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Everything posted by jr231

  1. Yea that will probably work. The one I have i found in my past grandfathers shed, it looks like a mushroom. But I'm assuming you can buy one anywhere marine items are sold. I'd try Walmart.
  2. Try the fluke on a jig head. Lot cheaper than minnows and I've had days where the bite was white hot.
  3. If the material was hard and durable it wouldn't have as good as action. I haven't tried gluing them , but I'm ok with trading 60 cents for 2-3 fish.
  4. Lol it doesn't have to be much... I think I use a 10 or 15 lb anchor . I just tie mine to one of the handles. The wind will still push you around but you won't drift away.
  5. If you know or have access to a private pond. Harvesting IS NECESSARY for a healthy pond. Or else you get stuck with an overpopulated pond with a bunch of skinny, stunted bass. ^ this is the only time I eat bass. Because I have access to three ponds that don't get any harvesting. And it is very necessary. And I wouldn't ever just throw them on the bank or in the woods.. even though the birds or critters would get to them and they would not go to waste... I just wouldn't treat something I care about like that. So. down the hatch they go . The funny thing is I'm the only one who fishes in my immediate family.. and like eating fish the least. Also the "ponds " you are fishing.. are they public state parks ? Or farm ponds..because there is a big difference. I got a kayak from a flea market for 75 bucks. Mounted a 5 dollar rod holder and it was all set. So eat the value menu for a couple weeks instead of going to chipotle or Penn station and you'll find that kayak money very quickly (;
  6. Get you a kayak or inflatable boat. I admit that you look kind of silly to someone there with any type of boat.. standing on the bank .. pumping your boat up. But you can get some pretty decent ones for a modest price and you don't feel so silly when you catch a bass in a place you didn't have access to without it.
  7. Maybe he doesn't have that technology at his disposal ? So it's not as simple as check your equipment to see if if there are bass for some of us. I like @scaleface answer the best.
  8. I was told that the huge ones are "hybrid" and that they are 99% male. I honestly have no idea. That's not all the bluegill in this pond there are a few different kinds.
  9. I like fishing top water at night. For the same reason I like watching scary movies alone. Lol Go for it man. Why not ? Everyone has an opinion. But the best way is to just try.
  10. Just imagine how jealous your woman would be if she seen me wearing one of those.
  11. Ha-ha "let me Google that for you, was that so hard"
  12. Fly fishing is expensive lol. Just as expensive (for me) Probably much cheaper if you tie your own.. but time is money.
  13. First he said "yup" now it says "apparently" Ha-ha. Regardless.. I was just playin.
  14. Elaborate?
  15. I'm just jealous. Those smallest aren't dinks ... I feel like since you posted another picture you couldn't tell I was joking.
  16. @A-Jay is that all you ever catch is dinks ?
  17. More lure options now!!! Id be itching to throw a crank if I could get away with it. So the trout fishermen don't whine lol.
  18. Has the vegetation started to die off ?
  19. When eating fish, it truly depends about 75% on how it was prepared. I've had bass in a spicy cracker type breading that would blow your doors off. Definitely don't go by what people tell you when it comes to food. Wish you luck finding some water. If you don't have kids nows the time to get you a boat or kayak lol. Not that you can't do it with a child but I've found it much harder to A)afford it , b] have the time to do so. Ask your friends , relatives , anybody you know. Or find a river and do some hiking. I think you received some good information above.
  20. Dayton isn't far from me at all ! Look forward to seeing your catches and experiences. Yum and zoom are fairly equal in price. Zoom has the slight edge depending where your shop. Idk what it is.. but GYCB has perfected the stick worm. I'm not sure if it's the salt or the softness combined with that perfect wiggle and fall rate, but it's just the best (stick) worm... with a price that will take the food right out of your children's mouth. So I only buy them on sale.. or if my family hooks me up with a card from a fishing outfitter I'll splurge on them then. Otherwise I can get by with the SK perfect plastics and the yum dingers. Even though I'd rather use the original senko. Have you fished all the brands ? I think you can form a much more solid opinion if you try them yourself. Take a buddy with you and take the senko and and any other brand (in the same color or very close) and see what happens. Then switch. And you use the off brand. It's getting close to winter tho man and they are biting right now in your area ! Go sore lip em all
  21. Ironically . I usually catch hogs or total dinks on top water.
  22. I started like most folks.. with their peers. Worms and a bobber off a dock.. When I got to be around 12 me and my best friend would take a paddle boat and troll jointed rapalas . That's what got me hooked on artificial. I think we get better when we learn to think outside the box.. and try to understand where the fish are and why they are there. I dont have a fancy boat with state of the art depth and fish finders. So I can only fish where I THINK the bass are... I think I do rather well for not having any advanced technology in my possession. I try and get "better" every time I go out. Make mental notes of what I did and how it went. To me, fish are just as mysterious as everything on this earth. I try not to get caught up in the what, why, and how .. and focus more on the where and when. Reading things that interest you can be very beneficial. I wouldn't know of half the baits i use today if someone else hadn't showed me their success with them. Fishing is best when folks leave their ego in the truck. An open mind and positive outlook will always win over a stubborn and arrogant mindset. As for the rest of your questions.. other than reading or advice from those you know . I believe trial and error is key. Just like most things in life.
  23. So my tapered leader is not the most ideal option?
  24. They can't raise the prices tooooo High..people will just buy elsewhere.. online or straight from the manufacturer. In this type of market they will still have to compete with ANY other place that sells fishing items.. Then again people pay 8 dollars for a pack of senkos... so. It'll only go as high as you all are willing to pay. Reminds me of the sports world.. where many people complain about how much money the athletes make.. but the fact is.. if the CONSUMER wouldn't pay outrageous prices for tickets, jerseys and cable channels then the athletes wouldn't have all that money.
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