I've caught bowfin. Which appear very similar.. correct me if I'm wrong but are they not an invasive species ? Ive been told they have dug their roots into Florida as the habitat is perfect for them. I'm sure they are fun to catch. But think of all the food they are eating that the bass could be eating. Plus another predator on small bass... I guess it could go either way. The big bass eat the snakehead young and so on.. but I for one, Will definitely not be "wishing they were in my area. "
Like I said. I'm sure they are fun to catch . But up here we have plenty of game fish. LM, SM, walleye , pike , musky, catfish .. then the panfish are a blast on ultra light..
I'm not trying to be a downer. But when I read someone say they wish this fish was in their area it kind of rubbed me the wrong way.