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Everything posted by NYWayfarer

  1. My everyday ride is my fishing vehicle. My kayak fits on top no problems. Great gas mileage and I need it. I put a little over 100 miles a day on it 5 days a week,
  2. Berkley half head jig hooks are beefier than the Z-man ones. Cheaper as well. I don't want to heavy a hook. The beauty of the lighter wire hook is that when they get snagged you can pull on them until the hook straightens and save your bait. Bend the hook back with pliers and you are good to go.
  3. I agree. I live in a neighborhood of strangers. The 50% of terse reply's you get could be because of your dog. As a property owner I see plenty of dog owners that have no respect for anyone else's property. It gives everyone a bad name. I have seen dog owners with extendable leases let their dogs come hallway across my lawn to do their business under my tree. Then they don't want to walk on my lawn to come pick it up. I have a mother and son around the corner who's dog loves to do his business on my lawn. She picks it up, he doesn't. I had one poor lady upset because her dog had a loose stool on my lawn and couldn't pick it up. I told her not to worry, it happens. In my head I was thinking I just wish it happened on her own lawn. I tend to give a short hello to dog walkers. I love dogs, it's their owners I am not sure about...
  4. I used to use the spray but it was only SPF 30 As a sunscreen and a bug repellent it worked fine in both areas. These days I use Banana Boat Simply Protect sunscreen. Its reportedly formulated with no added oils, fragrances, oxybenzone or parabens. Simply Protect products provide SPF 50+ broad spectrum UVA/UVB protection and are sweat and water resistant. After protecting myself from all those chemicals I spray myself liberally with Repel Sportsman Max bug repellent
  5. Add that to the list of things to be scared of: Breathing because of smog Drinking water because of plastics Walking outside because you could get hit by a car Staying inside because a tornado could wipe you out Etc, etc, etc... Once you have that list crumble it up throw it away and go live your life.
  6. I agree. Looking for rocks and current breaks and floating a Senko past them is a great strategy. Tube style baits dragged and hopped along the bottom, while snaggy work great for me.
  7. Debos Fishing doesn't appear to be sponsored by Kastking anymore. He uses a variety of rods and reels from Shimano, Daiwa and Lew's lately. I have 3 Kastking rods under $70 the Perigee II (spinning and casting) and the Calamus. All of the KK rods I have are 2 piece and they are my traveling rod arsenal. They are decent rods for the price. I have no complaints other than the fact that I had to buy these rods without handling them first. My hope would be since KK eliminates the middle man you get more rod than the cost would have you believe. For the most part this is true but I have found that I would rather buy a more expensive rod I can handle when it goes on sale. For example, the Lew's Carbon Fire rod from DSG is normally $80 it often goes on sale for half price.
  8. Vanish is widely despised on these forums and for good reason. Past formulas have been trash. Low knot strength, loose on the spool and random breaking are some of the problems experienced. I have no idea how the current line is as I won’t try it, once burned twice shy. You did good with the Seaguar line. Don’t second guess yourself.
  9. No experience with the Colt but I have the Mach 2 Speed Stick Ned Rig Rod. It’s light and durable. It has a microwave guide on the one closest to the reel. I lobe mine and the green handles come clean with some Dawn dish detergent.
  10. Amen. I am a quantity over quality kind of guy.
  11. There are riff-raff everywhere nowadays. I fish early mornings to avoid them. I am off the water before they get out of bed. I agree with the above about no confrontations. Not worth the potential worst case scenario. Others will disagree. Those are generally the tough guys that want to teach someone a lesson. Sometimes the teacher learns a fatal lesson... I remember my tough guy days. I was walking with a girlfriend one day and while crossing a street with a stop sign a driver failed to stop and almost hit us. I started screaming, banging on his hood and made my way to the drivers side window. The guy looked at me said “Sorry” and showed me a gun he had between his legs. I turned white and pushed my girl behind me and started walking backwards. He cruised away and I was able to breathe again. I learned that day it’s stupid to die over ego. That guy that screamed at you has low self esteem. He has to push you down to stand on your shoulders to make himself big. Pity him and his small mind and go back to having fun fishing.
  12. Small Rebel Pop-R, Rebel Frog-R, Heddon Tiny Torpedo, Small Heddon Hula Popper, LunkerHunt Kraken Popping Frog. I use all of these small topwater baits on a spinning rod.
  13. What happens if you don't pay your exorcist? Do you get repossessed?
  14. Rock Bass love the Beetle Spin. I Catch more of them then panfish and Bass with the Beetle Spin. You can replace the grub body that it comes with. I like Gulp Minnows as a replacement.
  15. Guess I am a glass half empty kind of guy. Summer is half over what does that mean??? It means three months left to fish in these parts that doesn't involve sitting on ice
  16. 10-12# mono Sufix ProMix or Berkely Big Game
  17. Why is there a light in the refrigerator but not the freezer? I hate having to find my ice cream in the dark.
  18. I have similar experience with the Speed Demon. It's my frogging reel of choice.
  19. That's my choice as well. It's water resistant and floats. I purchased it after my last scale died from getting wet.
  20. Spare spools are available from Lew's. Just call their customer service line and subject to availability you can order some. All the ones I ordered are $5 each. I was able to get spare spools for the following reels: Lew's Mach II 100 Lew's Mach Crush 300 Lew's Custom Speed Spin 300
  21. Good advice. On hot days start your session as early as possible and shallow. If you are still there in the afternoon downsize your baits and go finesse.
  22. Just yesterday as I was done fishing at 11am I saw an Encon Officer in the parking lot. He had a fellow by his truck and it looked like he was going to give him a ticket. I was loading my rods in the back of the car and the officer came walking towards me. Same question they always ask "Did you catch anything?" I answered sure did, got 6 Smallmouth and a bunch of Sunfish as I pulled my wallet out and produced my fishing license. He answered "Ahhh, someone who knows the drill. Good until the 10th of August, thanks." "Did you catch and release?" I answered, yeah who would eat anything out of this stretch of the river? He laughed and I told him thanks for everything he does as I know its a tough job. I got to thinking on the way home about the question "Did you catch anything?" MY theory is if the officer didn't see you actually fishing he needs you to admit that you were. In this case I was loading rods in my car. I could have told him I just bought these at a garage sale and I wasn't fishing. It would be interesting to see how that would have played out. I always have my fishing license. I purchased my first one when I was 18 and have renewed it every year since then.
  23. Why are softballs hard?
  24. Sounds like my life. My enthusiasm is at an all time high though. I hope you get yours back.
  25. I had a whole bag of baits with me today when I left at 6am I wound up using 1 bait most of the day. The Yo-Zuri 3DB Popper I got at Walmart last week for $5 it was magic today for the early morning Smallmouth Bite. No monsters but a fun day no doubt
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