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Everything posted by jr231

  1. There are numerous ones that look just like the impacts... Like Berkely and many others. I'm not sure bud
  2. Lol if keitech is making them(which I doubt). They are clearly seconds. The speedshad action is sub par at best.
  3. I don't think any walking style bait will fish well in that stuff ! Lol
  4. How many fish have you caught with this thing ? I've only caught one.. and the holes wernt any bigger than normal... If it's too thick I'd opt for a different bait anyway..
  5. @RoLo . Yea fairly young... 24.. what I wanted clarification on was "surgery is always accompanied by internal hemorrhage...Even minor ones" what exactly does this mean ? Like I said I tried to look it up and only found results of internal bleeding and hemroids . Like I said .. most people getting surgery (especially ones as major as heart surgery) don't have much of a choice.. The success rate of surgery is far greater than failure overall.
  6. @deaknh03 what I really need is for you to come pack and cut a bunch of hardiebacker for me tomorrow.
  7. Get ahold of your bank (or look online) to see the recent charges on your credit card...
  8. I've had my spleen , gallbladder, and tonsils removed all on separate occasions... The spleen was bad.. worse than broken bones and anything else I've went through by far... Happened when I was 16.. and if not for major surgery I definitely would not be here.. beyond thankful for modern medicine . I wouldn't be here ! Which means I wouldn't have gave new life to this world either.. I've also had a plate and some screws put in my hand. When I punched something I shouldn't have . I'd be a cripple if it wasn't for the surgery I went through ! There was no set it back and it will heal I needed the plate to take place of the bone.. thankful for this as well.. Obviously, sometimes surgeries get botched and complicate things worse than they were... But most of the people getting surgery don't have a choice. And would be much worse off if they didn't have the option
  9. @RoLo I'm a little confused at what you're getting at.... How many people do you know that surgery saved their life ??? Or improved it drastically... If he was having heart surgery he wasn't going to make it much further anyway... I tried to do a little research of what you meant when you said surgery is always accompanied by internal hemorrhage... But only turned up results of internal bleeding (and hemroids*) care to elaborate on this ?
  10. I was hoping for a bassresource Texas hold em tournament
  11. The livetarget has some seriously nasty trokar hooks. I stuck a 4lber with em on the softest take I've ever seen on a top water. Haven't had much luck on it since, but honestly havent gave it a fair shot. So many lures and such little time lol
  12. Fat ika can be fished almost everywhere.. it's action is awesome.. I have better luck in just a tad deeper water with them though... Like 8-14ft.. where I can lift and drop through the whole water column. Awesome bait for sure.
  13. I know alot of people who didn't make it to 61.. close family included. Sad for sure.. death always is... I'll take 61 though.
  14. Major surgery has saved my life on more than one occasion ! And I'd have a crippled hand if not for another !
  15. Live bluegill Lol. I'm on the senko bandwagon
  16. Umm.. I worked hard on that.
  17. Reason I ask is because I see pictures like this floating around the net..I understand how easy it is to make fradulent pictures... And also have them look very convincing.. This one looks like a black crappie and LM mixed .. Like I said.. easily faked. Interesting nonetheless. The tree comparison makes sense to me.
  18. Can this happen with crappie and LM bass ?
  19. Solid black
  20. X-rap , and swim jig with a paddle tail or kalins grub
  21. Apparently I got wind of the Walmart sale just a little late.
  22. Buy rapala or strike king jerkbaits.. and tweak em with suspendots/strips . I can have 5 different models for the cost of one of those.. and catch fish every season. Or I can just buy two , instead of the one megabass ... And poof. Baby has some shoes.
  23. Fat ika. You need the fat ika. I don't think there is a soft plastic I could cast further weightless and be more fun to fish than the fat ika.. I don't know if bass pro carries them though. Last time I was in one they didn't have any.. the old man was like "nah but we have the kreature " lol. Not quite bro.
  24. Ok.. I fish alot of ponds and small lakes and a few rivers. They all fish differently. One thing I've learned about ponds... Is the bass become conditioned to you !! There is one pond I fish that has a big momma in it.. last time I caught her was this past summer n she was 24" . The first time she was 23" . This has been a span of 4, going on 5 years. Every time I caught her it was on something different... The first time, a senko, the second time it was a top water popper, and the third time it was a shad rap... I've tried them all numerous times again and never caught her.. this is in a 3 acre pond. So she can't go far... And has to eat.. anybody can say what they want about a bass and their intelligence... But im convinced she's on to me... Basically what I'm saying to you is change it up.. I don't mean change the color of your worm or how fast you fish it. I'm saying change your whole approach. Try something you haven't. Whether it's a swim jig, surface Walker, shakey head etc.. don't go back with the same old , same old and expect the same results.. because IME it doesn't work that way. Now the weather has been goofy where I'm at too... I haven't been doing so hot but truthfully haven't got more than a couple hours each time I went... My best bait this winter was a blade bait... In a 1/4 oz size... Sometimes I feel like rattles turn them off... Silent with a flash has landed me some fish recently. Maybe try a flutter spoon . Everyone talks about the keitech swing impacts... Try a keitech live impact either drop shot or on a light round ball jig head...
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