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Everything posted by NYWayfarer

  1. First Smallmouth of the year! 2.14lbs from shore on a wacky rigged Dinger in Bama Bug color
  2. What is up with that? Happens to me as well. Never understood it. My pet peeve is conscientious stupidity (knowing better but doing it anyway) while fishing boating or just life in general.
  3. I am a minimalist only in the sense of what I carry when I go fishing. Everything I take fits in a small drawstring backsack. I have lots and lots of stuff, tackle, rods, reels, etc to take but I find I do have favorites. The rest sit around as loaners for my son, relatives and friends. I like trying new lures but I always go back to my confidence baits.
  4. I think the rod has a one year warranty. Customer service is excellent!
  5. I have that exact rod in both the spinning and casting versions. It does come with 2 tips one Medium and 1 Medium heavy. The tips have a lifetime warranty. It is a stiff rod, lots of backbone. It looks, feels and performs better than it's price would have you believe. If they sold this in big box stores I would expect to pay $100 for it. Here is a picture of the spinning rod with a Bass I caught on it last week.
  6. The lightest lure I throw on mine is 1/8 oz. I have a 1000 size reel that I spooled with 4# flouro hybrid line for trout. I now have it spooled with 6# mono for Bass. The Calamus 7' rods are Medium or Medium Heavy only. There is no light or ultra light version in that size.
  7. I heard Yammy, wife and son heard Laurel. I think they are in cahoots to drive me crazy.
  8. I would be interested to know how many $150 plus reels are made of a graphite composite? At the $200 plus range I see a lot of aluminum and magnesium reels, graphite not so much. As far as the OP's question sure graphite frames are good. Some are better than others. I have a $40 Baitcaster made of graphite and I can tell that that material is lower quality than a $50 spinning reel I have that has, what the company claims is a HTS (high tensile strength) frame. I had to verify from said company if HTS was graphite and they confirmed that it was. Trade off is the reel is heavy, certainly heavier than what I am used to in a graphite reel. My aluminum frame reels feel much sturdier. The trade off being weight. They are heavier.
  9. Thanks guys. Going to try nose hooking one tonight. I will run it through the top.
  10. Question for those of you that nose hook Flukes. Do you run the hook through the nose so that the point of the hook is coming out the top of the Fluke or do you run it through sideways?
  11. Is that the red stuff Ike endorses? I looked at it but the red color reminds me of Quantum Hot Sauce. I predict red stains everywhere it comes in contact with.
  12. I use: Megastrike Yum or Gulp Crawfish scent Reel Snot Java Most of the time its Megastrike, the other stuff is scents I got on clearance.
  13. Chad Hoover on YouTube has a great video of his wife loading and unloading a heavy kayak by herself onto the roof of their vehicle. She picks up the end walks under it until it is high enough that she can lean it on the side of the vehicle. She then grabs the end and pushes it up onto the vehicle. Then she straightens it out. Taking it off is just the reverse. They made it look easy enough.
  14. Since you didn't mention if you are using a baitcaster or a spinning reel I will offer my suggestions for both. I fish for river Smallies in extremely clear water. I use 10-12# Berkley Big Game on my baitcasters and 8# Kastking Florokote on my size 2000 spinning reel. I have bought some 12# KK Florokote to try this year on the baitcasters as well since I like it so much.
  15. It's possible. I always assumed they were plastic.
  16. Cheaper, I guess. Got a pack of Eagle Claw beads at Walmart for less than a buck.
  17. I use Strike King and Arkie tube inserts. This year I am going to try T-rigging them for a weedless approach.
  18. I do a plastic bead, steel bullet weight no peg so it slides freely on the line.
  19. I said it in the last thread and it bears repeating. Mom is a pro, she never dropped her rod. Glad everyone is Ok.
  20. Is it this thing? http://www.backwaterpaddles.com/hand_paddles.htm I have been thinking about getting one. Paddle in my lap while fishing. I have made one handed paddling adjusments to my position using the forearm of my rod holding arm as leverage. Rod is in its holder or between my legs while paddling. NO issues yet losing my paddle but I did purchase a set of paddle and rod leashes after losing a combo overboard when grabbing for my paddle.
  21. It depends on rod size, lure weight, line size, etc. I can cast a light lure on light line spinning gear with a 7' light action rod pretty far. I can also bomb a crankbait with a baitcaster spooled with 12# line on a 7' medium action rod.
  22. It will be perfect for that
  23. Those Sellus Rods are usually designed for a specific style of fishing. Look at the butt cap and there should be a picture of the style of fishing it was designed for. I have a dropshot version and a jig and worm version. Love these rods. Great value for the money.
  24. Stay strong Boom, my thoughts and prayers are still with you.
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