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Everything posted by NYWayfarer

  1. I had one on as a chatter bait trailer. I cast, took a phone call while letting it sit there. When I started to reel it in to cast it out I realized there was a Smallmouth Bass on the line.
  2. Z-man TRD in green pumpkin. Tiny Child Rigged was responsible for 3 PB species in 2020 LMB, Channel Cat and Chain Pickerel
  3. I watch Roland’s YouTube channel. He still got the influence on me. I was very close to buying the Favorite Pro Series rod he was raving about and the Cush’ it thing he had on the end of it. I had to slap myself to snap back into reality and put my wallet away.
  4. Jerkbait. 2021 is the year of the jerkbait for me.
  5. I was thinking about this thread a lot today. I realized in my day the influencer was Roland Martin. It worked. The Great American Fisherman influenced me to buy the helicopter lure after I watched an infomercial of him catching a gator on one.
  6. I just have internet service and a couple of streaming services. I use my Roku and watch my cable TV app.
  7. Are you talking about the WM Signature Series reel or the WM Shooter reel. Both are the same price but the Shooter is neon green and blue. The OP has the signature series reel.
  8. I would recommend the Lew’s Speed Spin SS10HS at 7.4 oz it’s heavier than the Wally Marshall but a much better reel. You will notice the difference I promise. Its what I use on my St Croix Avid medium light action rod for Perch and Panfish. Still handles the occasional Pickerel and Smallmouth just fine as well. Comparing a Lew’s anything and a Shimano was not going to end well.
  9. I agree 100% Tyler is a great kid and a good role model for young men. His channel is informative and not full of silly challenges (full disclosure, I enjoy these from time to time) He does have sponsorships but he is not so in your face with them the whole video. The only other channel that comes to mind as a healthy option for young folks would be Debo’s Fishing. He has no sponsors I know of so no influence other than a love of fishing and the desire to pass that on. Growing up my influencers were my Dad and Grandfather (Mom’s side) I would be hard pressed to remember a time when these two didn’t have a cigarette dangling from their mouth and a beer in their hand, sometimes while driving a boat or car. My dad quit smoking and got lucky he didn’t kill himself behind the wheel. My Grandfather died of a complication during lung cancer surgery. I don’t smoke, never have and when I enjoy a drink it’s at home or when someone who isn’t drinking has the car or boat keys. I was influenced by these great men but I had the common sense to know even the people I looked up to had faults. The easiest ways to combat these influencers effects on your kids is to not be influenced yourself. In my house my wife and I are not into social media in the least. We don’t post pictures of every little thing we do on Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, etc. Our son is the same. We all have friends that must do something every free minute and post it so the whole world sees their amazing life. Must be exhausting if you ask me.
  10. I refused to get skunked. I will catch a minnow to tell my wife I caught something when I get home.
  11. I lived in NY my whole life. Brooklyn and Staten Island. Shortly after 9/11 my son was born and I moved my family upstate near the place I vacationed almost every year when I was young. This area is much different weather, snow instead of rain and cooler nights, even in the summer than the sweltering city. We have a few months a year where you don’t need to turn on the heat or air conditioner. Don’t worry much about tornadoes, earthquakes, wildfires, floods, hurricanes, bugs, gators or poisonous snakes. The only thing I don’t like is the December-February times when anything other than ice fishing is possible. November and March suck as well for fishing most years up here for Bass anyway. There are plenty of winter activities to enjoy. Skating, snowmobiling, tubing skiiing and hockey. We have friends and relatives in Florida and my In-Laws have a timeshare in Tennessee we love visiting. I would consider moving south however my wife hates the heat and my job is tied to the state.
  12. When I was a kid and got a new toy I used to put the toy to the side and play with the box.
  13. That fish has a bad case of Ick!
  14. Going to be fun commuting to work tomorrow morning with the snow, sleet, rain mix falling overnight. Praying for a delayed opening for the job tomorrow.
  15. Get an Oscar Cichlid instead. A 75 gallon tank will only be a temporary home for a Largemouth Bass. It will eventually outgrow it and you will have to get a bigger tank or release it. Releasing it brings a whole new set of worries for the fish, environment and local law.
  16. I love breakfast as well. I am a creature of habit so 90% of the time my breakfast is a bowl of plain old fashion oats with a table spoon of peanut butter and a table spoon of real maple syrup. The other 10% of the time I grill up some pancakes or make an omelette.
  17. I live less than a 10 minute drive from my favorite fishing spot on the Hudson River.
  18. Big Fishing A frustrated son tries to determine the fact from fiction in his dying fathers fishing tales of multiple 15 pound Bass catches.
  19. Fight Clubbing. “The first rule of fight clubbing is I am a dancer not a fighter” Tyler Durdin after dancing like Tony Manero. The Breakfast Clubbing What you do at a diner after a night at Fight Clubbing I thought the plot was more like magical school kids make a bong out of a magical artifact...
  20. This is true. I remember decades ago buying a Shimano TX series in Walmart for a fraction of what I pay for reels now. It was worlds apart from the Shakespeare and Zebco reels I had used before.
  21. I like option 1 The President used to be one of my favorite spinning reels. Mine has a wooden knob on the aluminum handle. Sadly they are not built like they used to be anymore. My current favorite spinning reel is the $59 Lew’s Speed Spin SS20HS I have this reel in the 10-30 sizes I like them so much.
  22. No Academy up in the Northeast either. It’s the one chain I wish would move here. Kastking is going to start selling some of their stuff there this year. It will be the first time folks can actually handle a rod or reel of theirs before buying. I think folks will be surprised by the Crixus Armor X baitcasting reel.
  23. LOL! True but my office might frown on me carrying my Mossy Oak Bowie knife to work.
  24. I learned my lesson after leaving my expensive Buck knife behind on a shore excursion. My new motto was carry a cheap knife fishing with a bright colored handle that catches the eye. Hard to misplace or forget that way. Oh and I agree with you on back pocket carry knives or anything really. Asking for rear or back problems that way for uneven sitting. Used to carry a fat bi-fold wallet. Ouch! Now it’s minimalist front pocket wallets for me.
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