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Everything posted by jr231

  1. I wasn't sure.. I was jw.. if it was fact.. I'll never be in that position so I understand what you're saying with the power thing. Like a "you can't say no to me" type deal. Crazier stuff has happened. I like to see Pittsburgh lose (;
  2. Is it a proven that Ben did such an act ? Like is it 100 percent fact ? Money can buy a lot of things. And I know for a fact Ben could afford alot of BEAUTIFUL and FAST women... would he really need to do such a thing ? I don't know the facts. And am not a fan of the man.. I just think it's a little odd. I don't think he would need to do something like that. Sounds like a bs cry wolf type of deal to me .
  3. I'll throw top waters all day if Its what's working . Lol Baitfish imitators. Shad raps especially the jointed version. Flukes, and for some reason, T rigged craws. My favorite though for years has been a bomber model A in chartreuse blush
  4. Shad rap in the perch or original silver color. I've still been nailing em on a t rigged rage craw. And the top water popper has been nice too.
  5. 20 dollar set of Milwaukee linesman pliers would cut that stuff no problem.
  6. Anyone have recommendations on the best LM bass flies. I already have a suitable rod. And 2 different style poppers.. and a dragonfly looking one.. a spider. And a wasp looking one too. Anything else I should try?
  7. What went wrong with the plumbing ? The worst is when something goes wrong upstairs (if that applies to you) and then it goes through the whole house. What's worse than that is when you do installations for a living and you have to come behind people that do demos for servpro . Who when they take up carpet instead of pulling the staples they just bend them over (twice as hard to remove then) . Or when they make jagged cuts in the drywall and when they don't understand how a hardwood floor works, cutting through the middle of the planks.. But aye. Some of the most money I've ever made came off jobs that were all started because of faulty plumbing. And after all... that's why you pay all that money for your home insurance.
  8. If it sticks that well to where it ruins tackle boxes and smells for weeks even after cleaning. . I'm willing to wager the scent stays on throughout the fishing day. Sounds like a good product. When handled properly (; I've eyed it twice at Walmart . I had a pack of dingers that had a chartreuse tip that were killer in Murky water. But I once spilled a bottle of "bait mate" and I haven't been too fond of using scents ever since.
  9. I have a back pack. Two guide series tackle boxes. A small tackle bag (all filled with planos) And and another small bag I keep miscellaneous things in. I have 2 large , deep totes. I just stick em in there. Stack em on top of each other in the garage. They do fine In the winter . And don't melt in the summer. So the lures go in a Plano, in a bag or box, then in a tote. No worries about the elements or any possible critters. And not taking up space in my house. My daughter does that enough with all her toys. I'd say all the toys that she doesn't need... but I'd look like a hypocrite with all my fishing stuff. Lol. So she definitely needs all of it. Every single bit.
  10. Problem solved bud. On one of my favorite models too. The rapala DT series. I have this in the DT 4 and DT6. Ive caught bass, bluegill, and crappie with it in the same day.
  11. I like the rattlin' rapala. But then again..there's not many rapalas I don't like.
  12. I dont know why you didn't refer him to the thread you started.. lol.
  13. Just get ya a bomber model A for 4 bucks and go catch some bass.
  14. Lol who wants to be out of their mind for 8+ hours.. not me... never again.
  15. Pretty sure I chop your favourite woods delicacy up with my mower ever summer.
  16. I have a dream all the time that I get expelled from high school and have to come back and take a test . And for some reason I'm very nervous in the dream. Horrible feeling it's kind of like a nightmare .. I'm not sure what it means but I graduated in 2010 and was never held back. Sometimes i wake up and feel like I didn't pass highschool for a split second even though it's been almost 7 years. Very weird.
  17. The fight isn't more rewarding ?
  18. I like putting the VMC sure set on my top waters.
  19. So basically why use a soft plastic jerk bait over a crank bait ? Well I use them for a few reasons. The biggest one (for me) is the ability to fish it weedless. I can get a fluke where a crank would be near impossible to use. Second, the action is much , much different.. it's completely different. A crank bait for the most part has a fairly consistent action.. where as a fluke darts every which direction which ive found to be very appealing to bass.. (and crappie) . I also like to "dead stick" the fluke. Which is also very effective. You can also wacky rig them.. put them on a jig head. Or drop shot. Very versatile bait.. that I suggest you don't over look.. because they definitely have their place.
  20. I'm looking forward to this threads progression. I like fighting bluegill and crappie (no access to trout where I'm at) with the UL. You can still catch bass with it... but if you hook a decent one it's done if she gets buried in the weeds. I'm sure you have another rod you can use for bass... I'd get the UL. And make the most of those trout and gills. Maybe even a fly rod ?
  21. @Sharkyak420 you did get personal. I did tell him; if you could read well enough to glance through this thread you'd know that. I'm not kissing anything. I could care less about him . Nobody needs your attitude Mr tough guy . Grow up.
  22. Rapala xrap shallow shad. Says 3-5 but you can keep it under 3 for sure. The action and profile is killer. Also suspends. One of my favorites.
  23. I'm very interested in this . My 72 year old grandfather just gave me a brand new cabelas fly rod. And I have no idea what I'm doing or how to go about it . This thread wasn't much help. But I'm glad I'm not the only one interested in trying to use it for bass. I guess I'll just have to watch some videos. Kind of hard when you're always on the road. I can't watch videos when I pay 15 dollars a GB. Lol
  24. Ha-ha well . I wish I could afford to spend 1500 on crank baits that's I'd probably only use 25% of.
  25. Lol 1500 ?? And they're thrown in a box all tangled .. they are nice... but you should see how I treat things I think highly of..
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