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Everything posted by jr231

  1. I watch the "homicide hunter Lt. Joe kenda" all the time and it's based out of Colorado springs . Have you seen it ? There's a couple reasons I want to visit Colorado. Crappie isn't one of them. But I do wish you luck in your fishing
  2. jr231

    Over under

    A few years ago, when I lived in michigan ... I would go Partridge and woodcock hunting with my grand father on the regular.. he had an awesome German shorthair that would point a bird for minutes.. anyway . He went 50/50 on some land with an old friend of his.. and he would come along too sometimes. I have a few shotguns.. and the 12ga was usually overkill for what we were doing so we all packed 20ga. My grandpa's friend had a Browning over/under and it was no doubt smoother than my pump. It was a real joy to shoot. I don't think you'll regret getting an over under.
  3. Not familiar with your area. But fish a main branch off the Ohio River. And the lures I named have treated me well.
  4. Bomber and bandit crankbaits, 4inch senkos , a jig , and a curly tail grub on a ball jighead should all do you well in the Ohio. Also an inline spinner for some multispecies action.
  5. The stickbait may possibly be the most versatile lure on the market
  6. Yea a swim jig. You can fish it all through the water column. With different trailers , like a single or double tail grub, crawfish , paddletail swimbaits.
  7. It's pumpkin with black and green flake. Rigging the IKA is no big secret. weightless with 4/0 extra wide gap hook. Rigged skirt up.
  8. I have alot of soft plastics and hard lures.. but honestly I think these soft plastics could cover.me all year if need be. They are my absolute favorite. And my favorite color too. All GY . Senko, IKA, DT hula grub. Btw I fish Ohio too. And these baits are dynamite here.
  9. Exactly ^ Yes IMO just using one o-ring and having the hook to the side does effect hook up ratio. I was doing that before I found the o-rings , hook though the middle and then back out again to keep the worm on the hook when I was getting strikes. But I stopped because I was convinced the angle of the hook was making me miss fish. I'd rather lose baits than fish ! Lol But yea as bigturtle said. Use 2 , and cross em.
  10. Ok I misunderstood. Go get em. Are they reservoirs? Hows the fishin in Oklahoma?
  11. Haha just buy one. Then come tell us how it is.
  12. Why!? You want the weight as streamlined as possible to get through with minimal weight .
  13. Idk why we would complain about the amount of baits a company has to offer ? I think it's awesome. And like I said.. if you pick up a box (in person ) it will have all the info you need on it.
  14. Every bait has a short recommendation on the back of the box on how to fish it. And on top of the box has legnth, weight, and running depth.. I don't think it gets much more simple than that bud.
  15. Lol. Growing up in Michigan, i swear we had school even if we got 6-8 inches. It's like we only had a snow day when the council wanted off. Now I live in southern Ohio. About 45 mins north of Kentucky, and the schools here absolutely flip about any snow. I'm talking cancellations when I can still see the grass. Lol. Even cancellations because of how cold it was ! I guess it's cool for the kids but it's just odd to me.
  16. Countdown is a version of the "original floating minnow". Typically it sinks 1 foot per second and will vary between sizes. The SK 1.5 is a squarebill. And the scatter rap is just a type of lip that can come on a shad rap, crank, original minnow and a few others.. even the tail dancer. So there are plenty of places to use it , and still fish the 1.5. I personally like the scatter rap shad. I caught 2 bass 4-5 lbs on it just this past season. But if the scatter rap disappeared I wouldn't be bothered. Because I've been using them long before and to me it is not really a game changer. They do work though. I've had much success with rapala and it is my favorite company by far . I have more than 150 of their lures. Not ones I bought in bulk for cheap either. Rather ones I hand selected throughout the years. My favorite all time (rapala) lures that I wouldn't ever leave the dock without are 1) shad rap and JOINTED shad rap. (Also get the shallow version of this) 2) fat rap and DT series. Don't slap the DTs on the water to clear the moss.. use your darn hand.. 3) xrap shad ( shallow version of this as well ) gettin hard to find but I have plenty. 4) original floater . Slow retrieve , dead sticked , rip and pause , small twitches . This thing catches fish. Don't be afraid to get the big ones too. I'll talk about these all day. If you want to hear what else I have to say about them. You can PM me. I might even have one or two for you to try out.
  17. If you have kids (or do someday) . They are going to love you just as you do your parents. And it's a feeling like no other. You have things to look forward to. I wish the best for you.
  18. @soflabasser yes sir.. MegaMan , donkey Kong, and sonic the hedgehog pretty much made up my childhood gaming lol. I did get the chance to scuba dive ! In Cozumel one time. It was awesome . And my tab on the beach ended up being 440 pesos . Lol. I was really worried for a moment. No spear fishing though. Bucket list for sure.
  19. Next is gonna be a MegaMan suit where I can just go down there n blast em n take em home with me
  20. Yep hog mama
  21. Idk but it's obvious he likes it lol
  22. It is a type of drum, after all.
  23. This makes sense. I dont fish tournaments I'm lucky to even even have more than 5 hours to fish on any given day anyway. I do have a pond with lots of trees I frequent that casting with my left hand would prove advantageous. Lots of different ways of looking at it. And I've received good answers as to why someone right handed would prefer to reel with their right hand. The number one answer appears to be preference . But apparently offers small advantages in certain scenarios as well.
  24. So you do the switch.. and why pitch left ? Assuming you're right handed.
  25. I don't see much advantage in learning to use both hands.. I'm perfectly comfortable fishing the way I do and have never once thought to myself "man I really could make a better cast if I could use the other hand"
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