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Everything posted by NYWayfarer

  1. Crocs when I am kayak fishing. Waterproof boots and long pants no matter what the temp when fishing from shore. One case of poison ivy or oak on the feet and legs while wearing sneakers and shorts was a lesson not soon forgotten.
  2. Another vote for the no music on the lake crowd. The sound of nature is the music I want to hear when I am on the water.
  3. Ditto. I found the most success with it when I used a Yum Swim'n Dinger.
  4. I agree. I want the fish to survive so it's a quick as possible landing, photo and release for me.
  5. I like options. I always have a spinning and baitcasting setup with me when I am on the water. My spinning setups are mostly for drop shot and ned rigs while Bass fishing and light weight lures for pan fishing. Baitcaster setups are for everything else. Crankbaits, topwater, Texas and wacky rigged worms, etc.
  6. Not true. Facebook is the Debil...
  7. I love the strike king coffee scented baits. The thing I love is the smell, it covers up just about anything. I don't notice any difference in the numbers I catch when using it.
  8. I put a $100 of mad money aside for Black Friday every year as I know there is a deal that I don’t want to pass up. My my goal is not to spend double that on everything I want. I almost succeeded this year. Almost...
  9. I did something I promised myself I would never do. I went shopping on Thanksgiving Day. I hate that store are open that day. Normally my wife and I host Thanksgiving but since my dad is out of commission with a leg injury I had to travel to see him and Field and Stream just happened to be on the way. It it was a case where I knew what I wanted so I made a beeline there and right to the register. It was a quick in and out operation. They were having a $500 gift card giveaway at 8PM to all that arrived at 6PM so the place was packed. The line to check out wasn’t that bad at 7pm when I was there. Not something I plan on repeating though.
  10. *shocked* didn’t know Berkley made reels! as others have said upgrade to a Pflueger President or a Kastking Sharky 2 and enjoy fishing. Those are workhorse reels that should stand up to whatever you throw at them
  11. It was a good Black Friday. Field and Stream had a deal where you buy a Denali AttaX rod at full price and get a Denali Zenyx crankbait rod ($99) for free with coupons and dicks cash I was able to get the AttaX for $80 and the Zenyx for free. I also took advantage of the Kastking lightning deals. I got a Sharky 2 3000 and a Centron 3000 for $40 total for both reels. Lighting deal plus the amazon rewards credit card helped get this low price.
  12. Yes. My season was over on October 22nd The area I launch my kayak closes on Oct 30th but RL issues kept me from launching after Oct 22nd. After that I would have to travel a good distance to kayak fish anywhere close. The weather in northern NY turned real fast. From 60’s and 70’s to 30’s overnight in early November. I have hung it up for the year. It was a good one and I know next year will be better as it will be the first year I have a kayak the whole year. I look foward ward to spring 2018 and live vicariously though my Bassresource southern brothers.
  13. Nice video and awesome description. Bucket list place to visit for sure
  14. Yes. I downsized what I carry and I still carry to much.
  15. Same thing happened to me when I tried a new combo after using Ugly Sticks almost exclusively. Ugly Sticks have their place if you like a rod with a mushy tip. Like @Bluebasser86 says they are great for catfishing. I use my Ugly Stick with a baitfeeder reel and cut bait for Channel Cats.
  16. Field and Stream has the performance series for $38 https://www.fieldandstreamshop.com/p/wright-mcgill-skeet-reese-performance-series-spinning-rod-17wmcuskt16d6ft10roda/17wmcuskt16d6ft10roda
  17. Used to love that about Pflueger reels. My Supreme, President and Trion reels all came with a spare aluminum spool. The spare spool didn't have any cutouts to reduce weight but they were aluminum.
  18. My Kastking Mela 2 came with a spare graphite spool. At $30 It's way under your price range though.
  19. 4th vote for the Strike King red eye shad.
  20. That would help... I have a sit in kayak with an ergo-design seat. It's fine for me now but it wasn't at first. I realized it was my PFD causing the issues and not the seat. The PFD was the full upper body design and it forced me to sit a bit to far forward which caused pain after awhile. Once I switched to a self-inflating kind with an open back I was able to sit in the seat like it was intended. I can Kayak all day with no discomfort now.
  21. Hope you didn't take offense to my post, the winky face was there to avoid that. By the above quote, it sounds like you have it all figured out. Money is the cause of a lot of anxiety and problems for many couples. When one person is a spender and the other is a saver, they have issues with excuses and permission. When both people are spenders...yikes! If both are savers, well they die leaving their kids a lot of money.
  22. You must not be married
  23. If they last too long there is no excuse to go out and buy a new reel!
  24. When I am hungry I get my fish from where God intended us to get our fish...the supermarket! Joking I am strictly catch and release. I fish for the sport and I am the only one in my household that likes to eat fish. I am also too lazy to clean them so back they go after being caught. My fishing partner however does take a few Bass now and then to eat. I see nothing wrong with obeying the laws and legal limits when it comes to taking fish to eat.
  25. The Jets are just good enough to be annoying. Annoying to teams that take them lightly and annoying to us fans who were expecting them to tank this season for a high draft pick! As it stands the Giants will get a better draft pick than the Jets, never saw that coming.
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