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Everything posted by jr231

  1. One of the Lowes we do contracts for told us their average contractor was 48. It's a dying art. I just turned 24.. I'm not sure if I want to do it for the rest of my life. But it sure beats factory and kitchen work.
  2. Lol. @scaleface the way you're holding that cigar... I almost called you cheech ! I'll go hiking with ya if you put me on those morels I seen you post awhile back. !
  3. Lol it's funny that he truly wore that mask for a reason. The movie he made was weird and crazy. I really like the condemned that Steve Austin made. Rock has been in so many it's ridiculous from scorpion king to the tooth fairy bs ha-ha. One of my favorites he did was the re make of walking tall. And the run down. I cant believe he weaseled his way into the furious movies
  4. You think your oldest son will follow in your path ?
  5. I just don't see why you'd kill a couple fisherman.. even if they thought it was "their turf" .. I'd be less shocked if it was authority of some sort.. But fisherman ? There's a special place in h.ell for people who do things like this.
  6. Thanks guys. @riverbasser engines is a good skill to have.. I'd have alot less worries if I knew I could fix all the engines around me lol. @Buckeye Ron I'm pretty sure there is some money to be had in welding too ! Welding and endgine work are more of a necessity than tile work for sure.. but.. people like nice things in their homes... and it keeps me busy. . We don't do just tile ! Ha-ha. I'd rather not to be honest. From start to finish it will really wear you down.
  7. I'm not sure man. I live in ohio for the time being.. my mother did text me the other day and said she was excited for ice fishing... so if it's not there yet. It's close ! We just got our first good snow in ohio today. Southern Ohio. I'm like 45 minutes north of Cincinnati (which is literally on the border of Kentucky. ) I see you're excited for the ice though. Looking forward to seeing some pics.
  8. Just a Michigander living in ohio. Snoopin on yalls thread. You mass dudes get it in !
  9. My question is are females ever on the beds by themselves for any period of time ? my understanding... is the male's fan the nests out , the females come in and the male's bump the eggs out. Then the male's guard the nest and the fry ... is this correct ?
  10. I see serious veterans saying conflicting statements about how long females stay on their beds ... Some say only a few hours... you're saying days ! Does the female stay there by herself? @Catt do you care to elaborate a little more on this ?
  11. Maybe I should have put it by the spinner bait and flutter spoon? Lol mepps spinner is one of my panic baits ! Its a true multi species bait and I have a huge plano full of them. Yea GY and SK are my favorite brands for plastics. I made a thread mid summer with a poll. SK vs GY . Pick one and you can't use the other ever again.. with 88 votes and it came out dead even
  12. Ha-ha @MassBassin508 what do you mean ?
  13. This is one of my favorites we did. Stone cuts like butter compared to all the others. We did the floor too and the round cuts around the toilet were a breeze compared to porcelain/ceramic This is a different one of a tub and floor that turned out pretty sweet ! It's alot of work. Whenever a tile job comes up I don't jump with joy.. but.. it's pretty good money and it's satisfying in the end..
  14. Yep That's what they wanted... off some display at "the tile shop".. they didn't want it on the top though.. idk man some people lol. we also did the floor And tile base around the floor. . And are scheduled to go back after the first to install 3 vanity cabinets and countertop and hook up their plumbing. (Fun ) That middle piece of trim above the accent piece ; called "chair rail" wasn't very fun either. A little nerve racking at 18 dollars apeice and cutting 45s on them. It wraps around the shower and all the way around the toilet. I need more pictures And the top is actually glass... I prefer stone over all.
  15. Lol ok . Let's just talk about rainbows and butterflies then I like the monarch.
  16. Wooooooooooooooohh!
  17. Lol . What is this high school wrestling ? Nahh this is wrasslin son. Comments like that will get you the chair too.
  18. Ha-ha why is that so d**n funny ..
  19. You're in tho right ? You know you wanna frogsplash @A-Jay from off the top rope.
  20. Thank you sir.
  21. It was a contract for Lowes. So they supplied the sealer. I believe it was called redgard* It was over a tub and on the walls we used hardibacker. Usually we talk the customer into a custom pitched shower floor. quickrete and an oatey pan liner. It was installed on the left after the picture.
  22. Recently purchased. Some TW. Some miscellaneous. Rage craws, chunks, bugs, Nd a pack of toads. with one pack of the swimmers. Stocked up on the IKAs , 6 packs ? A few more packs of dt hula grubs. Even though I have so many. A few jigs Trusty mepps spinner Flutter spoon Small spinner bait and z man chatter bait. 2bomber model A's in a color I can't find anymore (bought them from a private seller) chartreuse blush. And I can't hardly purchase anything fishing without throwing another rapala in the mix. In this case it's 5 more ? dtfat , dt6, 2 xraps and shallow shad rap.
  23. And that's loopty loops not circles ! I have my notebook out.
  24. I think you did great for 2 hours man.. especially since you said you had to throw some back . Nice job
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