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Everything posted by jr231

  1. Very possible...
  2. jr231

    Planet X

    Never cared much for their hardbaits anyway..
  3. @frosty yea that makes perfect sense. What I'm saying is they don't make the "L" sound because it's not in their language.
  4. Ok this is kind of funny.. I believe in Asian language (it might just be Chinese or Japanese or some other) they do not use any L's in their language... I've constantly heard radios , TV shows and people speak without using L's when this (Asian) language is their first language.. like 'rove you' and "rifting weights " .. idk how true it is but the fact that it's bubbling shaker and you say it says on the package bubbring.. is more than coincidence it seems. I tried to say this on a thread a few months ago. And @J Francho thought it was just the craziest idea that I would ever use a carolina rig for bedding fish.
  5. I have a stainless #5 mepps I used to catch pike with that is over a decade old. It still runs well. And isnt rusted out.
  6. jr231

    Planet X

    Haven't you seen men in black ? It's based on a true story.
  7. jr231

    Planet X

    @deaknh03.. yes.. aliens.. sea monsters.. ghosts... women without mood swings.. all these phenomena interest me very much.. I don't doubt alien life one single bit... I know someone who would swear their life in all seriousness that they've encountered an alien.. and he would tell a story of being hit with a red beam through his upstairs bedroom as a child. I've personally never seen one but some of the stuff on tv about aliens being responsible for some religions is also interesting to me.. Lol @J Francho you think aliens are impossible ?
  8. jr231

    Planet X

    I think the odds of it happening in our lifetime (compared to the earths lifetime) is slim to none..Pretty crazy to think about though.. even crazier to think about going to Mars lol
  9. jr231

    Planet X

    But then who's to say something won't collide with Mars ?? Interesting perspective.
  10. Prom dates.. blushing women at the fabric store.. you ever come to Ohio and the first rounds on me !
  11. Dude... No one mentioned an x-rap ? You seriously need 3. A regular x-rap . An x-rap countdown... And an x-rap shallow shad. I keep a small 5 slot, double sided plano (so ten slots) for when I only have a short time to fish. Those three baits are always in it. Along with a couple bandits, a bomber, a mepps spinner, and recently a RES and lucky craft silent squarebill.
  12. I'm not sure what the scoop is on these baits. I'd give em a go. Let's sip some of that Bacardi tho
  13. Here in Ohio it has been freakishly warm. I managed to catch two on a cabelas blade bait a couple days ago. Usually we have inches of snow and everything is frozen. Idk what's going on. Anyway. When "spring " does hit.. I'll be ripping a big wobbling crankbait in the shallows. Probably a DT fat. I'll also be tossing some weightless senkos on spinning gear I guess Ill leave it at that but I could go on for awhile about all the baits I plan on using.
  14. If Tom Brady does bass fish.. I'm sure he takes trips to Florida and Mexico and has a guide put him on the lunker's.
  15. @A-Jay lol he'd spend his winnings stuffing that bass with tungsten !!
  16. Yea that catfish video is BA!! Alot of people in my area are nuts about the catfish. Not bass.
  17. Yea you need black !!!!! I agree. It's number one... Also pearl, bubblegum, and baby bass. That's all I need.
  18. jr231

    Planet X

    @Darren. yes. Lol. What brought this to my attention is my girlfriend (whom might as well be my wife) came home all shook up last night. When we were laying in bed she started crying babbling about how she heard someone at her work talking about something on a collision path with earth. She was saying "I just want our daughter to live a full life.. (whom is only 15 months)" Now she is a customer service manager for a retail store.. she's pretty smart . Just more than a little naive. After some research of my own ... A name came up that was "Ron L. Hubbard" and anything that has to do with this man I automatically disregard. I knew right there and then it was non sense. On the flip side... The idea of something colliding with earth isn't all that far fetched.. we did have an asteroid pass by not all that long ago.. and wernt notified it was going to happen until we knew it wasn't going to hit... Space is so vast and interesting (to me) and it's hard telling what's out there or even how big it is.. I was just wondering if anybody had heard about this because this is the first time I heard of it.. I'm sure whoever was talking about it probably hates their life enough to pray for something like that to happen. It all just had my gears turning. I've always been fascinated with aliens and other mysteries.
  19. Lol ^oompa loompa
  20. jr231

    Planet X

    So what's the scoop. On "nibiru" . Does anyone know what I'm talking about.
  21. Not just fish. Alot of animals ! Good to know though
  22. Agreed ^ or just free line them . If I was doing that id hook it through the lower jaw and out a nostril.
  23. She's been eating good. I assume it's female anyway given the size.. don't tell them Gator boys. Cuz ya know what they say.... "Chootem" haha.
  24. Yes. A stripper is just a big striper.. strippin out that line !
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