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Everything posted by NYWayfarer

  1. Got my Calamus rod in the mail last night. It was in a cardboard tube with foam inserts to protect the tip. The tube was inside another cardboard box for extra protection. The rod is very nice looking. The paint job is a metallic silver with green highlights. Foam on the split grip handles. I bought the light action rod and it is light. I put my *** 1000 reel on it spooled with 4lb Florokote and went to my local pond to cast some inline spinners. The rod is sensitive. I was able to feel my spinner bumping into structure as I was retrieving it. Casting was excellent. I give the rod part of the credit but also the light line as well. I didn't catch any fish but I did pull up a branch and the rod handled the load with ease. All in all I am very happy with this purchase.
  2. I would spend a little extra and upgrade to a Kastking Spartacus Plus, Stealth or better yet the Assassin. All of those reels are below $70 and are much better than the Royal Legend and the Abu reel. My recommendation is to get the Kastking Assassin. It's a great reel for the money.
  3. I had a rod break in multiple places. I snapped the top of a rod off when a door closed on it. The other break happened as I was so ticked at what had happened I snapped the rest of the rod over my knee.
  4. I fish the 90 on a 7' M/F with a 6.3:1 reel and 12lb Trilene XT mono. Don't have the 110 yet.
  5. Wow! Do you have any friends or relatives in the U.S. that can order them off Amazon in the states and then ship them to you when they get it? That's got to be cheaper than ordering off of Amazon.ca I'm not volunteering BTW I wouldn't trust myself to ship them to you once I got them. Temptation and all.
  6. Those new Biospawn Exoswims might be worth looking at. If they are made of the same material as the Exosticks they should last awhile. I have seen someone use them on YouTube and the action of the tail is fantastic.
  7. NYWayfarer


    From the album: nywayfarer

    First Brook Trout of 2018
  8. Some of my local waters were stocked yesterday. I caught 3 brook trout after dinner last night. Not bad for a short 1 hour fishing trip.
  9. I have rigged them where the hook point is on the top of the worm. IMO this gives the worm the max tail shimmy on the drop through the water column.
  10. Visited the upper Hudson River near exit 20 of the Northway on Saturday. Fished from shore. Slow jerkbait and Dragging and deadsticking a Carolina rigged Zoom Trick worm. Nothing. Water temps were in the high thirties. I went to a local pond on Sunday. I saw schools of Sunfish and a few Pickerel. Dangled a jig in front of them for close to an hour without anything other than a nibble. An hour of sight fishing sunnies, this is how desperate I am for the first fish of 2018!
  11. I agree it depends on the model. With some research you will find the exclusive reel is the same model as a reel already in the company's line-up with a different paint job. I have seen this with Lew's and Pflueger.
  12. Great advice! I agree with all of this it is spot on. Try to use the lightest clear line you can get away with. I use 4lb P-Line Florokote. I drop down to 2lb from time to time. Ultra-light or light action rod with a size 1000 reel.
  13. Who loves ya baby! The man that made bald cool, Telly. I still have a full head of hair. I get a haircut once a month. Wash it, a dab of Brylcreem and comb and I am ready to go. Hair styles and shaving are becoming a thing of the past it seems. Most guys around here prefer chin and head stubble. Everyone looks the same.
  14. KVD L&L or Reel Snot make Big Game line memory virtually disappear. Just remember to treat the line the night before you go fishing.
  15. Nothing is better than a Crown Royal bag, nothing!!!!! Seriously I thought I was the only one who did this until your post. Great excuse to buy a bottle because you need a reel cover. A little tip from me. Different flavors of Crown have different color bags. For example Crown Royal Maple has a brown bag rather than the regular purple. Helps differentiate your reels.
  16. I agree, it wasn’t complicated...until I dropped it while it was open. I still haven’t found all the parts
  17. I bought the 6’6” light action Calamus rod for Trout fishing. Specifically for throwing 1/8 oz Leland Trout Cranks. Just a a heads up, if you are a member of the Kastking inner circle your discount was more than the 10% offered here and on Facebook/YouTube.
  18. Makes perfect sense. Thanks for the info! Keep up up the great work. I love your products. Best bang for the buck out there!
  19. If you have done basic maintenance (oil spool bearings and worm gear) you should be fine. If I feel it necessary to open the other side to get at the gears that’s when I would consider sending it away for a deep cleaning. When I tried it myself it didn’t go so well. Lucky it was a reel that cost less than $50
  20. I was looking at the Calamus line for trout fishing. I wish they had some of the longer rods with one piece blanks. I am also confused as they are marketing this as their ultralight line of rods but the have medium and medium heavy rods in the line up.
  21. When all else fails I go to live bait. Nightcrawler or shiner. If they aren't eating live stuff it wasn't meant to be.
  22. Fantastic deal!! That's the Dick's exclusive Mach Crush rod. Note the difference in colors from the regular rod, on the exclusive version the orange and black colors are reversed. I actually like this version better.
  23. Can you give me an example of a sub $60 reel with this feature? I have a lot of BC reels that cost $100 and under from Daiwa, Pflueger, Quantum, Abu Garcia, Kastking and *** and none of them come with a cast control, spool tension knob that has a clickable adjustment.
  24. Some of the higher cost baitcasters have features not available on your less expensive ones. After all a cheaper made reel has to sacrifice something to get the cost that low. For example my Revo has a cast control knob that clicks with every adjustment. My cheap casters don't and it is a feature I am finding it hard to live without. Makes dialing in the fall rate of a bait so much easier and accurate IMO. I have yet to see this feature available on a reel less than $150 Does it make me a better fisherman...maybe. It gives me a certain amount of confidence that what I am doing is correct. I will cast better and accuracy will improve. I would say that makes me a better fisherman.
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