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Everything posted by jr231

  1. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://www.*.com/Paycheck-Baits-Frog-Transporter-p/paycheckbaits-transporter.htm&ved=0ahUKEwjupriB3vrSAhUF0YMKHZ_1BMYQFggbMAA&usg=AFQjCNEUx0OPvlkzGVBESCt4vhsHzZtpAA&sig2=zuIy1g7soNbZabATP39TrQ https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.basstacklemaster.com/PayCheck-Baits-The-Transporter-Frog-p/pcbttf.htm&ved=0ahUKEwjupriB3vrSAhUF0YMKHZ_1BMYQFggmMAM&usg=AFQjCNH-dZqFnE9BAqcOohrgQlTUT4QFDw&sig2=w3dYPpNVNZt64astqpI35w
  2. Rage bug. Punching through the slop where the bass are taking shade and picking off unsuspecting forage and critters/bugs. Seriously, so fun tossing it out there and setting into a bass you knew had to be there. And the rage bug gets it done. Always. June bug and summer craw are my favorites. GY senko/fat IKA/ DT hula grub . They charge as much as they do because they catch fish. And people are willing to pay it for a proven plastic. All three of these baits are deadly weightless ! Idk which I like more... But always have more than I need of these in my totes. And they are always in my bag spring through fall. The senko and the hula grub can be rigged many different ways.. the senko being the most versatile IMO but a simple jighead or Texas rigged hula grub has more than once been the days winner for me. As for colors I've never bought a pack of GY anything that didn't work. But my vote goes for pumpkin with green and black flake. Or root beer with 2x emerald flake. Rapala shad rap. A sweeping retrieve has been my best overall. Back and forth with varying speeds and pauses until I find the right cadence. I often find myself catching more than just bass when this has been tied on but have caught over 4 bass 5+ in about a decade of fishing and countless fish 2-4 . Doesn't seem like much but given I'm in the north, have other responsibilities and am only a part time recreational fisherman, the stats are pretty decent with the shad rap. Classic perch or silver / black back are my go-to's Jig. All kinds of jigs. But mainly a light brush jig (1/4-3/8) or a swim jig being in my main rotation. On the brush jig I like to use the rage craw and chunk, zoom chunk, and 3/4 of a 5 inch senko. As for the swim jig I like curly tail grubs( kalins) rage menace , and small paddle tails. Jigs stay in my bag year round and have some with rattles , different heads, skirt materials , colors, and weights. I used to like to match my trailer perfect to the jig, but now tend to throw contrast on the trailer. Such as a Green pumpkin jig with a black trailer. Mainly use earth tones as colors for my jigs but I've had recent success with a pearl white swim jig. Popper. At night... Right ? Nothing I like more than making my heart jump when a bass slams my popper at night. That being said, I actually have the most luck using them mid day. In the heat of summer ! I caught 2 bass last year over 20" on a popper . And one was 24". Both fish were taken between 12-5 on seperate days. I like the rapala skitter pop. Many brands do the job in this category. Whether it's a megabass popmax or rebel pop-r (or my modestly priced skitter pop ) I'd keep at least one of these on hand. Black belly and white belly are all you need. I also like to use scents and dyes. JJ's magic and spike it markers . Mend-it for my expensive soft plastics. Good luck to you this summer.
  3. jr231

    4 Lures

    Haha right. I understand... But if you were season specific my baits would change.. kinda. Lol.
  4. Never heard of them... After a simple Google search I found several companies carrying their products and also what appears to be their home page. So. Here ya go. http://www.paycheckbaits.com/products.html
  5. jr231

    4 Lures

    This is very vague.. it depends on region, season, boat or land . But I'll pick 4 that can cover most . A simple jig. A flutter spoon or blade bait (I'd be fine with either) Rapala original floater Senko (to be honest I'll take any plastic GY makes here.)
  6. Wels from a kayak !?!?! Might as well handline it while you're at it ! Haha ! Those things are huge..
  7. Here it is. Doesn't have the pendulum. He has a few faces and can do custom orders. I'm happy for him and just wanted to share ! Cuz its pretty B.A !! I'm gonna own one for sure.
  8. For some reason it won't let me upload a picture ? It says I can only upload 680kb??? Not sure what's up with that but I just wanted to share what a good friend of mine has been doing. He's making clocks. And mirrors. The clocks are amazing and every piece is made by him and his machines. Really cool stuff and I just wanted to share. But for some reason can't upload a picture ? I'm going to try in a post down below Yea it's saying my Max total size is .79 mb. I guess this thread can just be deleted . Because you need to see the pictures ! And it won't let me
  9. I have one as well. It's perfect for your budget. I'm no rod wizard but it works nice for me. The reel is a good look too ! I'm glad I bought it.
  10. The only thing that will make your reel last a "long time" is proper maintenance... Kinda like your redneck buddy (I'm sure you have one) who can keep that old truck runnin. I suggest watching videos or talking with someone who knows how to clean and maintain reels. That, my friend.. is what will make your reel last the longest. Nice budget btw.. ya know.. with that kind of money... You could ditch ur buddies and get a kayak.
  11. Uhh ohh. I smell a "new rig" comin
  12. Score one for the Yanks !
  13. 12 years ago when I was 12, I caught a big bowfin in a state park bobber fishing for bluegill. I was there with a friend and we put it in a bucket and ran to my step father who was an EMT sitting inside an ambulance in the parking area. His buddy chimed in and said it was a "dogfish" . Which made perfect sense to me at the time because it was making very odd noises when it was out of the water. Like a grunting noise. I put it back and haven't caught once since but I don't live in Michigan anymore and mainly target bass, crappie and catfish. Looking back at the event I realize how aggressive bowfin truly are. It attacked my bobber repeatedly before hitting the worm. I remember it's teeth and it's eel like body. Good times.
  14. Nice !!! Topwater hogs... Nothing better IMO
  15. Ahhh tubes. Spring is here... Finally. Lately i fish the fat ika in place of a tube. Whenever it stops working is when I'll switch it up I guess but the simple yo - yo through the water column is about as easy as it gets. And some days it's fish after fish. Black with small red flake gets my vote.
  16. I'd drop the leader too and just use the braid. If you hook into your PB you'll be glad you did. Try a spook style bait. Rapala has an x-rap subsurface that is more than nice. Very easy to walk and good price point.
  17. But who catches a world record catfish and only had one pic ? How would you know the weight ? It just doesn't add up.. if you Google world record flathead.. nothing about this fish comes up.. Not even an article about one being that big caught and waiting to be certified... I am a bettin man.. and I'm all in on this one.
  18. Have you every bought a bag of GY soft plastics that didn't catch bass ?? Me either.
  19. Cuz its fake!!
  20. Every Yamamoto soft plastic catches fish. It's not hard to prove either !
  21. So no clarification on this supposed world record ? I heard about it weeks ago. Saw the one picture. Dismissed it. And haven't heard about it since. Only one picture ?? Come on man...
  22. That's the only pic I've seen as well.. I'm not convinced but would be stoked if it's true because I have quick access to the Ohio.... Oh.. and BTW.... You don't wanna go swimming in the Ohio River lol.. regardless of the fish.
  23. I think it's fake.. the biggest flathead I've seen recorded but not the official record is like 120 lbs. You're talking about an 80 + lb Jump .. impossible ? No .. unlikely .. yes.. I could be wrong. But I don't think so...
  24. Some of my favorites that wernt mentioned.. GYB double tail hula grub ,GYB fat ika, rapala original floater, rage structure bug, roboworm straight tail, zoom super fluke, and a mepps inline spinner. These are staples in my box. And have caught nice fish on all of them .
  25. Man I'd take 65 year round
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