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Everything posted by jr231

  1. Bud how far are you from the Dayton area ?? I can probably put you on some fish .
  2. 1 acre isn't much to work with. There isn't much room for an abundance of hogs. Realistically only one impressive bass in the pond. Maybe 2-3 . It's ur buddy.. idk about you but if a friend of mine ever crossed a line I wasn't to pleased about I'd say something to him about it ? Otherwise just sore lip em all!
  3. Mc sports is going under. Nation wide sales. I got packs of senkos and hula grubs for around 4 dollars a bag. I was going to get a rod but didn't have any left that suited my needs. They were pretty much cleaned out. If I didn't have so many senkos already I would have bought them all. All kinds of colors for 4 a bag ! Bargains.
  4. You don't always get what you pay for... For example.. designer brands of clothing etc, can be some of the cheapest made stuff on earth (and some of the most expensive!). 2 instances, from 2 different companies... My lady wanted this coat from one of em. Cuz it has their stupid symbol on it , and guess what.. within a week the zipper mechanism jammed and literally broke. You could argue this was operator error, but she's a grown woman, has many coats that lasted many years and the zippers work great. Another instance was from another company and was a purse. Again, she wanted it because a stupid symbol on it and since it's so expensive it must be worth it... The seams that held the bag together came unravelled in less than a month.. and she was done with designer. I wish I could be specific because these items were not knockoffs. They were certified from an approved retailer. But all we really got was certified junk. Spend 25 on a jerkbait.. I lose several a year and do just fine with my x-raps . And if purchased selectively I can have about 5 for that price. I for one, like catching pike. They are a freshwater barracuda and I admire their existence. I've also hooked a 22" largemouth with an x rap and I don't get to fish more than once a week on average. And usually in a Jon boat, kayak, or bank fishing with no electronics but a simple depth finder. If I can make due , so can anybody ! If money wasn't an issue, I would get some just cuz I could. But since it is an issue , I'll pass and continue to catch bass on other jerkbaits
  5. You need to try your stickbaits Tx-weightless. !
  6. Use braid on your spinning gear With a leader if you must.
  7. I've hooked into a 3lb bass jigging for panfish with a 3/4 " grub on a 1/16th jighead. They are opportunists !
  8. Walmart (in my area) keeps the standard colors stocked for under 6. Worth a shot. I have favorite colors in most products including GY so I get all their plastics that I use in those colors.. pumpkin with green and black flake is my favorite.. 4" 5" senko, fat ika, hula grub, flappin hog, and kut tail all come in this color. But not usually at bargain prices... Although I feel like I got the most out of the exchange when I hook into a bass.
  9. You can make this a poll. Pit boss is nice for the money but I'd pick the structure bug ultimately.
  10. Pretty much a stat of your liked content.
  11. Structure bug for me. I like the menace alot and the rage chunk on a SK bitsy bug always pulls out bites when I'm struggling to get one.
  12. I think the smaller ones are the best to eat... 12-14"
  13. They all looked about like this. I can't wait to get out there again.
  14. I agree that replica is the way to go... Someone mentioned that you can't even tell the difference. I beg to differ on that. Very easy to tell a replica from the real thing. But as someone else said. Replicas don't shrink or rot. Which is a valid point and I would go this route as well. I stalked a 24" bass last summer for over a month. Knowing she was there. I had all intent on getting her mounted. Once I caught her, I grabbed my bag and my two rods and headed for the truck with her in my hand... And had a sudden change of heart. Dropped my stuff and put her back in the water. In ten years I'll be catching her babies. That will eventually (hopefully) be a hog like her. Genetics play a huge roll in bass size. Just like in most animals. Humans included. Proper environment is also key but a 6 foot man and a 5 foot woman don't typically have a 6'3 son if you catch my drift.
  15. Carry some side cutting pliers , push the barb out and clip it. Then it comes right out. If I get a tick in my line I'm setting the hook. I fish alot of weightless plastics and letting them fall on slack line is crucial alot of the time. So when I see a tick i reel and set.
  16. Fish are so resilient... I remember once a few years back we were going to have a fish fry.. well we had done this previously to clear up stunted bass in an unfished pond .. and the first time I would catch them and throw them in a chest full of ice. Well this made them tough to filet.. so the next time I kept them in a fish basket and threw them in a chest with no ice. They stayed alive for what felt like forever. I ended up giving in and put ice on them cuz I didn't want to filet them alive. Moral of the story is they are tougher than given credit for. When handled with care and in a timely manner. Survival rate is very high.
  17. Had a few hours finally when work fell through and the kid visiting GMA and GPA . I recently went to Michigan to see my mom's side and on the way back hit up the awesome Cabela's in Dundee. I didn't get to shop half as much as I wanted due to a screaming daughter and aggravated mama. But I guess it saved me money, lol still managed to spend 80 dollars. I was hoping to dump my kayak in a local lake and maybe hook into a pike. But with a storm rolling in and precious minutes ticking by, I opted for a 3 acre pond only a few miles from my house.. I caught around 10. And probably lost 5 or so.. one decent one at the bank. Anyway they All were in the 1-2 pound class range. I know there are some bruisers in there due to recent years success. But today wasn't the day. Most of the fish looked healthy. Kind of a small mouth but decent body. And they were on the move. Every strike I had except one I was moving my baits fairly quickly. And they were hitting everything. I caught 2 on the fat ika. One on a chatterbait, 3 on a neko rigged 5" kut tail worm, 1 on a neko GY craw, and the other few came on a bait I recently purchased at Cabela's. It was from a brand I never heard of but decided to try them anyway. And I'm glad I did because they worked well on a j-rig. No hogs, but a success.not my first fish of 2017 but my first bass thumb. Excited for the rest of the season Here's a pic of the hot lure of the day. It's a "FYAO" devil bug. A hellgrammite look alike. And everyone that struck, choked it and was brought to the bank.
  18. I miss all the fishing opportunities Michigan has to offer..
  19. Save the picture to your phone or computer. Then upload that instead of making a link.
  20. Awesome. If you can make those you can run door casing, baseboards, cove/quarter round, scribe molding and most trims in your own home !
  21. On a true Texas rig (with sliding bullet weight) probably a culprit ribbon tail worm. Tx weightless ... Senko or hula grub Pegged (aka Florida rig) rage structure bug.
  22. Good point lol. Your name is SKspacemonkey and you've never tried one ??? It is good. Is it a game changer ? Not for me.. but I have caught bass on it . T rigged and weightless are how I fish it usually. I've also caught a couple hopping it around on a jig head. You can use it as a topwater when rigged weightless , I'll use a round bend worm hook and rip it across pads and let it free fall into open patches. Just another creature bait to me. Love the rage products though. The craw, structure bug, and menace being my favorites. I really like the packaging. Don't have to worry about bent tails and the added coffee scent is a bonus. I'm not sure if it really helps but I know for sure it doesn't hurt !!
  23. You shouldn't need any weight in front of your jig head.. your jig head is your weight. Pick the desired weight jig and add your trailer. A sliding bullet weight in front of your jig will not do much but snag more. The zoom ol monster is a good choice though. It's not just a big fish bait either I catch dinks with them regularly. I like 3/16 when rigging this particular worm .
  24. @WRB you gotta dig out some pics !!
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