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Everything posted by NYWayfarer

  1. Had my first at 50 As @Sam mentioned prep isn't too bad. Just fasting and drinking some stuff to "cleanse" They found some polyps and removed them during mine. No pain during or after. They want to see me back every 3 years, which will be next year. Get it done! My mother in-law almost waited too long and had to have part of her colon removed. She has one of these every year to make sure it hasn't returned.
  2. Interesting. I will have to try the pink. I had heard similar things about red line being hard to see in shallow water (3' or less) due to where the color red falls in the spectrum. I bought Cajun red line back then after performing my own experiment at home in my aquarium. I used a red flashlight to observe my catfishes nocturnal habits. In a completely dark room with only the red flashlight he would come out of hiding and swim around. Pull the red lens off and expose the fish to white light and he swam for cover. I can't say the red line helped me catch anymore fish though.
  3. Last year I had 1or 2 outings by now. At this rate March looks like it’s goimg to be a no fishing month
  4. I have extremely clear water in my area rivers and lakes so I green pumpkin the heck out off all my soft plastics
  5. I find myself reaching for the 4” more often. I have a mix of Smallmouth and Largemouth in the river I Kayak on. The 4” is the perfect size to catch both.
  6. Walmart clearance isle finds: Mustad EWG hooks 3/0 and 5/0 size $1 a pack Gamakatsu EWG hooks 3/0 size $1 a pack Berkley Skinny Cutter 110 $3 each Strike King red eye shad $3 each (sexy shad, bleeding shad and red craw) $3 each Vicious Fluorocarbon line 8lb $5 a spool Berkley Fireline 10lb $5 a spool Berkley Squarebull 3.5 (red craw) $3 each Strike King red eye mini king spinner bait $1 each
  7. Thanks for this!
  8. I picked up that same pack. Baits look great and use the new Berkley fusion hooks I really like. I am also in a waiting and holding pattern with the weather. Can't wait to get out and throw these lures.
  9. I order line from Ebay, the seller in this case is the manufacturer so it is the reel line and at a great discount. I have ordered some reels as well. I agree with others and stick with sellers with good ratings. Even then beware the words "brand new" are subject to interpretation. A floor model is technically brand new but has been handled. I bought a reel that has a retail price of $99.99 for $75 and it had some cosmetic scuffs. The matte paint job of this particular reel didn't help matters. In the end it wasn't enough to warrant a return as the reel performs well in all other areas. Do like the rest of the free world now days. Go to the brick and mortar handle all the reels you want. Find one you like and go home and order it online way cheaper. Or find a store with a price match guarantee and get the brick and mortar to meet that price.
  10. Shorter rods 6’-6’10” when Kayaking Longer Rods 7’+ when bank fishing unless there are low hanging trees
  11. My vote is for the Abu Garcia Vengeance. Medium action is a great all around rod.
  12. It’s probably just me but I am not a big fan of ordering rods through the mail. The shipping process of such a fragile item worries me. The potential for theft is high as rods don’t exactly fit in your mail box. That is what has kept me from ordering one of the Perigee II or any of the Kastking rods before. Well we planned our summer vacation and I will be able to fish some places I have always wanted to. I need some travel rods so I bit the bullet and ordered both spinning and casting Perigee II Rods. They are the two piece kind and I like that they come with 2 tips each, a med action and a med/hvy action. I also like that those tips have a lifetime warranty, the handle section has a 1 year warranty. The pieces have a spigot connection which says it gives the rod a one piece feel when connected. Being an Kastking inner circle member I got a 20% off deal on both so in total I paid $90 I will let everyone know my take on them when I receive them. I have high hopes as Kastking always surprises me as their quality is usually better than their price implies.
  13. This year my Ned rig rod and line of choice will be a 7’ med action Denali AtaX rod with a reel spooled with 8lb Kastking Fluorokote line. After catching some fish over 3 pounds on the Ned rig it was time to retire my Med light rods and line below 8lbs.
  14. If you are fishing from a kayak, my choice would be the Black, Fate. That neon green color can be seen from miles away. No chance a boater will not see you on the water with one of those in your hand or rod holder.
  15. I take two, but I am going to start taking 3. 2 will go in the holders and one in the cockpit with me. I have a DIY crate but it doesn't fit properly on the back of my kayak. When I do take it I have a total of 5 rod holders , 3 on the crate and 2 built in.
  16. I would say we agree totally, not somewhat. I wouldn't expect classy from said company after all their is a reason we can't mention them by name on this site. That being said I still enjoy their products. Their customer service dept has been good to me. I got a same day response from them for an issue and some questions I had.
  17. Sorry to hear you are sick. Rest up and get well soon. Unfortunately the flu shot was not as effective this year. They didn't predict the strains of flu that well with this batch that's why there was an increase of flu cases. From what I understand the shot should at least lessen the severity of the symptoms you have.
  18. For informational purposes, Bassresource all the way. I have seen the same review. He actually did several reviews on this reel. I sensed the reviews became jaded once he received replies he didn't like from the company in questions "internet troll squad" While I agree their response to his review was uncalled for he could have taken the classy way out and remained un-biased for the validity of his reviews.
  19. All of my tackle is in stowaway containers. I have several tackle boxes, both soft and hard sided. I pick the size box I want the night before a fishing trip. What I take from the stowaway container to fill it depends on what rods and reels, techniques and place (bank, kayak or boat) I intend to fish.
  20. You can get those prices at a DSG brick and mortar. They have a price match guarantee. As long as that Ebay price is for a brand new, not used reel they will match that price. People were coming into their store, handling their reels to see if they like them. They would go home and order the reel online cheaper. Then wait for it to arrive in the mail. DSG was smart enough to combat that by price matching so they get the sale and the consumer doesn't have to wait for the item to arrive.
  21. Those deals were great. Made an already affordable reel almost a steal. As good as the Sharky II was the Sharky III blows it out of the water. I love the braid ready spool and fat bail wire. It's built on their flagship Kodiak reel's model. The only difference is the Sharky III is graphite instead of aluminum like the Kodiak. I got mine for $30 after the Kastking inner circle discount they offered at the time of release.
  22. Hudson River north of the capital region is clear. Still iced up on the branches and offshoots though. My favorite launch spot for my kayak doesn't open until April 1st Small lakes and ponds are still dark and slushy. I fear we are having a Nor'easter through here over the next two days. Rain to turning to ice and snow overnight Thursday and Friday. Advanced forecast for next week looks like more of the same Wed-Sun. Bummer as these near 70 degree days we were having made me hopeful for some open water and decent fishing conditions.
  23. James you are one of my favorite Bass Resource forum posters. Please get an auto PFD I want to see your posts on these boards for many years to come. To many things can happen when you are on the water to chance being able to pull the manual inflate cord. Some examples: passing out from heat, low blood sugar, heart issues, etc. Getting struck by something like a low hanging branch. Having your arm pinned and can't reach the cord. That last one actually happened to a kayaker around my area. He got wrapped in fishing line and his yak turned over. He was not wearing a PFD at the time.
  24. My vote is for the Kastking Sharky III It features a water resistant frame and direct drive handle. These are things you find on reels way more expensive.
  25. I took my son for his first fishing trip when he was 3 At that age it's more you hook the fish and let them reel it in. Be prepared to set up and close up shop real fast because of the attention span at that age. Bring things that can keep them occupied (coloring books, shovel and pail, etc) and they might last longer. Fishing requires patience, coordination and awareness of ones surroundings. These are not things most toddlers have.
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