I am happy this subject came up.
I am the person, you know the one, who when at a backyard gathering has black flies and mosquitos flocking to them. My friend actually used to joke that he would stand by me as I was attracting all the bugs so he was safe from them. I also swell up from most of these bites so I take my insect repellent seriously.
After doing some research I realized that the best way to stay bug free is to "layer" your defense. I start with soap that has eucalyptus oil and peppermint oil in it. both are natural insect repellents. I use shampoo with tea tree oil another natural insect repellent.
Other soaps, body washes and shampoos contain scents that can actually attract insects. My cologne wasn't helping so I ditched that and only wear it on special occasions. The best bug spray in the world is not going to work if you go out of the house reeking of Polo, Cool Water or Drakkar!
For bug spray I use the Fairy Tales brand I found when my son was younger and I was trying to avoid using anything with DEET on him. Their Bug Bandit spray contains a lot of the essential oils I mentioned above plus citronella. I also use their Rosemary Repel hair conditioning spray. Its basically bug spray for your hair.
Sometimes I will use Deep Woods Off Sportsman if I need maximum protection. Usually when I know there are ticks about.
I am happily bug free in the hot summer months using this method.