Its the same thing in the hunting world. I used to get upset about it because, as you know, one year this is the best this and that, and next year its a different this and that that they sponsor. Early on I used to watch these famous sponsors and trusted their judgement. If they thought something was the best, then I would use it. As I saw the pitchmen change their 'favorite' brand, I decided there is a lot of good equipment out there, both in the hunting and fishing world. I don't go with a product because Bill Dance or Michael Waddell sponsors the product. I will purchase it because it is a good product and it works for me. I understand that the 'right' pitchman can sell products but we don't have to buy them. That's just the way this whole recreation business operates. Money talks, that's no surprise. I just go on my own way and enjoy the products I buy. If they don't work, I buy something else.