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Everything posted by jr231

  1. I read a comment (8 years ago) that said you only use the gycb fat baby craw. Still use this one ? Or is it a thing of the past for you
  2. I use braid 75 % of the time. I can cast so far with braid on a spinning set up. And the sensitivity is so high. Like Oklahoma Mike said the line should only be SEMI slack. You don't need an expensive rod to feel the bites.. spend more time fishing them... I get a weird feeling at LEAST 50% of the time that a fish is on my lure before I "feel" the bite. So I set the hook if I even have half a clue that a bass has made contact. I also like to fish them wacky style. If I Texas rig I like other worms besides the senko. Like a culprit ribbon tail, zoom ol monster, and lately the rage tail baits.. also try experimenting with different hooks. Maybe a larger size or different style.
  3. @jtharris3 Never said it bothered me ? I was just stating that this has been covered for 9 years. Alot of information to read About what he was asking. Calm down . I'll do as I please.
  4. In your defense tho. My first two posts (is lucky craft worth it, and favorite rapala. ) Both have been asked exactly the same way. Again.. 9 years ago. Alot of information . It's cool how things change . I've been finding myself not even reading the new threads but picking up where I left off on the old ones. It's funny to see people's go to plastics change. Like here lately it's all about the rage series. But go back to those old threads. They were still catching the bass......but on something different. And Just as well.
  5. If you did a search you would see this exact bait has been discussed for at least 9 years.
  6. Crazy how this exact post has been being discussed for at least 9+ years.
  7. Am I the only one who has a total different definition of what a "dab" is ? Lol. Maybe Washington Oregon and Colorado know. Along with some 14 +other states.
  8. What a POS!!! Get real!!
  9. Too bad you can't spend time on your precious Harley you mentioned on my other thread ! Haha. You made the kids !! Now you must pay the consequences. Muhuh haha.
  10. I can't stand people who come on my grand mother's property . They come in and throw every bluegill they catch on the bank. @Gundog I always liked your posts. You're a funny dude. I don't know you personally. And growing up I definitely was not a saint. I just have no respect for someone who would come on my land and treat something that brings me so much joy with so much disrespect. I know this is a family site so I won't say what I would like to do to whoever is doing this on my property.
  11. jr231

    Used car

    I have a daughter bud. We need a 4 door car. Easier for the car seat than my mustang. Thanks though @Raider Nation Fisher
  12. Let me tell you what is total BS about burger King. Every time you see their commercials "10 CRISPY nuggets for 1.50" , "flame grilled burgers" and "awesome fries" . First of all. Everytime I walk into this very much plummeting, sad excuse for an establishment; the place is filthy. Not just where I live but every burger King I walk into. (Not that other places are top notch) but it seems like they don't care who they hire ! I'm at the counter and I have some dude with gauges and insane clown posse tattooed on his hand and I'm greated with "sup , what do ya need ". To top it off Everytime I get their amazing dollar fifty deal they have the worst nuggets ever ! Seriously Wendy's McDonald's anywhere that sells nuggets makes better ones and they are most definitely not "crispy". Second, next time you're in burger queen I want you to ask anyone behind the counter where their grill is. Time and time again I get the same response . "We have a broiler " well I'm sorry but that means youre not "flame grilling " anything. Your "flame grilled dogs and hamburgers. " Bunch of malarkey!!! Their Fries are also the worst in my opinion that's why they keep changing them every year. I understand that wendys is the only fast food place that I've noticed that still uses a grill. McDonald's doesn't but you don't hear them saying "flame grilled" I don't know about you but I don't like being lied to about anything at all. Be straight up and you'll get alot more out of life. I'm so done with burger king I wouldn't eat there if you bought my lunch all week. Seriously. Next time you go to that pitiful place ask them where their grill is. There. Is . No. Grill. Period.
  13. Am I the only one that didn't know what he said ? Lol
  14. jr231

    Used car

    So my girlfriend got her van totaled. Long story short. We have about 4500 dollar budget. I have a dependable car . Thats almost paid off. But we need a car that is a 4 door, front wheel drive. And preferably a 4cylinder. Any suggestions on cars that are easy (er) maintenance and fairly dependable ? Her last vehicle was a 05 Kia Sedona and everything on it was a ***** to change. The brakes , even the oil . The whole under carriage had a stupid cross bar set up that would make everything almost impossible to get to! The starter went out and was almost impossible to change I had to have another set of hands. I'm looking to avoid that type of constant headache and nightmare. I know my budget isn't much.. I'm just looking for some suggestions (from experience)
  15. I own one. The larger version. I must say it's really easy to walk and has trokar hooks I believe. Just little twitches , back and forth , back and forth. Almost too easy. The first night I got it is the only night I used it. I was seeing what it's all about, got the feel very quickly and was thinking to myself man this thing is looking good. I cast it over to an island, slowly working it back towards me .. when it was about 15 ft from me I seen a nice bass (4lbs+ plus no doubt ) take the bluegill perfectly where the hooks are. I have never seen a bass hit a bait so gentle. It's as if it stalked it and came up on it like " and I'll take that" . The bass took my lure straight down. I reeled down and threw back hard on the rod . All I heard was zzzzzzzzzzzzzttt. My drag was loosened from the other night when I was out late and I hooked a lure to the keeper and eased the drag when I put it in the shed so it wasn't flexed. Total operator error. I fished it for another 20 minutes and got nothing. I'm sure if i would have landed that fish I would have used it again by now. I just have so many lures it's ridiculous. I'm going to try it again. It deserves another chance. Is it worth 13 dollars... hell no.
  16. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the catfish hit the bait first ! ?
  17. @riverbasser well that would explain alot ! Ha-ha I was like this thing is no good !! Thanks for sharing.
  18. I sometimes rig my line so I'm fishing two flukes at once. Not the "donkey " style rig either that uses a three way swivel. That way didn't work for me as it would get tangled too much as I casted it. I would tie a spring lock unweighted hook first . And then tie another line directly to the bottom of that hook underneath the barb. Usually about 8-12" (you can then use whatever hook you please, I like a 3/0 wide gap) Then I would cycle using two different colors of flukes and if I caught more than one bass on one color in a row, i would change both flukes to that color. . Works pretty decent. I didn't notice much of a loss of action from the lead fluke. Ive also used this method with senkos. But quickly stopped after i found out I'm not made of money and losing two senkos every time I hooked up is not the best idea for me.
  19. @GORDO cool stories man. Nice pike too. I'd have got in the water too ! What baffles me is how on earth do you have dark brown hair and a bright red beard. Lol. I bet you get that alot.
  20. Although you might get some responses from someone in your area . I highly doubt they tell you where their honey hole is. Best way is to A)ask locals at your bait/ tackle shop B - ask friends C-find a girlfriend who has access to a pond (worked for me (; ) D- Google maps ? Search your area ! Also don't look past rivers as you can catch many species that pack a punch (and for me that's what its all about) Maybe get a kayak ? That would give you access to alot of water and many small lakes have an electric or 10hp only limit Good luck bud.
  21. Go to Alaska and be a crab fishermen ! See how much you like fishing then (;
  22. About 8 years ago. Me and a buddy went camping with our families. We brought our fishing stuff and at the time. I only had one "nice" pole . (In reality it was the only spinning setup I had) . Long story short it got shut in a car door and broke the rod right at the 2 guide from the top . I was so bummed. Pretty ticked. Didn't even want to go fish. But I did anyway. I ended up catching my first pike a fesity 24" on a mepps #5 spinner . It was the only fish of the day for either of us. I'd try the rod out then send it back (; I've had various screw ups on the internet. Receive the wrong color plastics , get the wrong size hard bait, ordered heavier weights than what I wanted . Accidently bought a mega roll of braid ! Ha-ha. Happens. Internet is awesome because it saves me a trip to bps or cabelas. And sometimes they don't have what I want anyway. Nothing like going to the website and ordering the exact color , size , and style that you want ! And then have it show up on your doorstep as you go about your life.
  23. @Hog Basser oh alright !
  24. @buzzed bait I use mine on spinning gear. And I don't think any of my spiderwire have the glo-vis. I've never run into a sticky substance while using it. And I discovered this braid when I was 14. Almost 10 years ago I use the camo. The stealth (mines white I'm not sure if it comes in others ;but it's cool cuz it gets stained to the water color very quickly) and then just the regular moss green braid. . Never had a problem ! Ever !
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