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Everything posted by jr231

  1. @soflabasser do you mind sharing your recipe for the bread ball?
  2. @deaknh03 yea one win works.. ha-ha. Or maybe #hopeless, #weonlywantawildcard
  3. @Swamp Rat I understand. Too bad ya can't come. Then you could buy us all drinks ! Ha-ha Just playin. I like frogs.. and I know they are not limited to just pads and vegetation. But in open water I like a walking bait. And a traditional popper . I guess ones own personal success leads to confidence and preferences. Have you tried the "pocket frog" ? I forget who makes it but I own a couple and there is a pond that I fish that is over populated with small bass. Like a bunch of 1-2lbers. And they smash that little thing so hard. It's a sure thing every time I bust it out on that pond.
  4. Anyone who thinks their season ends in despair .. has nothing on a lions fan. Ha-ha like the year we went 0-16. And now that Calvin is gone...I just don't have anything to look forward to.. can't blame him. Take the money and your health. Not like the Lions are ever gonna win the Superbowl. Although Cleveland did just win an NBA championship.. maybe there's hope ! Ha-ha jk. Look for me in row 13.my section will probably be empty. I'll have a nice tall 12 dollar beer. With a Barry Sanders Jersey and a brown paper bag on my head.
  5. @everythingthatswims I have access to a 1 and a half acre pond. There are 3 confirmed grass carp in there and I can see them almost every time I visit the pond. Ive tried fishing for them... chummed them in with the corn.. and they came in.. I was using 3 rods.. two with corn and one with half a cherry tomatoe. No dice. What do you suggest if I can't take them on the corn ?? I've heard doughballs and some type of fly. But other than that I don't know how to target them ..
  6. Ok. Snakeheads are great. I wish they were everywhere
  7. Me too. Im definitely going to try a senko, a rage craw, and a culprit ribbon tail.. I'm hoping I can get em going on a shad rap or original floater. And a popper right before we have to quit.
  8. Francho said "braid sucks for top water for me" lol
  9. So if you fished that for an hour and a half with no blow ups you'd use your remaining hour fishing the same frog? Ha-ha sounds like someone I know . I'm pretty sure he'll be throwing a double tail hula grub rigged weightless the whole time regardless of results.
  10. This questions is for this time of year. (Late summer) and we will say that it's about 6pm. you and a couple buddies are going to fish in a large pond (less than 10acres) and whomever has the smallest fish, has to buy dinner or beer (or whatever you want the bet to be). Kicker is you only get to fish til it's dark. Which is about 2 1/2 hours. Obviously you don't get to run through all of your baits to tell you what "the fish want". What is your approach ? Remember it's whoever has the smallest (big) fish loses. So we are after size not numbers. And obviously if you get skunked you lose.
  11. Drop shoting is a tool I would highly suggest you invest in.
  12. I like braid especially with top water. And never re tie with the Palomar knot and I honestly can't remember the last time a bass snapped my line. (Shaking the hook is a different story)
  13. @Paul Roberts never tried the bill trick. I'll have to do that !
  14. The rapala jointed minnow is what made me fall in love with artificial for bass ! Other than the slow steady retrieve, (Which definitely works) I use a retrieve with soft pulls . Usually back and forth with a slow sweeping retrieve. NOT jerked like the xrap , but using soft pulls to move the bait and reel in the slack as you give it a pause. This has been my most successful method by far.
  15. True but why add one more to the list ? Lol those species are NATIVE... I understand what you're saying... but they just don't belong..from what I've read females produce 100-1000 young per spawn and some species spawn more than once a year. Not only that but they grow very quickly and with no natural predators they are certainly something to be concerned about. Enjoy your catch now. But in 50 years when your favorite spot is over run with snakehead you might not think so highly of them. You probably don't care because it won't affect you. And you think they are "fun to catch" . I wasn't arguing that they are fun to catch . I was just bothered by someone saying they wish snakehead was In their area. Go to Asia if you want snakehead. They don't belong in American waters period. Just like the Asian carp, and various other species. Conservation is key .
  16. Toss up. Rapala skitter pop in a brown/white frog pattern. And a Texas rigged rage craw . (Really glad I tried these)
  17. Also brush.. once you find one.. more often than not they are schooled up. Crappie like small minnows... I've caught crappie on zoom flukes and 5" swimbaits while bass fishing. So they will eat anything they can get in their mouths just like a bass would. I've honesty never caught a crappie on a plastic or live worm. So the baitfish/ minnow profile is Definitely the way to go!! I like ultra light gear.. if I use bass gear while I'm catching crappie they come right to the surface and dragged on top.. which is no fun for me.. No help on your location. Use Google maps or ask someone at the bait shop. Most are very friendly..
  18. I've caught bowfin. Which appear very similar.. correct me if I'm wrong but are they not an invasive species ? Ive been told they have dug their roots into Florida as the habitat is perfect for them. I'm sure they are fun to catch. But think of all the food they are eating that the bass could be eating. Plus another predator on small bass... I guess it could go either way. The big bass eat the snakehead young and so on.. but I for one, Will definitely not be "wishing they were in my area. " Like I said. I'm sure they are fun to catch . But up here we have plenty of game fish. LM, SM, walleye , pike , musky, catfish .. then the panfish are a blast on ultra light.. I'm not trying to be a downer. But when I read someone say they wish this fish was in their area it kind of rubbed me the wrong way.
  19. Ehh. I like to think bass have higher standards. Maybe a catfish.
  20. I have no problem with cranks and jigs using just braid. 15 and 20lb. I like using this heavy because I don't have to worry about bringing in a 5+ pound bass that decides she wants to dive into the thickest weeds. With 8lb floro . Makes things tough. I guess they use floro because it sinks and harder for the fish to see I suppose. Probably a good idea! I usually just use regular braid tho. And honestly can't remember the last time one broke me off using the Palomar knot. They all shake hooks. That happens every time I go. But break my line. They do not.
  21. The bill is stiff as a board ! Super firm..the split ring idea is one I didn't think of. I will try that . Thank you. Also the bill is nice and straight.. ha-ha truly baffled. I mean it's not the biggest deal . Got more bang for my buck out of this lure than any other i own.. I mean 5 bucks and dozens of bass. Easily 30+ over the years. It would make more sense for it to do this out of the package. But all the sudden. Break out the trusty bomber. and it's a no go. I have lots of cranks . I was just interested in saving this one.
  22. @papajoe222 the old bomber I'm having problems with is on the left. As you can see they have changed the color on the "chartreuse blush" . Also I couldn't find it in the 6a. Only the 4a (shown) and a 7a. No obvious chips and such to the bill. @j bab no this is every cast. I'm familiar with this as alot of cranks do this. I've found if I reel it super slow. It doesn't do it. But if I try and even get to a moderate speed... loops. And loops. Pretty disappointing. When I got the lure out I noticed the rear hook hangar is slightly off center. I tweaked it.. hopefully that works. Otherwise unless I come across someone else's explanation on how or why... it looks like @Cheesefrank has the option I've unfortunately come to terms with.
  23. I just watched a BASS tournament. And the dude won the tournament drop shoting a huge dock all three days .
  24. I have one of my favorite lures just go complete wack on me today. I've had it for years and it's definitely responsible for dozens of bass. It's a bomber 6a in chartreuse blush. I would cast it out and it would literally do circles. I don't know what to do about it.. I've read the articles about tuning.. if it's running to the left , bend the line tie a little to the left etc.. but what do I do for my bait running in circles. It has never done this. I don't like using snaps I'll either tie a rapala knot or Palomar. Neither worked. Is it destined to be on my key chain or is there something I can do to make it get back to its original state!?. That nice wobble that has more than once saved me from a skunk.
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