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Everything posted by NYWayfarer

  1. I have had 4 Hyundai Elantras over the years. I do regular maintenance and have had over 150,000 miles on them before trading them in for a new one. My current model is a 2016 with 80k my old one has 130,000 miles on it and is my son’s current vehicle. over the last 20 years I have had the Accent, 2 Santa Fe’s and currently a Tucson. I have no complaints about Hyundai.
  2. Shimano Nasci would be my choice
  3. Blue packaging reminds me of the old Kinami baits they used to sell.
  4. Nothing screams old man drink to me more than “Tom Collins” “Highball” “Seven and Seven” or Whiskey Sour. My favorite whiskey, Black Velvet, is an old man drink. George Burns was on the advertisements.
  5. Fenwick Eagle rod with a Shimano Sienna reel.
  6. SLX DC Curado DC Vanford Nasci Sierra and lots of old spinning reels TX Syncopate Slade Sedona
  7. I have mastered this technique. I have used wits, subterfuge and trickery to get out of most scraps in my life.
  8. Slap Ya Mama is my seasoning of choice.
  9. Skin Bracer smells like Vanilla and Mint. Nothing like what I think Jack would smell like. I imagine he smelled like leather, smoke and tobacco. I like fresh, clean scents. My favorite is Curve Crush for men.
  10. Green tea shots. Jameson, peach schnapps and sprite.
  11. I have returned to my ready edge Cold Steel knife seen in this pic with the blue handle. I had a Cuda knife with a plastic sheath. Lost the knife still have the sheath…
  12. I fish a stretch of the Hudson river in NY state 10 minutes from my house. My best 5 are between the 4 and a half to 3 pound range both from shore and kayak. If I had a boat with a motor I could do some damage both to the Smallie population and my wallet.
  13. Much love and envy for my southern fishing brethren. As a northerner that doesn’t and won’t ice fish I will have to wait a long time to contribute to this thread.
  14. Fixed my original post. Thanks.
  15. I was the obnoxious sleeper until I got a CPAP. I lost a boatload of weight and dropped below 200lbs so no need for. CPAP for me. It’s my motivation to stay at a healthy weight. My wife has been diagnosed with sleep apnea. She wears the CPAP now. No cure for hogging 75% of the bed has been invented. Until then I won’t be a happy sleeper
  16. Pullover. I buy a brand I found on Amazon called Bassdash. Great fleece water repellent hoodies with a built in fleece face mask for $40. I have Under Armour hoodies for twice the price that are the same quality.
  17. Dog person here as well. If House-cats grew any bigger we would be on the menu.
  18. Happy Thanksgiving!!
  19. I need only 2 things to be happy with my Turkey at Thanksgiving, Green Bean Casserole and Ocean Spray jellied cranberry sauce. Washed it down with a Sam Adams Winter lager.
  20. Temps make no difference to me. I can usually catch Bass out of my local river until late October. Then I switch to Fishing for Perch and Pickerel. I usually stop fishing late December and pick it back up in April. This year I hung it up in early November. The stretch of river is not the same since they put the water back in after lowering it 8ft early summer.
  21. We went to visit my Dad, our Veteran, yesterday.Brought him a bagel, cream cheese and lox breakfast as he recovers from his recent hernia surgery. Iggy was waiting to salute him when he came downstairs. She was his personal parade around the house as well.
  22. Spa day Sunday. Bath and nails clipped. The look she gave my wife says “How long you going to make me wear this bandana?” This is the look when she found out she has to wear it until Halloween is over ?
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