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Everything posted by RixTracker

  1. Hello All, Thanks for the replies and I am seriously eager to hit the water!! my sons are coming into town for the first time in 4 yrs and we are heading out Friday. I don't mind driving further if its a great fishing spot. But I am going to try the spots you guys have suggested and go from there. Sort of confused about the licenses. I have a boat fishing license but no sure if my sons need an inland if we go there? true or not?
  2. Hey all just moved to Dunkirk and bought the first bass boat I ever had a 1986 tracker 1710 with a merc 150. I am from Michigan and have no clue where to go fishing around here. Any help would be awesome and I wouldn't mind following someone out sometime to get to know the area. Thanks all
  3. Hey all! I am new to the area of southern MD and I have a 1986 bass tracker 1710 I just bought but need to really understand where to go. Would love to know if some easy access freshwater spots if possible to launch. I'm from Michigan so really confused about the coastal bay and inland fishing licenses . I'm just stupid to whole scene here if anyone feels like wasting their time to help me out ! Thanks
  4. RixTracker


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