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Reel Guy

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Everything posted by Reel Guy

  1. Our closest Cabela's is almost 3 hours away but each time I've gone they seem to have a lot of organized fishing gear. We have some Gander Mountain stores closer and they have a decent supply. Everything you need, maybe not the brand you want but they are smaller stores in general. Don't get to Bass Pro very often as they are pretty far away. It does appear the Cabela's is carrying more of their brand clothing, at least in the catalogs. Gander Mountain does the same but I happen to like the Guide Series hunting clothing from GM.
  2. Congrats! Nice fish! I live in Cumberland, MD, not too far from you. Need to come up there sometime!
  3. Its the same thing in the hunting world. I used to get upset about it because, as you know, one year this is the best this and that, and next year its a different this and that that they sponsor. Early on I used to watch these famous sponsors and trusted their judgement. If they thought something was the best, then I would use it. As I saw the pitchmen change their 'favorite' brand, I decided there is a lot of good equipment out there, both in the hunting and fishing world. I don't go with a product because Bill Dance or Michael Waddell sponsors the product. I will purchase it because it is a good product and it works for me. I understand that the 'right' pitchman can sell products but we don't have to buy them. That's just the way this whole recreation business operates. Money talks, that's no surprise. I just go on my own way and enjoy the products I buy. If they don't work, I buy something else.
  4. Awesome fish! Congratulations!!!
  5. I am no expert in this area but I was always told that if you can see them, they can see you. And if they can see you, well...? Just thought I would throw that out!
  6. Great fish, congrats! Loos like a sunny warm day! lol
  7. Nice fish! Sometimes you just have to be creative!
  8. I really appreciate all your feedback and advice! I will read over all the replies again and think about where to go with this. Just for the record, I have been doing most of my fishing with rubber worms, crawdads and lizards, and some frogs. I love the spinning reel and still learning how to cast correctly but it has caught some nice fish, including my personal best 21 inch largemouth at 4-5 lbs. Thanks again everyone and will accept any more comments!!!
  9. Here is my dilemma. This is my first year fishing for bass and it's been a great year so far! I have learned to use a spinning reel which I never could master before so that is good as well. My main reels have been Zebco 33 reels. They have done well but not as sturdy as I would like them to be. Catching a lot of fish with them and pulling good fish out of the weeds so they have had a lot of hard use. They still backlash inside sometimes and one I could spin the handle but the reel wouldn't catch line until there was pressure on it. I'm wondering if it's time to step up to a baitcasting reel? I like the spincast because of it's simplicity. Is there one that is good and sturdy or is it time to gear up? Just need some advice!
  10. Nice fish, congrats! Nice to be home!!
  11. I have been having the same problem where I fish. Last week I never even had a hit in 3 hours of fishing where I had been catching some nice largemouth. I tried spiinerbaits, swim baits, crankbaits, worms, crawdads and salamanders and nothing. I will try some smaller lures and see what happens.
  12. Up until recently I have done fairly well at this reservoir I fish. The water has dropped a lot and there is a lot of mud where the water used to be. I can barely get a hit anymore. I fished today and didn't even get one hit at all. Not sure what's going on. Night time temperatures have dropped somewhat but daytimes are still fairly hot. They are not hitting aggressively like they used to either. Any suggestions? I have read some of the articles in the Bass Resources but nothing seems to work right now.
  13. I am a relatively new bass fisherman and I understand what you mean. Every time you watch a video the fisherman states that this lure or that lure will absolutely slay the bass so it is confusing. Personally, I use an unweighted senko worm in green pumpkin color. That has been my go to lure and I have caught some nice fish with it. I also have used a small rubber crawdad with a lot of success. Talk to people that you see on the rivers or lakes and see if they can recommend something. Start small and see what works. I like the rubber stuff. Maybe because I used to fly fish a lot but a lot of lures really do work.
  14. If you do decide to go with a bow, visit a few bow shops and talk to the staff. See how helpful they are and see what they recommend. Don't let them sell you a high end bow unless that's what your budget allows. With the technology today a lot of lower priced bows shoot pretty good. Even then, with all the required accessories it can be pricey getting into bowhunting. As mentioned, it will require a lot of practice and skill but when you get your first deer, it will be worth it!
  15. Congratulations on a nice fish!! Great job!
  16. Nice story and nice fish!
  17. That is one hawg of a fish, congratulations!!
  18. Congratulations! Great picture! Definitely frame this one or put it on a canvas. Just awesome!
  19. Very nice picture! Tell her congratulations on a great fish!!
  20. Good advice! I had a book published a couple of years ago but I had to do it by a self publishing company because in the book industry, you can have the best book in the world but it's a tight knit industry and you had to know somebody big on the inside. I know a well established author and he had a friend with a good book and couldn't get a publisher to look at it. Don't give up though. I hope it works out for you!
  21. Forgot to tell you, that's a nice bass! Congratulations!
  22. jbmaine, You sound just like me. 62 and stubborn when it comes to using the same bait. You know what they say about doing the same thing and expect different results. I also have a tackle box full of every kind of bait and use the Strike King Shimi Stick worm 95% of the time. I go home and ask myself, Why didn't I try something new as long as what I was using wasn't working. Stubborn, stubborn and more stubborn. Maybe next time.
  23. Let me regress to my fly fishing days for a moment. Caught a nice Brook trout and as I am reeling him in I see a flash heading toward the Brook trout. Something doesn't feel right so when I get him in there is a Brown trout attached to the Brook's underside and would not let go even when I put them in the net. Can't find the picture I have but it is a true story. Even had it in the Outdoor section of our local paper.
  24. I had that happen a number of years ago when I was flyfishing. Used to go and drink a cup of coffee at the riverside before fishing just to relax and take it all in. Then I would take sandwich and snacks and take a break once in awhile and just relax. It was fun and relaxing. Then I stopped the coffee because I was so intent on catching fish. I stopped taking breaks because catching fish was more important. I got obsessed with catching fish and forgot to have fun. Then it wasn't fun anymore and I gave it up for a year until I got refocused. I did and made it fun again. Now I've taken up bass fishing! Here we go again!!!
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