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Everything posted by NYWayfarer

  1. Those would be my choices as well in that order. I would add that I prefer my Winn Grips in black. Any other color will eventually show dirt. I clean mine with Dawn dish detergent to keep them looking new as long as I can. I prefer to seal my cork handle with cork sealer. All EVA foam is not the same. I have rods with cheap foam and others with a higher quality denser foam that feels firm to the touch.
  2. Then don’t. If you get caught it’s a worse “butt-chewing” then buying the items and reimbursing the account. Do the right thing, even when it’s hard.
  3. I have quite a few spinning and baitcasting combos (Lew's Mach 1, Mach 2 and Mach Crush) so I don't need to worry about how rod and reel match up. As to the original question, I do not take my rods and or reels into a store to see how they fit with an item I am thinking of purchasing. With the way I keep my gear looking I would be stopped by store security with the belief that I was shoplifting.
  4. Same here. If you read the World War Z novel there was a chapter in it regarding how a "Kim Kardashian" type was live streaming from her compound in the early days of the zombie apocalypse. She had rations and security for survival and safety. During one of the live streams the compound was attacked not by zombies but by people that were watching the stream and realized she had food and items they wanted.
  5. The preppers are prepping for that as well. Guns, ammo and booby traps oh my!
  6. That's some mighty poor preppers. The rats and mice would be food sources after the apocalypse...
  7. Add Tylers Reel Fishing to the list. Lots of good information.
  8. I would have stayed with the doctor at the CDC when he blew it to kingdom come in the first season of the Walking Dead. Starving to death, dying of thirst or being eaten alive ain't my thing.
  9. Miserable two hour drive to work today. Normally takes me 45 minutes but we had snow on top of freezing rain last night into this morning. It's stopped now but here comes the deep freeze. We are looking at breaking a record for the coldest night for this time of year.
  10. Zombie attack, Nuclear war, Planet killer meteor strike or super volcano eruption, I think I want to be one of the first to go in those situations. Why would you want to survive? The aftermath of those events would be a life of misery. My bug out bag would contain a way to end it quick and painless.
  11. I have a bunch (spinning and baitcaster) from Tackle Warehouse, Field and Stream, Kastking and Lew’s. They all serve their purpose of protecting reels from bumps.
  12. It will have to join the list of baits that “no longer work” that I still throw.
  13. Don’t count out the “watching people catch fish” channels. I learn a lot from them watching what they throw, where they throw it and most importantly how they move their baits. NDYakAngler comes to mind. I like watching what he throws and where he throws it for river Smallmouth.
  14. Some cleaning with a q-tip and some grease and oil. I love my Lew’s reels with the lube port. One screw opens the access plate to be able to get at the gears without having to tear the reel down completely. I have a Lew’s spinning reel with a flush and lube port as well. Very convenient.
  15. I have to agree with this and add to the list. Lew's Mach 2 Speed Spin on sale at Sportsman Warehouse for $59.99 Aluminum framed spinning reel for $60
  16. It’s business, nothing personal. That’s what they told me when my company merged with another and their book of business was better than ours. I survived 3 other mergers until that point so now that my number was up I didn’t complain. Sucks all the same... My heart goes out to the employees that lost their jobs. I hope they land on their feet in a better place than they were.
  17. At least he isn't holding the reel the upside down like its a spincast. There is hope that he actually fishes until you realize he is advertising the "Kalex" brand which is Pure Fishing's attempt to cut into the Kastkings, Piscifun and Shisimano's Amazon success.
  18. I donate older rods and reels I don’t use anymore to people I know. Usually co-workers with young kids to encourage them to try fishing. When you donate to organizations you really have no idea what they will do with your donation. You hope it will go to someone in need but you never know.
  19. That rod is screaming for one of those clearance Lew’s Tournament MB reels!
  20. I hated that about them and the fact that they do not darken up while driving. I wear "no line" bifocals all the time. I have a pair of prescription "no line" bifocal Ray Ban Wayfarers for outside activity and driving. It can be a pain switching glasses when entering and exiting a building. I wear the Wayfarers while fishing. They are polarized.
  21. Now that is a nice combo! I purchased a 6'6" Medium Light Lews Laser SG1 spinning rod. It's my second one. Can't beat it at full retail price of $49.99 but I got it for $35 with coupons and discounts. I love these rods.
  22. Trail-cams, Ring doorbell cameras, etc. are great for the fact that they give you piece of mind in having an idea who did the crime. Years ago I had the rear drivers side window of my SUV bashed in. With no video I had no idea who it was that did it. Was it someone looking to steal something? Was it a neighbor that didn't like where I parked? Was it kids playing a prank? I was suspicious of everyone that lived around there until I moved. Not a great feeling to have every time you leave your car.
  23. Buy the good stuff but shop around and buy it on sale. As a matter of fact when it goes on sale buy it in bulk. Fishing line and toilet paper bought in bulk will never go to waste, you are always going to use it. If you are looking for good line at a good price, get Berkley Big Game. When I find a good, cheap fluorocarbon line I will let you know. I have a better chance of finding a Unicorn.
  24. That's about as messed up a story as I have read in a long time. I can count the amount of people I trust in this world on 1 hand minus a few fingers. Stories like this are the reasons why. In my area there have been a rash of car break ins. The thieves are targeting cars in hiking trail parking lots. They sit and watch folks get out of their cars and break in a few minutes after they leave knowing they shouldn't be back for awhile. Leave nothing you don't want stolen outside. Leave nothing visible in your car when parking it. Lock all your doors. Don't make it easy for the thieves and they will pass up your car or house for the next one.
  25. I'll be watching the video this weekend with a whiskey on the rocks. I am looking forward to both.
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