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Everything posted by NYWayfarer

  1. Holiday weekends are times to fish out of the way places to avoid the insane amount of boat traffic. For me it was a matter of getting on the river early. Once there I knew everyone would be going left from the dock so I went right.
  2. I know I am. I Just broke a brand new rod by getting it caught in a door as it closed. Didn't realize it until I got to the river and took off the rod sleeve. It was a $40 rod I got on clearance for $15 so I wasn't to upset. Now think if that was a Steez...my blood pressure would have went high enough for them to hospitalize me for sure. While fear of accidental breakage is not a great reason for not choosing the finer things in life it's good enough for me.
  3. Sorry, I was trying to point out the reason the money and ad issue has spread to the fishing channels.
  4. My favorite hot dogs are Boars Head. I also have a soft spot in my heart for Kahn's hot dogs. Those are the ones I used to get at Shea Stadium when I went to see the NY Mets play.
  5. A lot of the fishing channels are intertwined with gun channels. I have seen Lunkers, Flair, Lake Fork Guy and Jon B all shooting guns and hunting on their fishing videos.
  6. I fished the Hudson River past exit 18 on the Northway with my Father in-law Sunday. Out on the water at 6am. Fishing was slow to start. First bite was at 9:20am, a big Chain Pickerel which shook the hook at the boat before we could net it. First fish was caught at 9:35am and we stayed out until 2:30pm. Total of 10 fish caught, 9 Smallmouth Bass and 1 Chain Pickerel. We fished the same area last year and had days where we caught anywhere from 20 to 50 fish a trip. I am hoping the action will pick up in the weeks to come.
  7. In the old days we would say "you started it." Will Smith would have said "Don't start nothing, won't be nothing."
  8. I had success this weekend throwing weightless stick baits while drifting along the shoreline. While the boat was drifting down the shore I would get multiple catches as the Smallies were attacking anything that looked like food that floated past them. Top water baits of any kind on this kind of drift would have worked as well. The way the smallmouth were surfacing for top water insects made it a fly fisherman's dream out there.
  9. I also have the Vexilar T-pod Sonarphone. I did some research and the Vexilar is a better item than the I Bobber. The Vexilar uses a wifi signal rather than the I Bobber's Bluetooth connection. The sonar readout of the Vexilar actually looks like any sonar readout from a traditional fishfinder unlike the I Bobbers unique screen image.
  10. The issue stems from advertisers bailing on Youtube as there was no way of knowing what videos their ads would show in. For example a Disney ad could pop up during a Lunkers TV video where he is night hunting hogs in Texas or him hanging out with Outlaw chewing tobacco. Not exactly the videos Disney would endorse. The Googan Squad seems to have countered this by partnering with Dollar Shave Club. They endorse DSC products during their videos and the ads that pop up are from DSC.
  11. Fenwick Eagle or Daiwa Jupiter (Walmart exclusive) Both sell for around $60
  12. Drop shot for sure. Small stick baits would be great on a ML rod. Also Trout Slayers, they aren't just for trout.
  13. I find this to be true. I reapply my oil of lemon eucalyptus bug spray every half hour to be the most effective.
  14. Depends on how you look at it. If I think about the money I spent on cheap pliers over the last 20 years it probably adds up to $500 That kind of money spent on something that lasts that long seems like a good investment.
  15. I agree with all of this. I would add that if you are getting strikes but no commitments downsize the bait. I will start with a 5" stick bait then go down to 4" and eventually 3" using a small wacky or mosquito hook. Big bass will hit a smaller bait. Yum Dingers are great bait in shallow waters as their fall rate is so slow. Keep a semi slack line and be prepared for the hit on the drop. Green pumpkin color works great in clear water.
  16. Can't wait to see the Sharky III!
  17. I would suggest the Fenwick Eagle but I think the best you can get for 2 piece casting rods would be a 6'6" Medium Fast action. At $60 its the perfect balance of cost and quality.
  18. I have a Vexilar T-pod I got for less than $100 on sale. The ultimate in portability. I can cast it out on heavy rod and line and reel it in bank fishing or tie a rope on it and drag it behind my canoe. Best of all it sends the sonar readings to my smartphone.
  19. I use the Buck 732 fin x-tract. Pliers, scissors, knife and screwdrivers. I like the fact that all the tools on it can be opened with one hand. The other great thing about it is the knife is pretty beefy unlike most multi-tools.
  20. I carry the Buck 732 fin X-tract multi-tool. Pliers, knife, scissors, flat and phillips screwdrivers. All tools can be opened with one hand. Best of all its priced under $40 Comes with a case and sharpening stone.
  21. Funny what people get curious about on a fishing forum short list would be parties, weddings and date nights with the wife.
  22. For years I used Mono for everything. That's because that was what I first used and it was all I knew. I use different lines for different techniques now. By watching Roland Martin on TV I discovered Spiderwire Braid. Reading these forums helped me understand the difference between braid, mono, and fluro.
  23. I am happy this subject came up. I am the person, you know the one, who when at a backyard gathering has black flies and mosquitos flocking to them. My friend actually used to joke that he would stand by me as I was attracting all the bugs so he was safe from them. I also swell up from most of these bites so I take my insect repellent seriously. After doing some research I realized that the best way to stay bug free is to "layer" your defense. I start with soap that has eucalyptus oil and peppermint oil in it. both are natural insect repellents. I use shampoo with tea tree oil another natural insect repellent. Other soaps, body washes and shampoos contain scents that can actually attract insects. My cologne wasn't helping so I ditched that and only wear it on special occasions. The best bug spray in the world is not going to work if you go out of the house reeking of Polo, Cool Water or Drakkar! For bug spray I use the Fairy Tales brand I found when my son was younger and I was trying to avoid using anything with DEET on him. Their Bug Bandit spray contains a lot of the essential oils I mentioned above plus citronella. I also use their Rosemary Repel hair conditioning spray. Its basically bug spray for your hair. Sometimes I will use Deep Woods Off Sportsman if I need maximum protection. Usually when I know there are ticks about. I am happily bug free in the hot summer months using this method.
  24. We get spoiled here on BassResource.com seeing all these toads being caught. Then we go out and it's nothing but the usual 1 pounders we can catch all day up North. Its a fish like you got that makes all those days worth it though. Congrats on your new PB!
  25. Congrats on your new PB! That's a pair of fish most anglers only see in their dreams. I know I do
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