it up nicely, Now, the world don't move to the beat of just one drum What might be right for you, may not be right for some A man is born, he's a man of means Then along come two, they got nothing but their jeans But they got, Diff'rent Strokes It takes, Diff'rent Strokes It takes, Diff'rent Strokes to move the world Everybody's got a special kind of story Everybody finds a way to shine It don't matter that you got not alot So what They'll have theirs, and you'll have yours, and I'll have mine And together we'll be fine.... Because it takes, Diff'rent Strokes to move the world Yes it does It takes, Diff'rent Strokes to move the world
  6. There is no denying the appeal of EBay when dealing with a reputable seller. If you time things right it’s like hitting a jackpot at Vegas. For example I saw the Lew’s Mach Crush combo on sale combined with a EBay 20% off code made the combo half retail price. Christmas gift money well spent. Do your research, stick with reputable companies and use PayPal and EBay is fine.
  7. I second this recommendation. Fantastic rod at a great price.
  8. I use #20-40 Kastking Superpower braid on my baitcasters. Green and gray colors. No complaints from me. It’s good and cheap which is an oxymoron. Especially if you buy them it in smaller spools like I do off of Kastking EBay.
  9. That reel would look real nice on one of those new Shock rods. To the OP another suggestion is the Kastking Centron 2000 combo on Amazon for $59 https://www.amazon.com/KastKing-Centron-Spinning-Reel-Stainless/dp/B07D6NH8TR It is one of the better sub $30 reels I have ever handled.
  10. I believe something similar happened to me. I bought a reel from an individual on Ebay and the box came to me directly from Bass Pro Shops. I stopped buying from individuals after that. Ebay is not all bad. I buy a lot of my Kastking gear off of Ebay, and it comes directly from them. I also trust American Legacy Fishing on Ebay.
  11. In my dreams it's more like this size. Even though that shark is plenty big enough. More like the Meg. I only went to see that movie because my son wanted to go...
  12. I have had fishing nightmares at times. In these nightmares I am usually on a lake or bigger body of water. I will be fishing on a small water craft (kayak or rowboat) when something gigantic just below the surface passes underneath me. Chills me to the bone. Deer in headlights kind of fright. I looked it up, I am pretty sure I have Thalassophobia. It probably stems from some frights I had when I was younger seeing a shark in pretty shallow water while on a pier. Also being on a party fishing boat for blues at night and seeing a submarine surface nearby.
  13. Spinning gear is a great choice when it's windy. Spinning gear will always have a spot in my arsenal. I love a small spinning reel and light to medium light rod when fishing for Trout and Sunfish.
  14. No it's not necessary. I used spinning gear my entire life for finesse presentations. When I started developing a love of power fishing about two years ago I picked up a baitcaster again. I encourage everyone to give baitcasters a try. I assume you would encourage someone who has only ever used a spincast reel to try a spinning reel. It's the next step and it gives you more than one tool in the toolbox.
  15. So true. I have made him aware a job in this field will not be a 9-5, weekends off one like his parents have. He knows he might get a call at 2am to come fix a robot on an assembly line that has broken down.
  16. My son has entered an early college program while still in high school for just this purpose. He is already learning code to make robots do assigned tasks. IT, robotics and advanced manufacturing are the hot jobs.
  17. Looking at a foot of snow falling between Saturday and Sunday in my parts. Then -6 degree temps with gusty winds 10-20mph
  18. Big Bite Baits tubes. I use them and the walls of the tube are not as thick as the Zoom or Berkley tubes I have.
  19. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Glad you caught it before you needed surgery. Some of my relatives were not as fortunate.
  20. Bass Pro Shops Johnny Morris Patriot Casting Rod. Made in the USA with Fuji K guides To the OP I have been happy with the following house rods: Cabelas Fish Eagle BPS Carbonlite DSG Tec Spec Elite (discontinued)
  21. You can but as others have said it will not be the best rod for that type of fishing.
  22. That would be my choice. I have caught winter Smallmouth deadsticking a Ned rig.
  23. They do last a long time. I tend to lose the whole rig on a snag long before I wear out a TRD
  24. I agree with all of this. I have been using 8# Kastking Flourokote on my spinning reels and 12# on some of my bait casters for 2 seasons now. It has become one of my favorite lines. I discovered Kastking Flourokote after having knot issues with Stren and Berkley Flourocarbon lines. I have not had any knot issues when tying a palomar knot with the Flourokote.
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