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Everything posted by jr231

  1. how much are you paying for them ? Field and stream had buy one get one half off on almost every rapala a while back and the skitter pops were 7.99 . I got several. Amongst various others . Idk if you have those in Texas but they run deals in my area all the time. Maybe they weren't selling em enough. Idk.. https://www.thereelshot.com/products/rapala-skitter-pop?codesf=4987554382&gclid=CIH1tIPUgNECFQYdaQod9pUPYA Here's a link I found em for 5.99 . Lots of places run deals. Field and stream and DSG are the spots I find the deals the most.
  2. Spiderwire makes a sinking braid they call (floro-braid) and I like it alot..
  3. I'll outfish that Rico with a 6 dollar skitter pop !
  4. He wasn't a random.. someone I know.. and I wasn't too worried about it.. ya know how guys act ? Talk B's and dont mean it.. kind of like how women compliment each other and don't mean it.. I thought it was interesting though and the reason I shared was to say that I don't wish my daughter was a boy at all. See negative things people say about you, only really bother you if they're true...
  5. Went and watched the Bengals lose.. yay.
  6. Also Pink and firetiger dots. And although this is true .. the black fury is still very effective on bass.
  7. Dude if I could only have one lure it would be a mepps spinner... I've caught bluegill, perch, crappie, bass, big channel cat and pike. #3, #4 silver blade and the black fury variations. An often overlooied is the red/orange black fury. It pi.sses em off, from a distance !
  8. jr231


  9. jr231


    What kind of music should you listen to while fishing ? Something catchy... Here's one I like.. So a man was fishing in a state park after hours.. A DNR officer comes along his way and tells him he's gonna have to write him a ticket for all these poached fish in his bucket.. The man explains to the officer.. "no sir, ya see , these are my pet fish. I bring em out here and let them swim around for awhile and when I whistle they come back to me so we can go home.." The officer says there is no way.. I don't believe you. The man replies "here ill show you." The officer is intrigued.. "man I've got to see this.." The man carefully takes each one of his fish and puts them back in the lake.. a little while passes and the man starts whistling his tune.. the officer says "where are your fish?" The man replies... What fish ?
  10. Lol I have some to spare
  11. Right but what if he can start the jail job soon ? Say.. a couple weeks ? There is missing info !
  12. I agree.. but hey. I'm here for information and to contribute. At the end of the day the likes don't mean as much as the info.
  13. First off . I like your little quote there at the bottom from nergeanu. If you know you're leaving ? Why bother ? Just go start working at the jail asap and get that year over with so they can pay for your schooling.. It all depends on how long til you can start working at the jail..
  14. Although they may not be able to remove all of the bass.. this is seriously going to effect them. A world class bass fishery up in smoke is what it looks like to me.
  15. Bass like to hangout in those weeds.. and ambush. The jig being pulled through the grass gives off vibrations to the bass's lateral line.. if its really thick I would use a more compact trailer like a beaver style bait.
  16. Don't give up on the jig... That'd be a big mistake.. spring through fall the rage chunk is a perfect fit for your booyah baby boo jigs. Green/brown works everywhere. Also black. Try a Rapala original floater . And rip it down so it just barely ticks the top of the weeds. Or small twitches on the surface.. Get the GY double tail hula grub and fat ika. These are serious baits and catch fish all across this country. I like fishing the hula grub weightless the most.. but will also fish it t rigged or on a stripped weedgaurd jig if need be. The fat ika rigged skirt up is probably my favorite soft plastic. Rarely gets hung up and every color works. Skirt up with a 4/0 extra wide gap .
  17. Lol either of them.. I'm guessing 25-26"
  18. Sounds like Cali is in trouble though... Sad story. Awesome fish ! Anyone know the length ?
  19. @clayton86 thanks for sharing .
  20. Package sent . To maspeth Ave NY.
  21. Lol more like... they don't all look like that right ?
  22. I know some B.A dudes with daughters lol. It's just how it goes.. when I found out my girlfriend was expecting, of course I wanted a boy... who doesn't ? But now that she's here... I dont wish she was a boy at all... she's been callin me daddy for over 2 months now. And it's the best thing in my life by far..
  23. Deaknho3 told me he has several hoodies equipped with upside down pink triangles. And a monarch butterfly tat on his left shoulder. He also wishes he was freddie mercury. Secrets huh... hmmm.... I caught my personal best from a 3acre farm pond..
  24. I trust this dude ^ completely and have no idea who he is
  25. So I was having a drink at a bar... shooting some pool.. and someone I know was giving me a hard time about having a baby girl. He said, "you know you're a b!tch because you had a girl"... he was joking .. I think.. he doesn't even have a child and I'm pretty sure everyone under the roof could have beat him up 1 on 1 . But I didn't really know what to say to him.. besides, "then so is your grandpa. " Ha-ha. He just looked at me puzzled.
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