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Everything posted by NYWayfarer

  1. Fluorokote sinks. I did treat mine with KVD line and lure and have no issues with line memory. Being part copolymer I would think even untreated the memory would be less than mono.
  2. I have had great success with the pumpkin pepper/green flake. Other than that I like: Green Pumpkin Morning Dawn Watermelon seed I have a pack of Carolina Pumpkin/Chartruese and Tinfoil I am going to try out this summer.
  3. Looks like a Kayak and a Jet-ski had a baby.
  4. In no particular order: Senkos Yum Dingers Biospawn Exostick Pro Strike King Ocho
  5. 3" Yum dingers work great. Use the O ring and a small Wacky style hook. Downsizing the Dinger will catch more fish. You will get smaller fish but the law of averages has shown me that more fish means you will have more chances to hook a big one.
  6. 1) Bobber rig is perfect for young kids. It's like a real life video game. When the bobber goes under reel in a fish! Kids love it. 2) Berkley makes great bait to substitute for real worms. I like the Gulp 1" minnows, Pinched crawlers, Maggots and Crickets. They come in jars with stinky juice, don't let them spill or you will regret it. 3) Hook them anywhere. Try and hide the hook as much as you can. 4) Cast the worm out, leave it for a bit. If no action reel in a bit and leave it for a bit. Once you have reeled all the way back to you cast it out again and repeat process. 5) That hook is fine. The smaller the hook, the more likely a panfish will swallow it. Nothing ruins an outing more for kids than a fish that dies from a swallowed hook.
  7. My dad introduced me to bass fishing as a toddler thru my teen years. My interest was rekindled in the 90's while watching Roland Martin's show. My friend and I would plan weekend trips to whatever body of water we could find to drop a line for bass. "Posted" was our least favorite word in the English language at that time.
  8. The Detective hairs on the back of my neck are standing up. Sounds like the OP let his girl read this thread...
  9. Like Bluebasser86 said it has all the light reflecting quality of fluorocarbon. It's as invisible as its going to get without magic. I have not been able to catch finicky trout on anything less than 4lb mono line. With the Fluorokote I have been able to go with stronger line and still be able to catch them. Knot strength has been great. I have tied a Palomar knot with no problem. I caught several Pickerel before having to re-tie my line. Normally their teeth shred through stuff. I treated the line with KVD L&L and line memory has not been an issue.
  10. I highly recommend this line. On 8lb line I have caught Trout as it is invisible to them. Bass and toothy Pickerel have been no problem. Strong, invisible and low cost. This is my kind of line
  11. Check Craig's list. I did regularly until I found what I was looking for. A canoe in the $200 range. Found a Pelican Explorer for $200 in decent shape. Bought some foam block car top kit. I am hoping my son and I can get it on the roof this summer. Good luck with your search
  12. I helped you out with a like. Do you win something if your post count and rep are almost the same number
  13. To complete the trifecta of women to stay away from I have to ask the following question: Does she have any friends? If the answer is no, I say run away, run as fast and as far away as you can. No hobbies, needy and no friends. If I wanted to set you up with a girl and I gave you this list as what you could expect would you still want to meet this girl? I know all of this might sound jarring and a bit harsh but it's common sense. I find that common sense solutions often sound that way. If she does have friends it would be good to suggest that on days you go fishing she should do something with them rather than sit at home.
  14. It has been and continues to be cold, windy and rainy here. I checked the advanced forecast and next week looks dismal. Guess I have to be happy for the few days over the past 3 weeks that I was able to get out fishing. Memorial Day is coming and with it comes the consistent 70+ degree days of Spring I am used to.
  15. I rage over tangles that are bad enough to be cut and retied. Nothing I hate more than having to retie a rig on a boat in the wind with my eyesight. Funniest rage story I have is when a group of my friends went fishing. The driver hit a pothole and our bucket of minnows went flying and overturned spilling water and minnows everywhere. The guy whose lap it was in was raging but the drivers rage was even better. It seems for weeks after that trip his car would have problems starting from time to time. A costly trip to the mechanic for a diagnostic revealed that a minnow had somehow got under his mat and was laying right on his cut-off switch. Once the mummified minnow was extracted the truck had no more issues.
  16. I never knew that the Flat Dawgs were salt impregnated. I have an unused bag of them sitting around. I say unused because after I purchased them I realized there is nothing on the packaging that mentioned if these baits contain salt or scent. When I opened the bag all I got was a plastic smell so I put them on the back burner bait bag. If they do contain salt it's good to know. I will have to try them on one of my next outings.
  17. I agree. I notice my line on my spinning gear is more manageable with the KVD stuff. You can fish without it but it helps.
  18. Reel covers and rod jackets for me now. Before that I would wrap a towel around my reel before putting it in my trunk.
  19. I have decided to keep a fishing log this year. My goal is to go fishing at least once a week. So far I have had 11 outings. On 4 of those trips I got skunked. I have a total of 27 fish caught so far. I have caught a total of 5 different species. Biggest fish caught was a 2lb Largemouth Bass. I expect the numbers and quality to go up once I get my canoe registered and on the water.
  20. I do love those Yum warning shots and sharpshooters. They are cheaper versions of the Strike King DS half shell and Roboworm respectively. Work pretty good as well. I spike them with some scent to up their game. Another bait that would be a go to DS for me would be the Strike King Dream Shot. If they weren't so fragile they might out do the Roboworm for me. Also BioSpawn Plasma Tails are excellent DS bait.
  21. Love hiking, hate ticks. I do all my hiking on my treadmill while watching outdoor vids on youtube.
  22. Jigs, small (trout magnet) and large (crawfish style) and Flukes.
  23. For me if fishing it from a bank I will cast it out lift it off the bottom, let it drop, reel in a little, repeat till it is back to me. I cast it in all directions and if nothing bites I move and do it all over again. It can also be cast and retrieved at various speeds to get the tail action going.
  24. My dad and his friend used to own a jon boat with a trolling motor. They would put it on top of his friends Gremlin and take me to a state park to fish one of the lakes there when I was ten years old. We did that for three summers back then. We used to catch Sunnies on worms and floats. One day we saw a guy with a stringer of 2-3lb Bass and my dad asked him where in the lake he got them. The man informed us that he was around when the lake was real low due to drought and saw all the structure Bass like to hide in. He wouldn't tell us where though. Never did get many Bass from there and certainly not the size we saw. I would love to go back to that lake then knowing what I know now about Bass fishing and catch all the 2 and 3lbers that lake had to offer.
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