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Everything posted by NYWayfarer

  1. My heart bleeds for Christie, it was his tournament to lose
  2. I take back what I said about the DSG exclusive Mach Crush Combo. I handled one yesterday in store. Seems the exact same rod and reels as the Lews combos sold elsewhere. The exclusive part is they reversed the colors for the DSG combos. I actually like the black Winn Grips on the DSG versions better than the original. It is worth noting the spinning combo sports an aluminum reel. I like it way better than the casting combo. It runs $160 and seems like a great value
  3. Tubes are the clear winner in this fight for me. River Smallies love a Zoom Salty Super Tube!
  4. I got the idea after panfish shredded the tails of my Powerworms. Instead of throwing them out I recycled them to Ned rig bait as they still stink of the powerbait scent. I took my braid scissors and cut the tail off. Instead of cutting straight across (which is fine as well) I cut at an angle leaving the end in a triangular shape like this ^
  5. I saw the Lunkerhunt prop baits and I was interested in the DSG/F&S exclusive prop turtle. There are so many turtles in my local pond it just makes sense to have a turtle bait. What stops me is the double prop. I think back to how many times I have to clean my Whopper Popper prop from debris last season. I would think a double prop would be twice the amount of work.
  6. Same here. They came back in my area and probably turned around and went back after the last few Nor'easters.
  7. I agree. They are wicked sharp. They will snag my skin even with the slightest contact.
  8. Z-man makes the big TRD if you like something larger than the finesse size. Ned Roboworms look great and I will eventually try them after I exhaust my supply of: Z-man Finesse TRD's Missile Baits 48 worm (cut in half) Berkley Powerbait Powerworms (cut off the ribbontail, IT WORKS!!) Yum Warning and Killshots and large bag of Dingers, Biospawn Exosticks and Senkos that have been messed up in the middle from wacky rigging. Cut in half they make great Ned baits.
  9. So true. When cats get close to the surface, turn and dig deep there is nothing like it.
  10. I received both rods, spinning and casting, on Friday. They shipped individually. The rods were sent in a cardboard tube, foam inserts in both ends to protect the tip and butt of the rods, sealed with a plastic cap on either end (spinning rod tube was only capped on one end). The tubes were inside a rectangular cardboard box with crumpled paper on both ends to prevent the tube from shifting about. Upon opening, the rods were safe and undamaged. The handles are EVA foam split grip. The twin tips are labeled with the rod number and action (M or MH) so you won't confuse the tips with any other Perigee II rods you have laying around. They have an arrow printed on the handle and the tip so all you have to do is line them up and connect them. It is a spigot connection so the two pieces don't have to be jammed together. The rod is all black with some carbon fiber accents near the base, very sharp. Connected the rod feels solid. I think the claim that it feels close to a one piece is accurate. I can feel the difference between the medium and medium heavy in both the spinning and casting rod tips. The Fuji guides are nice as well. Overall first impression is great. For $60 regular price on Amazon I would say if this rod were sold in a brick and mortar it would run $100-$120 as it reminds me of a rod from a company that shall remain nameless named after a movie about a kid named Damien.
  11. I drive less than a mile to get to my kayak fishing spot. It's funny I am surrounded by water but have limited access to fish from shore. It seems you have to own a home on the river or lakes by me or machete your way through a forest to go fishing.
  12. Happened to me twice last season. One was 3lbs on my ned rig combo at the time. A medium light action rod with a size 1500 reel spooled with 6lb mono. Second was a Channel Cat that broke me off after a 10+ minute fight on the same combo. I got a look at him at the surface and he was easily 5lb+ I have since upgraded my ned rig combo to a medium action rod with a 2500 reel spooled with 8lb Trilene XT line.
  13. I agree. I have been able to fish on days with winds in the 15 MPH plus on my local river. Tactics are key on days like that. I can fish under a highway overpass, or a bend in the river that has a wind break. There are also branch offs that I can paddle into off the main river that are sheltered from the wind. A good idea on days like that are not to stray to far from the launch point.
  14. Yes and no. I try and find the best values I can on the tackle I use the most. For example I will buy my EWG 3/0 and 4/0 hooks when they are on clearance in bulk to save money. I would call that frugal. My wife on the other hand says I spend A LOT of money on fishing and she is right. I am like those people you see on extreme coupon shows that have bought more peanut butter than they can use in a lifetime because they got it so cheap.
  15. I agree, respool. The important question is not what type of line it is but how old is the line?
  16. Band: Florida Georgia Line Female artist: Carrie Underwood Male artist: Garth Brooks of course.
  17. If you are planning on $100 or more for the reel part of the combo then look for a reel with an aluminum frame. Personally if I am looking to buy a reel that costs $100 or more it can't be made of graphite.
  18. Its a graphite frame reel with a IM8 rod. It's a bit on the high priced side for what you are getting IMO I think Lew's makes one of the better combos out there. You can buy both pieces individually if you want and that's a big selling point for me. Usually a combo has a decent reel or rod matched with a sub-par rod or reel. I would stay away from the DSG exclusive Crush and Mach 1 Pearl combos though.
  19. Sounds like what I did with one of the first PC football games that came out. You could add the current conditions and stats while playing the season. I played my NY Jets that year and they won the superbowl...
  20. For the clear water I fish I like my Spooks and Ploppers in White (bone) Black (loon) Perch, bluegill and baby bass colors.
  21. Nowadays there's an app for that. I had one on my phone last season that would take tide, moon phase, water temp, etc into consideration and predict peak fishing times on the locations I chose. Worked pretty good IMO. Days and time of day it said were peak fishing time were pretty accurate. I found myself catching more at those times. It would alert me of these peak times on my phone. I changed phones last year and haven't found the app to download it again.
  22. 5-8" predicted here today. It's snowing steady but the roads are treated so nothing appears to be sticking. Just a messy sloppy ride to work. This time last year I was able to take two fishing trips as we had open water. I got skunked but at least I was able to get out. This year looks like I won't see any trips till mid-April if this weather pattern keeps up.
  23. I like the 5" Dingers for Neko rig. I actually prefer a paddle tail Dinger I found in the clearance bin at Walmart last year over a regular Dinger. Something about it drove the Bass nuts when I Neko rigged it. I have since run out and can't find them anywhere.
  24. Abu for life, if your life expectancy is 3 years. My Dad's 1st gen Revo SX is still going strong. Nothing I see coming out these days from Abu comes close to it. Still love my Abu rods though.
  25. I would buy a house on a private lake.
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