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Everything posted by NYWayfarer

  1. What color is the blank underneath the black paint? If it’s white or a lighter color, I do the ole “you might be a redneck if you...” and take a black sharpie to it.
  2. I used to say “Fish on!” It has shortened to just, “Fish” over time. once it’s on the line it’s usually, “Please don’t jump”
  3. $59.99 Lew’s Speed Spin. I have 3 versions, 100, 200 and 300. A reel has to be exceptional IMO to buy more than 1. The only reel I have dupes of is the old Pflueger President with the wooden handle knobs. These Lew’s reels are light, strong and reliable. Broke my PB LMB and Chain Pickerel on the 300 version this year. I highly recommend it.
  4. I have been fortunate enough to speak with my local DSG store manager when I visit. I ask if he has any rods or combos that are not on display yet. I have scored many an unblemished rod or combo this way. It started when he got embarrassed because I inquired about a rod his store was supposed to be in stock but didn’t appear so. Come to find out it was in the “back” I was so happy he found it I forgave the ignorance. I use that experience to my advantage every time I go in that store.
  5. I agree after learning the hard way. I am diligent in examining rods and combos on the racks. I have found baitcaster combos missing cast control knobs, rods with cracked or missing guides and other horror stories. Anything you buy from a big box store should be looked over from tip to butt.
  6. This really burns me up when I see it. There has to be a better way to attach those security devices. Last Lew’s combo I bought the cashier had to turn the handle to be able to access the device to remove it. If she turned it one more crank I was going to say forget it and leave the store.
  7. I recommend The Fish Grip Junior. Usually in a bright color so you can spot it real quick when you need it. You can find it for under $15 on EBay.
  8. Guess I am off to the hardware store to buy some sandpaper. I use the popsicle-stick like a trowel when applying the cork and glue mixture. Never thought to sand it. Thanks.
  9. Same here. It might sound crazy to some but as long as I know I caught it and had some pictures and video to prove it I don’t need my name in a record book. It would be nice but not at the cost of a magnificent animal. If I could get that and keep the fish alive I would think about it. I used to carry a disposal camera in my tackle box before cellphones for taking pictures of fish catches. I can’t imagine life without my smartphone now.
  10. Good for you @NorcalBassin I took the same journey years ago. Used to be 280lbs I am now at 195lbs and have been for 5 years plus. My advice is to move more. You said your new job is sedentary. Something as little as walking in place while you watch a half hour TV show will help you in the long run. Especially when you combine it with watching your calorie intake. I got a fitness tracker and it changed my life. Maybe my love of video games in my younger days is partially responsible. I love closing those rings everyday. It’s like a living video game.
  11. My wife works at a local hospital. She received the first of 2 shots of the Moderna vaccine New Years Eve. No side effects thank goodness and she is doing fine. I am not worrried about me but I will sleep a lot easier when my parents get theirs. It will be awhile before my son and I get ours. As far as resolutions go mine is to change myself instead of trying to change others.
  12. I have not run across a pit or crack I had to sand yet. I seal my cork and wipe the handles down with a wet cloth after every trip. Keeps them clean looking.
  13. Sounds complicated. I take a wine cork and sandpaper it to get a pile of cork shavings. Mix that with wood glue and use a popsicle stick to apply it to the pits in the handle. When it dries I use cork sealer.
  14. I throw cranks on my Lew’s Tournament MB. They don’t make that reel anymore. It’s equivalent would be the Tournament MP or the Lew’s KVD reels. The KVD reels have a model with a special retrieve rate for cranks that Kevin himself requested.
  15. I have 3 Walmart exclusive Lew’s Laser HS rods, 2 spinning and 1 casting. For $29.99 they are a great deal. My only complaint would be the stainless steel guides with stainless steel inserts. For the price it’s a small complaint. The blanks should be fine for pitching.
  16. I used some of the gift cash I received to order a Lew’s LFS inshore reel today. Couldn’t pass up a sale I found online. This will be my first Lew’s reel with tThe P2 pinion bearing. I will be using it for kayak fishing and the occasional trips to Florida for fresh and saltwater fishing
  17. Had a beer, bud light with dinner and a glass of champagne, barefoot bubbly brut already to ring in the new year.
  18. Ask your therapist if he or she fishes if they say no then your assumption is correct. If they say they do fish then you can ask your question and trust the answer. I would say you can fish while you are in PT. Not the same as before but some fishing is better than none.
  19. I agree. I follow a simple rule, no voluntary surgeries, ever.
  20. All but the Black River. You learn something new everyday. NY is full of monsters it seems.
  21. Cash Flannel shirt Booze Candy Cologne Anglers 3 piece gift set (multi tool, filet knife, headlamp) Watch stand Batman bust more booze more cologne I guess folks know I like to smell good while drinking at home
  22. I fished Lake Champlain which supposedly has its own version of the Loch Ness monster named “Champy” If he was real the invasive Lamprey in that lake would have killed him by now...
  23. Good read A-Jay. A day of Bass fishing for me typically starts with my mind in stage 3 and 4. If I am not catching anything on my preferred method my mind shifts to stage 1 as I change lures to see what works. When they start biting my mind changes to stage 2 If I see a young angler struggling or my own son is with me my mind goes immediately to stage 5 And last but not least if the Bass are not biting on any given day my mind goes to “stage zero” I will fish for Sunfish or anything else that bites instead to avoid going home skunked.
  24. Merry Christmas everyone!
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