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Everything posted by NYWayfarer

  1. I use a net for pike and big pickerel when kayak fishing. Landing them is no joke. They often thrash around so much and love to smack against my kayak dislodging my lure. When I hook into one it’s usually a 50/50 shot at getting it in the net and kayak.
  2. I finally got my Dick’s Sporting Goods $50 scorecard reward from when I bought my kayak last month. I wanted to buy a rod to pair up with my Lew’s LFS Inshore Speed Spool I purchased over the holiday season. I chose to get a St Croix Bass X 7’1 Medium Fast action on Friday. I took it out today while Trout fishing for no other reason than to try out the new combo. I tied on a #4 Vibrax in line spinner on 10# Big Game mono and was shocked to catch a couple of Brook Trout. Broke in the new combo just right.
  3. Trout season still in full swing. I have caught a limit of Brook Trout 3 times since the season opener. Today I was catch and release fishing. I did end up giving some of the Trout I caught to some fisherman that were not as fortunate as I was. Caught 9 before I went back to my car and got my new baitcaster combo. I tied on a 3/8oz Vibrax in-line spinner and caught 2 more. Then I caught what I believe is the NY state record crawfish ?
  4. I prefer cork, Winn, foam in that order.
  5. I love music. Any kind of music. I love music, just as long as it’s grooving. And just as long as it’s not while I am fishing.
  6. Earth Wind & Fire - September Jackson 5 - I want you back Journey - Seperate Ways Neil Diamond - Sweet Caroline Tavares - It only takes a minute girl and more than a woman Don McLean - American Pie Ace Frehley - New York Groove
  7. Stand while shore fishing. I have a sit in kayak that doesn’t give the option to stand. Boat fishing depends on the boat. If I can stand I will stand.
  8. I have the exact same reel and I paired it with a Lew’s TP1 Black rod. Runs $129.99 great rod and looks fantastic with the Pro TI Cheaper than thatI would recommend: St Croix Triumph $99 Lew’s Speed Stick $79 Falcon HD $69
  9. Trout season opened early this year in NY April 1st catch and release for me today. Brook Trout were stocked in the area I was fishing on March 31st. Saturday’s session was miserable until I figured what they wanted second time I went out. A Gold colored spoon cast deep and let it free fall until it hit bottom. Ripped it up then let it fall again. Luckily it was a snag free zone. Caught 2 and lost one at the bank. This morning I returned and caught what would have been a 5 fish limit plus 1 and a Pickerel.
  10. Ice free this weekend except on my guides.
  11. Like others have said overfilled reel. They tend to overfill at the store when you have them put on line. You should be able to see some room between the line and the lip of your reel. That’s a proper line fill.
  12. Looks like the Ike series of reels from Abu Garcia
  13. Tylers Reel Fishing. The young man loves fishing and teaching folks how to fish. It’s definitely his job as well. I think he does video production work for Strike King. The Kings of Bass series.
  14. Why? Because I’ll try anything once to see if it’s the next GYBC Senko. So far I tried: Rattlin’ Ned. It won’t replace my Z-Man TRD’s Krackin Craw. It won’t replace my Baby Rage Craws. It will do as a substitute if they are cheaper on sale or they are out of Rage Craws. Blooper. It won’t replace my Rebel Pop-R’s I will be trying the Rattlin Chunk and the Revolver sometime this year.
  15. Got my first shot of the Pfizer vaccine today. I was able to get an earlier appointment.
  16. I am blessed with clear water a short walk or drive around me. When I see water like that it is down river and I immediately think Catfish. Have you pulled any big cats out of that stuff?
  17. It’s great stuff when you consider the price. I agree with the statements above and rank it higher than P-Line, Vanish and Stren Fluorocast all of which I have tried.
  18. Cookies and whiskey, two of my favorite things in life. Not together though ?
  19. Last fish of last year was a Chain Pickerel. First fish of 2021 is a Chain Pickerel. Picking up where I left off. Gloomy, drizzle 39 degree morning today. Water temps in the high 40’s at the local pond.
  20. Lake Champlain and the Hudson River north of Albany have Channel Catfish. https://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/77432.html
  21. I am North of the Capital region of NY. The reservoir by my house still has ice covering it. That place is usually the last to thaw in the spring. The Hudson River main river cleared of ice this week there is still some ice in the streams. Local pond is ice free. Have not been to Lake George to know if it is ice free yet.
  22. Thanks! Out of the box and on the gear track view.
  23. New Kayak needed some new upgrades New Scotty Rod Holder Deeper Sonar Kayak bundle. Includes the Deeper Pro unit and the flexible mount version 2.0 Papa, mama and baby bear Whopper Ploppers. The Baby is new. Assorted Berkley baits on sale at Ollie’s I’m ready if the weather would cooperate!
  24. DSG has a spring fishing sale. Buy 4 get one free Strike King soft baits. Bought 5 bags of Rage Baby Craws today.
  25. Mom got her second shot Friday. She is doing fine. NY made anyone 50+ eligible to get vaccinated Tuesday at 8am I made my appointment, it’s for April 15th
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