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Everything posted by jr231

  1. Just one more appendage to be ripped off and throw off the balance.. hard to beat a baitfish swimbait... I'm curious too tho.
  2. @A-Jaywas that first part for me ? I'm familiar with creature baits... ha-ha ! I just had a hard time picturing what a creature swim bait would look like..
  3. jr231

    SK vs GYCB

    21 of 36 disagree.. I use both. Since my daughter has been born. (10 months ago) I think I have bought one thing from gycb ( so I agree) And a few packs of the rage tails (only a couple dollars difference) . That can add up tho . Rather quickly.
  4. Describe what the creature somewhat resembles.. How big is it ? I'm assuming good size if its targeting musky.
  5. I like the jointed shad raps. with a slow rip and pause technique. The SK shadlicious swimbait on a keel weighted hook. And also a spoon. Just the simple yo-yo retrieve with the right spoon can be deadly. On all game fish. Especially in fall.
  6. jr231

    SK vs GYCB

    Oh! Is that just for your PC ? I'm on my phone and just tried clicking them and nothing happened...
  7. jr231

    SK vs GYCB

    So you voted for SK?
  8. jr231

    SK vs GYCB

    I picked strike king and have never tried the ocho ! Ha-ha
  9. Ha-ha ! Wow. How many have hit the water ? And you use on a regular basis ?
  10. I have a pretty decent collection of rapalas. Probably around 125. No where near the world's largest. Ha-ha. So many. Original floaters. Countdowns. Husky jerks , xraps, dt series, fat rap, jointed minnow and shad rap. Shad rap, scatter rap series. Some that are discontinued .my favorite being the "hot perch" jointed shad rap. I caught bass on it when I first bought it. I don't use it anymore tho. Mainly because the regular perch version works just as well if not better. I've had it for probably 8 years.
  11. jr231

    SK vs GYCB

    I'm not all surprised to see gycb still in the lead. Considering the senko army. Out of all the 300 views only 26 have voted.. it takes two seconds.. maybe they don't use either company... or maybe too torn to vote.. if I could only use one company ... like strike king or gycb and NOTHING else. I think It would be alot easier to catch bass year round using many different baits with strike king.. I think the plastics edge slightly tips toward gycb. But the hardbaits are a no brainer IMO
  12. jr231

    SK vs GYCB

    Lol I'm going to pm you. So the people who visit this thread can read about why people chose SK or gycb. And not read about a Ned rig.
  13. jr231

    SK vs GYCB

    @OCdockskipper I understand this... just refuse to call it Ned rig. That is all. Did ya vote ?
  14. jr231

    SK vs GYCB

    Because of the price ?
  15. jr231

    SK vs GYCB

    Just wondering which you depend on most... which you'd rather have... if you had to choose.. lol I dont think we have to worry about it.. did you vote ?
  16. Anybody here watch the Bengals ?? Now that I live in ohio (and don't pay for nfl access ) I only get to see about one lions game a year. So I watch the Bengals. I actually went to two games last year. Houston. And Pittsburgh. Which we lost both. And going into the Houston we were undefeated ha-ha. And we didn't lose by much.. in fact Houston only scored one touchdown... a pass. And guess who it was on ? Only the loudest mouth on our roster. Adam Jones.. he needs to go. embarrassment to the game.. And honestly being at the games.. and seeing how we looked.. we act like a d**n chain gang. (And not the one moving the first down markers) really embarrassing to see how much talk we do. And what little we have to show for it. And the whole "who dey" thing is just one more reason I'm embarrassed to root for the Bengals. I'll tell ya who "who dey" is... whoever meets us in the first round of the playoffs. The playoff game last year against Pittsburgh. Which we had won. Until we fumbled. Then Jones pushed a referee after our linebacker made a dirty hit.. just sad. I've never been impressed by a big mouth. Bad for the game.
  17. jr231

    SK vs GYCB

    Yea!!! They are strike king right??. big part of my vote as well. Even tho I've caught more on senkos.. it's because I've been using them longer ! That rage chunk on my smaller jigs is killer.. they all are. The anaconda to the space monkey.. I can't call em high priced either because they are cheaper than gycb. So far 11/18 people don't agree. I'm guessing it is from all the senko lovers.. the ease of use.
  18. jr231

    SK vs GYCB

    So you voted for gycb?
  19. What swimbaits ?
  20. jr231

    SK vs GYCB

    I'm not picking strike king for their hardbaits. (I don't even use their cranks) But I do like the rage tails.. and use their spinner baits .. and their jigs are good for the price. Honestly it was hard because I use the senkos (of various sizes) and love their double tail hula grubs. And their hula swimmer.. but if I had to rely on just one of these manufacturers . It would definitely be strike king. I'll probably catch come slack over this.. but the "Ned rig" has been being fished for a long time.. im a new member . But know for a fact that a worm on a jig head has been around long before zman . I'm not denying it's effectiveness I just refuse to call it a Ned rig. Lol Raul you've been a member of this forum for a long time.. I've read many of your posts and many are very informative . I knew there would be responses like yours . Lol. But that wasn't the question. Honestly. I have more zoom plastics than any other. Because the price is perfect and they flat out catch fish. Nobody can argue that.
  21. Yes but do you fish for the bluegill ? I posted a similar thread called "help..my pond!" And all answers pointed to the same thing.. over population.. I'd try fishing for the gills and see what happens . Mine have HUGE bluegill... I posted a pic . It's easily over 10 inches and clearly over a pound. I think they are hybrids tho. Anyway. Removing some of the bass should help. There are plenty of things for bass to feed on to keep them alive in a small pond... bugs, frogs, and the years fry.. but in order for them to flourish there HAS to be PLENTY of food. The dinks WILL survive but will never get that fat belly you're looking for. Until there is adequate prey for all the predators. So the choices are simple. Remove quite a few bass.. or continue to catch dinks. Also, taking a Seine to the creek and getting a bunch of chub minnows and craw dads would do the pond some good. ! Just a thought. I harvested 15 bass from my small pond +1 1/2 acres). All under 13 inches. And still continue to catch bass when I go. I also removed some of the larger gills. But only a few. I will have to wait for my results and continue to harvest . If it is not your pond consult the owner and see how he/she feels about it. *Try catching a 4inch bluegill and free line it one day. If there are any big ones in there. I promise she can't resist. And should be very easy to locate in a small pond.
  22. If you had to choose between all strike king (their whole lineup ) vs GYCB which would you choose ? Meaning never using senkos, ikas etc or never using strike kings plastics or ur KVD square bills. And whatever else both companies have to offer..thankfully we don't have to pick just one.. I'm just wondering which you would rely on most. Im pickin GY
  23. If I do I'll come back to this thread and post it
  24. @soflabasserOk . This makes sense. Doesn't your bread ball sink when you roll it on to the hook ? Is it not best to fish for them on top ? I will definitely try chumming them with the bread. There is a "pod" if you will, of three. One is kind of small. The other two are nice. And one of them is real big . I'm thinking around 3ft maybe more. Locating them isn't the issue. They're in a small pond. I guess I just need to put more effort in. The chumming of the bread daily kind of feels like cheating but it might be the only way.
  25. @soflabasserOhh. Lol. I thought there was more to it.. you make it sound so easy. I tried white bread before.. the bluegills kept nipping it..
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