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Everything posted by jr231

  1. Way nice !! She has a grand mama mouth. For some reason... Every body of water I pass (usually that I don't have access to) looks like bass heaven. Lol
  2. Ok guys.. we can stop lying now.... Hog bass only bite one tens and pointers
  3. Virgina news ! Middle aged man catches state record bass off a pier with a buzzbait that he found!
  4. Nice job bro. Gettin it done with rapala ! Right up my alley.
  5. Not really a problem for me either... I had it dialed in fairly quick the first time I used it... I was just making a point on some of my other reels the tension knob clicks and makes fine tuning much easier IMO Agreed it's nice for the price.
  6. So I purchased the cheapest kast king reel for my bank fishing endeavors. Seen as how I don't like setting my Lew's combo on the ground.. I paired it with a Berkley cherrywood 6 foot MH casting rod that I got for 25 dollars... And I have to say... For a less than 60 dollar combo... It's pretty nice !! It's not as smooth as my Lew's... But it does hold it's own ! I can zip a small frog a nice ways with little effort... the only thing I don't care for is the spool tension knob.. it goes from stiff to really loose pretty quick... My Lew's tension knob clicks as I adjust it and is much easier to get dialed in perfectly. All in all , it's quality for the price..
  7. Ok... So what I've gathered from this thread is that 1. Holding fish vertically unsupported is bad for the bass. 2. Supporting the fish with both hands removes their protective slime coat , leaving the bass exposed to harmful bacteria and other things. 3. Hoisting the bass with the rod is harmful to the bass. 4. Using fish grippers is no better (and somehow worse?) Than holding the bass vertically unsupported I've had my Cheech and Chong moments but I think some of you guys are a step above tree huggers . Sounds like some of ya shouldn't fish for bass at all. You should join PETA. That'll really stick it to those ungrateful ignorant bass fisherman.
  8. I don't fish tournaments... But If I did... Id fish the same way I was going to if I was just having fun. You know how to catch bass. So just do what ya do.
  9. Lol feeding my own is chore enough ! It's a good thing you're doing though.
  10. The mark up on everything is ridiculous... Just because it's 15 bucks doesn't mean it's going to fall apart... What do you think it costs for a "high end" bait caster to be produced ? Not as much as someone would think... Everyone who owns one will justify the purchase with the value of it's components... Regardless of components the mark up is at least 5x and probably pushing 10 depending on the reel. I have many , many prime examples where the "high priced " items wernt worth near what they cost... this isn't my thread and most of the examples are outside of fishing.. mainly because I don't buy anything "high end" for fishing . 6 years ago I bought a Mitchell spinning rod combo for 29.99... the rod literally snapped in two years when I was casting(I know this doesn't help my point but it's The truth).. But the reel is used as my bank beater on a Berkely cherrywood travel rod and is still going strong. I caught several bass on it yesterday. I also have a Jimmy Houston combo I used for a few years and had one day last year where I caught 40 + bass with it... This combo was under 30 dollars as well and is still in good condition. My most expensive combo is 160 dollars.. and to be honest I'd still catch just As many bass without it . Is it nice ? Yes. Do I like it ? For sure... Is it worth it ? I guesso. I'll take an ugly stick with ur 15 dollar spinning reel and bring a bag of senkos & some various jigs to your spot and catch bass with you all day.
  11. See I just pick up my spinning rod...
  12. Googan squad sounds corny... Lol but I can get along with most bass fisherman
  13. So you'd rather watch bill dance fish a private ranch? Lol I don't know who these kids are you speak of.. or whom John b is... But if it gets the younger generation into fishing I don't see it as all that bad ? Alot of grown men are screaming for attention with their videos not just the youth ! Is their no beneficial gain to watching their videos (whomever "they" are) ? I mean obviously not for you... You seem pretty annoyed.. but say someone in their youth without a mentor ? These kids could be doin drugs and other crimes ! And although being an attention ***** may be annoying... Could be worse... Right . ?
  14. Fish shallow if it's a flooded area. I've had success in these situations with everything from a shad rap to rage craw.
  15. Yea on your other thread skitter pop was mentioned a few times. My PB came on one.
  16. I'm in this same boat when it comes to chatterbaits.
  17. From an outside perspective... Have you ever fished a stocked pond and not had a blast ? Haha Me either
  18. Definitely the best way I know of to weigh them.. I don't fish tournaments so it doesn't matter to me. If it's truly a big bass I have a tape measure. I don't use them. I keep an old work glove in my bag should I hook a catfish and if I hook a pike I will get it with the needle nose. I'm not sure why fishermen pack scales... Most of them are lying anyway
  19. @Sam no favorite for you Sam ?
  20. 2nd here for the skitter pop. Probably the best bang for your buck. I have one in an oversized brown frog pattern that has 4 bass over 20" to it's credit with one being 24" . Which is a nice bass anywhere but one helluva bass where I'm living currently. And I own many, many poppers and various topwaters. The success with this particular popper speaks volumes to me ,although probably based on some coincidence and luck (right place , right time etc) it still had the mojo to get her done... Shop around and they can be had for 6-7 bucks a piece. Bargains my friend. Bargains.
  21. Yep he got me last year lol
  22. Location and timing contributed to your success more than anything... Does look nice though. Ya know.. if you ask a real ned nerd () I'm pretty sure they will tell you a 4.4 inch piece of plastic is not a true Ned rig. Just sayin.
  23. Summer has always been my favorite time to fish at night. I think the most popular lure suggested will be some type of topwater. A walking style, popper, and jitterbug type... Rapala original floater , and big worms 7-12" of any dark color are my favorites during the night. Last season I found chatterbait success at night as well.
  24. Lol well apparently good enough to where you want another .
  25. Hows the one you have treat ya ?
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