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Everything posted by NYWayfarer

  1. The only time I get skunked on my home waters is early in the season (right after ice out) and late in the season (right before ice) I have the baseball method of three strikes (skunks) outings and I give up for the year late in the season or wait for it to warm up a bit more in the early season. Once fishing is on April - October I rarely if ever get skunked. I will throw a live worm and catch a Sunfish just to avoid that. It helps to love multi-species fishing.
  2. One would think that but a LOT of their baits and colors have *ahem* "sexy" names.
  3. It was early July since I caught any Bass on the Whopper Plopper. Got three yesterday on the Bone 90. Last one was foul hooked.
  4. All I know is they have some of the best names for baits and colors. "Pocket Rocket, Dirty Sanchez, Tramp Stamp" Someone working there has a great sense of humor.
  5. I have been using a pair of Cuda 7" ring split pliers for a little while now. They are carbon steel, painted black. The paint helps prevent the rust. I also put a light coat of oil on them which helps. The cutters on them are titanium bonded and cut through line with ease. They were only $12 so not to painful to replace eventually. I like them because they are not spring loaded.
  6. When I am launching my Kayak at the boat launch and see someone launching their boat solo I always ask if they need a hand. Only one guy, so far, took me up on the offer. I was able to move his boat off to the side out of the way of anyone else trying to get in. I held it there until he returned from parking his truck.
  7. I buy mine from a dealer on Ebay that makes his own. I also use Eagle Claw nail weights. With both of them I use super glue to lessen the odds that a fish is going to shake them. It works. Only lost 2 weights since using this method.
  8. Last weekend I picked up a pair of Cuda micro scissors 3" They are great for the $1.89 clearance price I paid
  9. That's an awful feeling in the pit of your stomach when you lose a rod and reel. Been there and it stinks on the bad rod delivery as well. I learned my lesson. All my rods will be from Tackle Warehouse. I can deal with the wait and not getting something on sale to have piece of mind that it is being shipped correctly.
  10. I tie on rigs to all the setups I am going to use on an outing the night before I intend to fish them. I want to waste no time tying stuff on when I hit the water. Knot strength degrading over time is something to be considered. I know a friend of mine in Florida fished for months with the same palomar knot I tied for him when I was down there last year.
  11. Amen. It's one of those things in life I might not have looked for or appreciated at first but I have over time. I am so sorry for your loss Tom.
  12. I save wine corks for this purpose. I sand them down and use wood glue and the shavings as filler.
  13. This is true. If it is the reel it would be from one of the points in contact with the line. The roller, the bail wire or the lip of the spool. Check those areas for any rough spots.
  14. I would have a boat if not for all the costs associated with one (Insurance, maintenance, storage, gas and transportation costs) I purchased a kayak 3 years ago and that was the last time I spent any money on it. I store it on some hangers in my garage. I don't have to register or insure it. It has no fuel costs. I throw it on some foam blocks on the roof of my car to transport. It weighs 38 pounds so I can load and unload it myself with ease.
  15. That reel is made by Sony Animation
  16. Sorry to hear this. Fishing more and catching less and low quality has to be frustrating. It has been the opposite for me. I have had more time to fish, caught more fish and got my PB. With more time I have been hitting new places and trying new rigs and techniques. Some of them have paid big dividends for me. Without that extra time I would have stuck to the same places and confidence baits.
  17. I am partial to the Lew's "Combat Grips" Basically the flat paddle knobs with some added texture for grip. $5 for a pair
  18. Please take no offense but they were 10 feet away, where is that wrong? is 11 feet right? 12 feet, 20 feet? Who makes these rules of what is the right distance away? Let me answer that last question, we do. In our own minds we have an acceptable distance people should be from us while fishing. I have my idea, you have yours, they have theirs and they are all different. It's a big world with a lot of people and we are going to get in each others way sometimes.
  19. What these folks were doing seems normal to them. Only serious fishermen see this as a breach of etiquette. Confronting them would do no good because in their mind they are doing nothing wrong. You will come off as looking like the crazy person. I have a tendency to "run and gun" when fishing the banks. I rarely stay in one spot for more than 20 minutes. This keeps me safe from encroachment by others as a byproduct. If someone sets up shop close I leave a bit earlier. One gentleman even asked if he was bothering me when I started leaving. I told him no but the spot is not big enough for two to fish comfortably so he could have it. That's my way of giving someone a clue without confrontation.
  20. I agree. My theory is the fish belly white color and contrast. It works for me.
  21. Only one name truly fits. The Washington Sentinels! I will survive played at every halftime.
  22. I have used it on Berkley Big Game. I notice a difference in manageability using this product,
  23. Time to re-sharpen your hooks, un-pinch your split shots, recycle and reuse your terminal tackle if you don't already. I broke off with a rig with an Owner hook and a Strike King tungsten bullet weight this weekend. I almost cried.
  24. Since the Carbon Fire baitcaster you have is no longer in production they might send you a comparable reel. It could be the new model with the Winn Grip knobs.
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