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Everything posted by NYWayfarer

  1. I fish my Nikko’s on a Ned rig. Small mushroom head jig, exposed hook. Drag them slow on the bottom.
  2. Good choices recommended here, Kastking Sharky III, Pflueger Trion. I have them and can vouch for them. I would add the $59.99 Lew’s Speed Spin. It’s my current favorite spinning reel. Smooth and strong. It’s black, silver and grey not the Ike approved color of the Amazon reel. The color of the reel goes with any rod I have paired it with. I like it so much I bought 3 sizes, 100 - 300
  3. Expert is a relative term. Compared to my fishing buddies I am an expert. They would define an expert fisherman as someone who rarely, if ever gets skunked when Bass fishing. That’s fine as long as they don’t define an expert fisherman as someone who catches big Bass. Then I am a novice ? To me an expert would be someone with knowledge of fishing gear, lures, techniques and science who is adept at applying those in real world conditions.
  4. That would be ok with me. Easier to spot and I am strictly catch and release anyway.
  5. I like being on the banks at sunrise. It’s usually just me and the occasional dog walker. The bite has been hot a half hour before actual sunrise and that first hour of daylight. After that it has been dead.
  6. Glad to still catch something in November. Perch fishing with a worm and bobber. Chain Pickerel on a moving bait.
  7. I have the Lew’s Custom Pro Speed Spin which is very much like the model you have. Both are aluminum framed spinning reels. The aluminum makes the reel rock solid but I agree with you a bit on the heavy side. Due to the weight I have been using the Lew’s Speed Spin series SS20HS more and more. The custom pro is a great spinning reel but there is something about the $59.99 speed spin that I love. As far as rods go my favorites have been my St Croix Triumph and Premier spinning rods and my Lew’s TP1 Black casting rods.
  8. Same here. My Garage is not insulated. At least the yak is out of direct sunlight and the elements. I was mine with either Dawn dishwashing liquid or car was soap before hanging up for the year.
  9. The whopper Plopper is my number 1 topwater bait. River Smallmouth love them. I have yet to catch a Largemouth on one.
  10. I see BG braid on Walmart and Amazon but not on Berkley’s website. Is it new? I would give it a try. The Big Game mono belongs in the fishing hall of fame.
  11. I will be hitting the banks for some Yellow Perch fishing. Hopefully some Smallmouth will show up as well.
  12. Got mine for $234 on a price match from DSG. Lowest price I ever found and I couldn’t pass it up. I have no regrets. Handles the occasional surprise 9 pound catfish like a dream. http://
  13. The 140 price for the pro LFS is $60 off of the MSRP. That’s a great price for a great reel. I would get one right now but I have a Pro TI I have used almost exclusively this season.
  14. I have a 2500 that is still in my rotation. Never had a problem with it. Truth be told I have never accidentally dunked it so I don’t know if it would bind. I also have a 1500 but it is my Dad’s and I won’t part with it.
  15. I couldn’t tell you. I haven’t had Crappie in decades and never had Walleye. Crazy I know for a Northern angler. I have not hooked one in a very, very, very long time. When I did it wasn’t a keeper.
  16. Yellow Perch are delicious and my favorite fresh water fish to eat.
  17. Sorry, I,stopped reading after this ?
  18. I do wholeheartedly agree with that. I for one am not a fan of Daiwa’s mag force braking system. That’s just me. Rereading the post if all we are talking about is braking systems, Lew’s has 3. Magnetic, dual and external adjustable centrifugal brakes. That again is easy to compare. I for one can use all three so my main concern is frame and secondary, the country of origin.
  19. I have pretty much the same kind. It’s on all the time in a kayak or when I am in my father in laws boat. Got it from Field and Stream DSG. http://
  20. The sea-bass you see on the menu should be Black Sea Bass or other member of the serranidae family of fish. Doubtful it is freshwater Bass. I only eat Bass that don’t survive catching and landing. Since I have gotten much better at not gut hooking fish and hook removal I can honestly say it’s been years since I have eaten Bass.
  21. I beg to disagree with The part about it’s hard to compare one Lew’s to another... On Lew’s baitcasters I compare: aluminum vs graphite frames Made in China vs Made in Korea. I read somewhere Lew’s KVD made in China, Lew’s Tournament MP made in Korea.
  22. RIP Sean Connery. Roger Moore was my James Bond but I did love Sean’s version. He will always be Juan Sanchez-Villalobos Ramirez in Highlander to me. “You have power beyond imagination. Use it well, my friend. Don’t lose your head.”
  23. I feel your pain. I took one of my cheap Lew’s spinning reels apart to grease. Figured it would be simple and if anything went wrong it would be Ok as it was a cheap Xfinity Walmart combo reel, good practice. Well the opening and greasing went fine. Putting it back together was a nightmare. Reminded me of buying a tent and trying to get everything back in the supplied bag. Never fits back in the way it was before you took it out. I eventually got everything back together and it works but I haven’t used it since. Can’t look at it the same way as before I tampered with it.
  24. Someone who knew I love to fish gave me a Cabelas gift card for my birthday. I had to fake my enthusiasm. I wound up buying waterproof boots on sale with it for bank fishing. It actually was a good gift.
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