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  1. OK... That's good to know! Thanks, Raul. I have to admit, I haven't really tried them without skirts. I tried them with the old skirts that were brittle and half-missing, etc... but not tried fishing with skirt-less poppers, so I can't make a good argument against it. I didn't have much luck with the poppers with the "bad" skirts, though I didn't use them very much.
  2. I just found out that I can still order replacement skirts for my old Hula Poppers. I was pretty excited, 'cause I had just used my last replacement skirt after removing another old dried up, brittle skirt off one of my trusty old bass lures. I've had some real exciting moments with these old Poppers, and am pretty sure that an active rubber skirt is essential to their appeal to the fish. I had been looking around, and last night didn't find the right size and colors when browsing through the selections at my local (Omaha, NE) Cabela's store. I hated to just retire the old lures and buy new lures... It just goes against my nature to be wasteful or to throw away something that might still be of use. Plus, those lures and I have history; I remember when one of those Hula-Poppers lit in an open spot amongst the moss on the North Pond at my Grampa's place, and a bass hit it so hard that it disappeared for a few seconds... And landed beside me on the ground! It must have been 40 or 50 feet away on the water when I twitched it and that bass struck it! I'll never forget my surprise when that lure landed next to me! Anyway, there's a phone number you can call to order more skirts for your old Hula Poppers, if you're like me and want to use 'em 'till ya lose 'em. It's in Fort Smith, AR. Ph. (479) 782-8971. Ask for Steven. Tell him Kevin (in Omaha, NE) sent ya!
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