Thanks for everyone's reply. Sorry for late reply Not sure why I didn't receive email notification on this post.
Specifically interested in Steveo's comment on the trilene knot since I am struggling with it.
For fluorocarbon only:
I personally think the trilene is stronger than the San Diego jam but the trilene knot does not clinch down perfectly every time like the Jam. If the trilene doesn't clinch down perfectly it's obviously a weaker knot.
I don't have a issue clinching the knot perfectly with mono....just Fluoro. What am I doing wrong?
I wet the knot plenty and tried 4,5,6 turns. 3 turns snaps very easy.
I have tried various knots for flouro & here is my findings so far:
1. Fish n Fool knot has inconsistent results. I have snapped many fish off on tye strike.
2. Tried Eugene Bend/Eugene loop. No contest compared to improved clinch. Improved clinch is stronger but I have same problem as clinch's down difficult and damages the line right at the knot.
3. Trilene seems stronger than improved clinch it tied perfectly. but both have clinch down issues with fluoro.
4. San diego jam can be tied with very consistent clinched down reaults. Knot looks good and no line damage with 6 or 7 turns. Tested knot to knot using two jigs...Jam one end/Improved clinch other end with varying results. I would give the improved clinch the win but only if my knot clinch down perfectly.
5. Palomar isn't a "bad" knot. I do use it for dropshot. I find it weaker than improved clinch or trilene. Not sure who would win between palomar & San diego jam.
I'm tired of breaking fish off. Any advice on why my trilene knot won't clinch down 100%? Steveo could you upload a close up picture of your trilene knot on fluoro line? And mention what brand of fluoro you are using?
thanks guys