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Everything posted by jr231

  1. Yea @J Francho I just was sharing what has worked for me.. I didn't have an elder or a tutor.. just learned from reading and experimenting.. it works ! But I never claimed it to be the best bed bait. I just named something I had success on in the past.. I'll try the drop shot come this spring. and I think I'm going to try a Mattlures gill as well
  2. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://www.berkley-fishing.com/Berkley-ae-carolina-rigs-for-pre-spawn-spawning-bass.html&ved=0ahUKEwjHh5TBn-_QAhXD2yYKHTN8DYcQFghDMAo&usg=AFQjCNGSLVblLXVNNqSmlYHfZg2powxtqg&sig2=loteDFjS02S_EJlrnXU1rA Take it up with the staff at Berkley. Ha-ha who says I'm using lead?. 3/4 is a bit heavy.. but it works great and this is the article that lead me to doing this. Just Google it. It's a technique used by many... not just Berkley. Or you could post your own way of fishing beds ?
  3. @j bab nice Choice on that countdown x rap. I've caught plenty on mine. I also like VMC for alot of my specialty hook needs. You have good taste !
  4. We should do a bass resource TLC match.. I can try and suplex @deaknh03 off a ladder through a table .
  5. Ok mr francho. A Carolina rig is a very simple technique that works well ANY time bass are relating to the bottom. Sinker /bead/swivel and a leader.. I like to use a 3/4oz with a 2-3 foot leader. and the lizard just makes a perfect intruder on the bedding bass. If you haven't tried it you're missing out. Very simple and effective..
  6. C-rigged zoom lizard.
  7. @wdp I caught my personal best on a skitter pop ! An oversized brown frog pattern !! Great bait. I feel like I could fish it against anybody using any other popper. I like yours and Darren's posts.. but apparently I have went a little crazy with the like button today.
  8. I think Ive heard about 100 beer nights or something of the sort lol
  9. He has a boat ! I've seen his threads of modifications on the boat and "how I fish docks" He seems to be doing quite well ! Happy for him .
  10. Lol there were threads made almost daily raving about the plopper. I've seen threads for rods dedicated just for the plopper. Ha-ha. Apparently the R2S "slammer" is nice too. I've seen it get some praise. But like I said, so many choices... after they burned me on that crayfish they won't get my business anymore. How long you been using the swing impact ?
  11. It was actually the first and only river 2 sea product Ive ever bought. I know they have some big winners. People on these forums are nuts about some of their products, like the whopper plopper for example. .. but that one product left me pretty sour. And I don't need their products to catch bass. Not with the seemingly unlimited choices I have at my disposal.
  12. Are you a grandpa yet ? Ha-ha ! Just playin. Seriously though you could be. My dad was a grandfather at 42. Andre is before my time. But I'm pretty familiar with him. Wasn't he supposedly undefeated until hulk Hogan did that body slam on him. Yes I know it's all staged. Lol.
  13. Umm yea basically for 13 dollars it's total garbage. It wouldn't land right side up no matter what line or knot I used. I had to use suspend dots to get it to land properly. Maybe I got a defective one but the action was crap too. I'm sure you could catch a fish on it.. but I felt like a fool for even trying it. Ya live and learn. I could have got a pack of hooks, lead sinkers, and almost any craw on the market for what I paid for that stupid thing.
  14. I met Mick foley awhile back (aka mankind, dude love, cactus jack) at a airport in Florida. He's a big dude. My brother was like aye bro, didnt we used to have action figures of that guy? I was like where ?? Sure enough.. Mr foley , looking me right in the eyes. Asked us how we were ,he gave a nod and kept movin.
  15. Lol hmm. I wonder how they are thin and stiff ? Thanks for the heads up though. Where were you when I bought a clackin crayfish lol
  16. I wish they would make that beat shad in the gulp variation. The havoc line has got to be one of the best value brands there is.. got to love that made in the USA too. Yea 1/8oz jighead is my favorite way to fish them as well.
  17. Berkley has a swing impact look-alike called the beat shad I believe. Haven't tried it yet. But 2.99 I think ..
  18. So you got the speed shad and rage swimmer ?
  19. @MassBassin508 I already have a 175$ order I'm about to pull the trigger on so I figured whats 3 more dollars. They have alot of baits that I can't find locally. Like the fat ika.
  20. When I was a young boy... I was really into WWF . I looked up to all of them.. the undertaker , HHH , stone cold, the rock.. I was in love with wrestling.. had the figures and toy belts..watched the show religiously. Well one Christmas my uncle made a picture of me with stone cold.. he photo shopped us together . And gave it to me as a gift.. then he proceeded to convince me that i met him and that we took the picture at a local restaurant in Lexington KY. I went several years thinking I met my idol.. lol. My uncle sent me the picture the other day just to remind me. Funny to me now, but I thought it was very cruel when I found out.
  21. Every live target I've purchased has hooked fish... but quality baits at half the price are the route I choose to take !! Bomber and rapala ! Some want LC and SK . Ill take any of them before I buy another live target. not because live target is bad... but because others are just as good (and better) at a cheaper price. IMO
  22. And "salt n pepper " are now sold out at TW . Lol This is a good article. I'm not sure where but I read a much more in depth one of him explaining how he had success with them in tournaments. I do believe he's a big fan of the bubblegum too.
  23. At 2.99. I will give them a try. Just threw em In the cart. June bug. I have luck with em just on a jighead too! It's one of my "panic baits"
  24. Yea it's not like picking up a 45 lb dumbbell. My yak is 43 lbs and 10 foot long. And although it's not heavy.. it's awkward to pick up.. an 80lb one would be more than a chore for sure . I don't think I'm a slouch either, me n one other man pack 230 pound Kohler shower doors, and 80lb bags of concrete almost weekly. So. Id just keep that in mind. No matter how strong you think you are. Getting an 80 lb kayak on a car rack WILL be a chore by yourself.
  25. Yea I like kalins lunker grubs, zoom or Berkley twin tails, paddle tail swimbaits and the rage menace on my swim jigs. But you could put almost anything on the back of one.
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