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    <p>Cleveland, Ohio</p>
  • My PB
    Between 2-3 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    All three

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  1. I already bought another and trust me I know its just part of the "fun". As long as I keep my rod and reel out of the water Im happy at the end of the day lol
  2. Never had such a warm welcome on a forum before glad to meet so many people haha
  3. I tried but basically would have had to cut the tree down to get it. The branch hung over the river bed which is about bone dry right now making it even higher. I ended up just buying another Megabass Pop Max in Black Orochi this afternoon. This was an expensive way to learn to slow down my casting and think about everything including THE WIND.
  4. I am going to see what I can do in the morning with that kind of inspiration haha
  5. I can go buy another one its not like $20 is going to bankrupt me but I was trying to see how much respect Pop-R's hold against one of these newer fancy poppers. As an update I did fished the Pop-R again today after some sanding and did catch a fish but it was a very small white bass. Im still thinking about the tree trimmer in the garage going with me for a walk in the morning haha.
  6. Megabass Popmax in Black Orochi other people also love the White Python.
  7. hahaha I find it hilarious people would go to the effort of cutting down branches for $20. Dont get me wrong $20 is $20 but I figured almost everyone would just say whelp shes gone for good.
  8. I honestly thought about getting a saw and cutting the branch off as far out as I could but this is in a public park lol
  9. Like I said Im just looking for advice I bought it on accident basically. I am willing to listen to someone with 30 year of experience on the topic. I think I will at least stick it out the rest of the year.
  10. Oh a wise guy eh!!!?? Orange and Brown! haha thanks!
  11. The biggest difference I noticed in my short time with the lure was 2 things. 1. I could hear the bearing in the megabass from 30+ feet away. 2. It basically walked on its own no matter the rod angle. I think I will stick it out and maybe try the sanding method at least the rest of this season. Black orochi will be mine again either this year or next! I honestly dont think its mental but Im going to fish this afternoon with my Pop-R again and see what happens. I do not give up on things just because they didnt work the first time.
  12. I did try just couldnt get out far enough
  13. So here's the situation 4 days ago I bought a Megabass Pop Max at Dicks for $20. There was almost no selection at the store and being that I just took up fishing this year I figured that was kinda the going rate for a decent popper. I fished it and wasn't impressed so I came home, got online, and learned what I really bought. Then went out, spent some time learning to walk it and caught 2 fish in 30 casts, one over 2 pounds. I was amazed and really fell in love with the lure, it walks easier than my frog!! But then being the idiot I am I threw it 30 foot up in a tree. I bought some Rebel Pop-R's to replace because they were cheap and the internet is full of "a popper is a popper" but I'm here to say they don't feel the same at all. I need some advice should I keep going with the Pop-R's or should I suck it up and get another Pop Max?
  14. Hello Everyone, My name is Anthony, Im 28 and from the Westside of Cleveland, Ohio. I took up bass fishing this summer and have been working my way through learning the basics. I have mostly caught small guys because its been 90+ for weeks and we are in a drought but yesterday I did get a 2+ pounder. I had to join because almost everything on the internet leads you to this website so why not! I look forward to learning things and eventually contributing my knowledge down the road. Thanks
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