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Everything posted by jr231

  1. Imagine what one of those Chinese high powered lasers that you can put on signs miles away would do. Bring up all the beasts from the depths. Lol
  2. When it comes to 8 month old mushelle... you ARE the father!.. And the mother. Easy to understand the morel of the story.
  3. I was introduced to acey deucy being called "in between". Yea that is a cruel game. The first time I ever played I came out like 40+ dollars playing with like 7 people with only 2dollar "entry" to the pot. Nothing like having that 2 with ace high.. calling pot. And flipping a deuce. Lol.
  4. Ok I will. What about the tippet and my tapered leader ?
  5. Mine is a cabelas 5wt 8'6" rod and reel combo. I just noticed it was clicking . It's brand new so I don't think it's damaged.. I'm not sure what the clicking means.. I'm not sure how to retrieve the flies either. I just "strip " them in? The one I was trying yesterday sank. It looked good in the water . Just no takers. I only tried for about a half hour but normally that's more than enough time to catch something at the area I was at. Also I'm using a 9ft tapered leader. I read somewhere that I use a "tippet" to attach the fly to the leader. Well the leader I'm using comes to a very fine point. And the tippet I purchased is basically the same size.. so do I not need the tippet until the leader is shortened to the thicker area.
  6. I think they're hybrids.. which are supposedly 99%male. I'm not sure tho. I haven't managed to fool anything with the fly rod. I don't know what I'm doing yet. Erie is quite a haul from me lol. And I have a young family and a real jacked up schedule... rarely I get to put my little Jon boat on the water, like once every couple weeks. Normally I just slide over to one of the many ponds I have access too for a couple hours. The one I'm talking about for the fly rod has huge gills and small bass.. (small for bass anyway) Ice fishing sounds fun. Does a fly reel "click" as you reel it in?
  7. Alright bud.. I don't have access to those species where I live.. and bluegill are arguably the hardest fighting freshwater fish lb for lb. They aren't your average gills either. 10-12 inches. I have pictures. I want to use the fly rod because it would make more of a challenge for the fish in this certain pond.
  8. He ain't worried bout it (;
  9. I'm not sure what you mean ?? There are huge bluegill and maybe *** lb bass where I plan to use the fly rod at. I think that will be plenty of fight.. 1 to 3*
  10. Is that an adult ? How big do they get on average ?
  11. Ha-ha yea no kidding !! I'm glad you spoke about this. That'll be fun for home games . Thanks.
  12. @bigfruits that's the only difference ??? Between pineapple and hold em? Is you get dealt three and get to discard one before the flop? That sounds like a pretty good way to make bigger hands lol.
  13. Not even going to ask why you're tax exempt
  14. @primetime what's the 19 , 21 , 23 "rule" ?
  15. I'll have to Google pineapple, Tahoe pitch, and roll
  16. Echos .. echos everywhere.
  17. Are they changing all the cabelas stores over to bass pro name ? I always liked cabelas more... even though they are both aimed at upper middle class.
  18. I personally hate that the cabelas are popping up everywhere. There are 3 around me here where I live in ohio. And they all are nowhere near the one I love in Dundee Michigan. It's like they just slap a building up and throw the cabelas name on it. I think they should have built a huge one instead of having 3 In an hour's radius. Their (fishing ) selection was poor too. I went in there looking for three things.. rage tail, screw in cone sinkers for t rig, and rapala xrap shad. Which they had none of. I'll just stick to ordering off line and going to that one in Dundee when I make it back to Michigan.
  19. That's a fun one for sure !
  20. Sounds like you're getting nipped by dinks or bluegill to Me.. T rigged on ewg is recommended from the manufacturer.
  21. @Gundog uno is fun lol. I remember playing a more aggressive version where if someone played a draw two (or draw 4) then you could play one if you had it.. and the next person would have to draw 4 (or 8) . Pretty funny watching someone go from 2 to 10 .
  22. I'm curious as to see what your favorite card games are...? Preferably unorthodox.. I'm looking to learn some new games while camping or on the weekends at the house. My two favorites by far are Texas hold em. And cribbage.
  23. My child isn't big enough to go snooping yet. So. I keep it under the bed in the case, Unloaded with the shells right next to it. I wish somebody would.
  24. I wish I could fish where a 6-12lb bass would just be ehhh
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