You're a few hours from me... I don't think it's lure selection. Traps and senkos are proven fish catchers. I really wish I could help ya man.
If the fish aren't there you won't be catching fish. I don't use any electronics when I use my jon boat and I usually do pretty decent.. I can only target the areas I THINK are productive.. it's hit and miss really. I wish I had that fancy stuff but I make do with what I have. Everyone knows it's more fun when you catch fish.
Im telling ya though.. the smaller body of water is key when you bank fish IMO. Whether it's a channel , river, pond or small lake. I tried to bank fish a 3200 acre lake this past summer with all kinds of promising laydowns and got nothing. I hiked so much through the woods to areas off the beaten paths with no reward but poison ivy.
I dont think one time on a canoe is a good enough experiment! I know it gets pricy renting one so id just save up and get one. No matter what; you have a better chance of finding a bass in that canoe then you do on a small portion from the bank...