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Everything posted by NYWayfarer

  1. What size line? How old was it?
  2. Wish I could say I coined the phrase but I just adapted it to fishing. Goldilock's Zone referrers to the habitable area around a star. Not to hot, not to cold, so life has a chance.
  3. This is a great rod, period. Say what you want about Kastking reels, their rods on the other hand are excellent and often overlooked. I have the Perigee II casting and spinning versions for 2 years and they are still in great shape. They are 2 piece versions that I bought for travel but I find myself using them locally as well. They are a nice black and silver color that go well with any reel. My second choice would be a St. Croix Triumph rod. Can't go wrong with this rod.
  4. Makes sense to me. The Goldilock's zone. Not to tight, not to slack. Takes a bit to get there but it's worth it. With a decent rod you will feel that "tick" of a pick up, then see the line move, time to set the hook.
  5. If I am going fishing the next day I keep the trailer on but I cut the chatterbait or jig off. I retie it on the next time I go fishing. Any more than a day and the trailer is coming off.
  6. I have LOTS of rods. I generally take 2 bank fishing, 2-3 kayak fishing and 4 or 5 when I am fishing from a boat.
  7. Grub on a jighead is a great starter lure that doesn't cost a lot. Not a fan of treble hooks and young kids otherwise I would suggest a cheap in-line spinner.
  8. No hate here. I love my spinning setups for finesse fishing. I always looked at baitcasters as the top of the ladder in fishing. We usually start the climb with a spincast reel. We then take a step up to the spinning reel. Some folks are content to stay on that rung and never climb higher. Some take the next step up to the baitcaster. Once you are on the top it seems like a step down to use anything else. How many people who started with spincasters go back to them after learning how to use a spinning reel?
  9. I can't seem to wrap my head around the 1 rod, 1 bait method of bank fishing. On a typical bank fishing session I leave right at sun up and get to a body of water just in time for some nice topwater action. It helps to have a second setup with a senko type bait ready to go for fish that miss a topwater lure. When the topwater bite dies down its time for some lipless or squarebill action. afternoon bite is usually time to switch to a ned rig, craw or tube bouncing the bottom. Wacky rig can be used anytime in between these methods.
  10. For me the answer is my paddle floats, my rod does not. If my paddle somehow gets out of my grasp I can get it with this Works in all waters except rapids. I don't kayak in swift waters so I am ok.
  11. No snow in the immediate forecast for the northern Capital District of NY. Just rain and or WIND, 14 -20mph winds Friday into Saturday. Sunday might have a window for fishing but I am going to stick to Trout fishing. I know they are biting.
  12. I tether the rod I am using. I attach it to the bungee cord paddle holder that came with my kayak. the cord is not as big a nuisance as I thought it would be. It happened to someone in my area. He flipped and got tangled in fishing line...
  13. Now that's a SLAB!! That thing would feed a family of four...or just me.
  14. I have many bodies of water to fish in my area. Only 2 of them I fish from shore, the rest I kayak fish. Out of the two areas I fish from shore, 1 is a local pond so I didn't count that one as I fish the entire pond in one session. 2 is a river. It has shore access to fish off of a trail system. On a good day I catch dozens of fish using my method of covering the water column before moving. I carry 2 poles (1 spinning and 1 baitcaster) and a sling backpack. Fishing requires patience. For the rest they invented power fishing.
  15. The Whopper Plopper is the most economical bait I own. Dozens of fish caught on it and it's still going strong.
  16. I stick in one spot trying different lures. The lures I use typically cover the water column (top, mid depth and bottom) If those don't work I started carrying a cup of Nightcrawlers to use as a last resort. Once the action dies down I pick up and move to the next spot. A regular bank fishing session for me usually means a visit to 4 spots. An hour at each spot is a good estimate.
  17. Got these worms to try this year. They have a curly tail on both ends. They make them with a paddle tail on both ends as well, Dynapaddle.
  18. Speaking of Walmart, they have nice combos from Lew's called the Xfinity. They recently came out with orange versions of the spinning and baitcasting models $70 - $90 I handled the spinning version and it's pretty solid. A budget version of their Mach series combos. The spinning combo would be great for Ned rigs, wacky rigs and dropshotting. The Baitcasting combo for T-rigs and cranks.
  19. I wondered that as well. I use the D clap and split rings on my pliers and scissors. Don't like the idea of modifying my rods in any way. The one I was holding was the one I lost
  20. Bass, LMB or SMB, never. I used to keep them if I hooked one so deep it wouldn't survive. That hasn't happened in years though. Last time it did I noticed an Eagle watching me nearby. I left the Smallmouth floating and was treated to the sight of the Eagle taking him out of the water in flight. Now other species of fish are a different story. I keep Trout, like this limit I took on Saturday. I also take Yellow Perch. Like this which was one of three eating size fish I caught on Sunday.
  21. They have a bill to divide NY into three states. Manhattan and the borough will still be NY, Long Island to Westchester will be called Montauk, and the rest of us will be New Amsterdam. Perch were biting today in New Amsterdam. Hooked a Trout that shook off before I landed it.
  22. Great rod at a great price. They hardly go on sale just clearance for some reason.
  23. Verizon becomes less attractive everyday.
  24. I would add another category, “cheap/entry level” $50 and under. Cheap for the people that don’t like to spend a lot of money on gear. The types that stress that you can catch just as many fish with a stick, line and a hook so why spend a lot of change. Entry level for those that are just getting into the sport but don’t want to spend a lot of money in case they don’t like it.
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