I took my kayak out for some river Smallmouth fishing Sunday morning. Equipped with 2 rods, 1 spinning (Lew’s Speed Spin combo) with a Rebel Pop-R and 1 baitcaster (Lew’s Pro-Ti on a Lew’s TP1 Black 7’ M/MF Speed Stick) with the Tiny Child Rig (Z-Man finesse TRD, screw in Neko weight, Zoneloc 1/0 worm hook) tied on.
The day was going great. I caught a few Bass on each lure.
I was on the water for three and a half hours and getting hungry so it was time to leave. Making my way back to the launch area I passed by a shaded area with a natural rock wall that has a steep drop off. I figured that would be the last spot I would hit before leaving. I cast my Tiny Child Rig past the drop off and let it drift down, hopping it along the way.
I felt a strike, so I reeled in the slack and set the hook. I knew immediately the fish was big and when it started to dig I knew it was a Catfish. Four times I was able to get him to the surface where he would thrash his tail soaking me. The fifth time was the charm and I was able to net him.
Now the dilemma. I could not weigh this fish in the kayak. Also the hook and line was tangled in the net. Leaving The fish in the net I paddled quickly to the launch area where I was able to beach my kayak and get the fish Unhooked, out of the net and on a scale. It came in at over 9 pounds. Broke my PB Channel Cat by over 5 pounds.
I got a release video as well