I have a quick story to tell about my kayaking adventure last Sunday. I went on the Upper James River from Howardsville to Scottsville. It was a beautiful day, the temperature was in the mid-eighties and there was a slight breeze. The trip started off great, I was catching lots of smallies, about six or seven. I saw a bald eagle and a black bear actually swam across the river in front of me. I thought that everything was going very well. There were some small class I rapids that were a breeze to go through, but about halfway between the landings everything changed. There was a class II/III rapid with a wave train that was huge. I had to go through it because the rest of the river was filled with rocks and even larger rapids. I was confident that I could make it through, however I hit that wave train and everything went downhill. I flipped over on my left side and everything immediately fell out of my boat, even though I had it secured. I am pretty sure a bungee cord broke. My milk crate, tackle boxes and rods all went in the river. One rod broke in half on a rock, two of my tackle boxes (which contained all of my hard baits and terminal tackle) sunk and were lost. Needless to say I was not happy. I did manage to recover my rods and everything that floated. Moral of the story, make sure everything in your boat is secure and that you are always prepared to flip. I am now in the process of replacing what I lost. Anyway, feel free to send me lures (lol just kidding). Hope everyone enjoyed my story. Tight Lines!