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Everything posted by jr231

  1. Regardles of the weight. Catching bass like that from the bank is such a treat !
  2. https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Plano_Guide_Series_Waterproof_Case_1450/descpage-PL1450.html This is actually the exact one! Price has gone up just like everything else. But what's your peace of mind worth !?
  3. I have a water tight hard case, I believe it's Plano about 8"long I keep my phone wallet and keys in. Tether it to the kayak and it's good. I bought it off tackle warehouse years ago. I recommend packing light on the kayak! The less you bring the less you can lose.
  4. Went to a pond I was told was filled with stunted bass and bluegill. And they were right! 12 or so bass about 12" long and rather skinny Think I found the culprit ! Bout to go back with a bucket of minnows and see if I can catch more of these crappie. Caught on a zoom super fluke
  5. Not so sure the eyes made the difference even tho your test results say otherwise. I think it more has to do with a right place, right time kind of deal. And your improved confidence throwing the bait with the eyes. Regardless. They look good and you're catching bass. Nice job
  6. jr231


    If I could only have one lure in a situation where I had to feed myself. It would be a mepps. They catch everything and I've caught crappie, bass, bluegill, perch, pike and catfish on them. My grandfather used to take me wading in the creek and he would catch small mouth and rock bass using mepps. It's not talked about much on this forum because although it catches bass, I wouldn't say it's the best lure for big bass when compared to a jig, or top water lure, Senko etc
  7. Wooooops. Happens tho. I've tried to repair rods and they never feel quite the same to me and end up breaking again eventually. If I broke something rather expensive (especially something I borrowed) I would maybe look into getting it professionally repaired. None of my stuff is super high end so I just end up with an excuse to buy more stuff ?
  8. Cool stuff thanks for sharing
  9. Not sure how big the "pond" is, but in some cases the bass become stunted due to lack of food. 6" is very small for a largemouth im talking about when they are all 8-12" and the fish of the day is a 14" 1lber. These are places I take my children with some bobbers. If I fish a pond and consistently catch small fish every time I go there and no big ones, I choose to spend my limited time to fish another place that will offer me a chance at bigger fish. Where 14" is on the smaller side and im looking for the 16-18" and up. Again not sure of the pond size but if this place is over fished with "bucket fisherman" go somewhere else.
  10. jr231


  11. @txchaser you using the 4/0 ewg ? I almost always manage to get 2-5 fish per bait
  12. @fishballer06 hooked me up. Apparently I need to remove some of my content to upload some pictures but I will be using everything you sent me. Didn't know you made lures. The jig looks nice and the white spinner bait looks killer ! Appreciate it man
  13. I don't think some of the man made farm ponds I fish have any crawfish in em. They could, but there are 3-4 i frequent and haven't seen any signs of crawfish in any of them in over 6 years. Just minnows , bluegill snakes and frogs. I've set traps in them to use live bait with my daughter or people who don't want to fish with artificial and never seen a crawfish.. 8/10 times I do this in a creek it has a crawfish in it gettin on them minnows. 90 percent sure there are no crawfish in them. Jig still works tho.
  14. @skekoamyour pond doesn't need crawfish to catch bass at all with a jig ..A jig represents something that is alive and the size of something the bass can eat. That's all that matters.. I couldn't even count all the bass I've caught out of ponds swimming and hopping a finesse jig around that don't have any crawfish in them.
  15. Reins bubbling shaker Keitech live impact 4" senko It comes down to what you spend the most time fishing .
  16. There's nothing wrong with harvesting bass. Or any species. It's funny because hunters are praised when they tag a huge buck. But if they keep a big bass it's frowned upon. Make whatever excuses you want, it's the same thing. Both have already passed their genetics on , and both are treasure in the outdoor world. Never quite understood why it's okay to take a huge buck but not okay to take a huge bass. I personally wouldn't just because I'd hope to catch it again and I don't like to eat most fish anyway. But I would take the buck surely, but I'd also take a smaller buck and would definitely take a doe as well.
  17. Don't bring race into it. There are crappy people of all shades and sizes.
  18. I use the same 2/0 ewg hook i use to weightless Texas rig it. I've caught many bass this way when the worm was too torn to continue Texas rigging.
  19. @OCdockskipper I am familiar with all of those names! I've actually watched Mike play for hours during the "high stakes poker" . He catches alot of slack from his supposed habits . Never minded watching him play and I always felt Eric was boring to watch. He just seems very dry... I don't know much about devil fish but have seen him in a few videos for sure. You play in wsop events ? Just straight hold em ? I live near Cincinnati and the hard Rock just bought out the casino and are supposed to be bringing some wsop events in. Thanks for your input pretty much confirming what I've already experienced the years I've played poker. Somehow I do believe it's worse at the wsop events. I typically play cash games but my local club has a 50 dollar tournament on Monday that gets crazy deep .. and is alot of fun. Alot of "donking" going on but it's 50 bucks
  20. Where's the Texas hold em fans ? Or variations of the game such as Omaha , pineapple etc.. Whether you play home games , at the casino or at a local club.. is there a place that exists where ego is higher than in a poker room ? Crazy ! I've been playing poker for almost 10 years. I turned 27 today and being a father and living on my own has put a damper on my poker funds but it is something I truly enjoy. There's so much more to the game than what meets the eye and playing with folks who thoroughly understand the game is something I find to be alot of fun... But on the flip side.. specifically at the casino (and depending on the stakes you play) it seems most folks at the table believe they are the best in the world, and throw fits or show utter disgust when they lose .. I mean most men in general I feel are confident / prideful but I have met some real slime balls playing cards and it kinda sucks for me because it's something I like to do ! Doesn't matter it's the game and when money is involved emotions are always heightened. I feel if you gamble with money you should already see it as gone and never be upset about it. Nice hand man ! And go bout your business. Not, you lucky "you know what" . Just stirring up conversation, with anyone who wants to talk poker or anyone who has been in a poker room and feels there are other places where nearly every person in vicinity believes they are the best and shows poor sportsmanship to this degree.
  21. Livetarget's lipless crank Is as good as any I have ever tried. There's people on these boards who have had success with the baitball... I have never tried them though as my cranks are mostly made up of rapala , bomber, and some miscellaneous but those two brands pretty much get it done for me with crankbaits. The biggest part of catching fish is finding them. Don't concern yourself so much on looks but more on performance. Performance justifies value for me, not cost.
  22. Seems pretty cut and dry to me.
  23. It's the exact same ?
  24. Lol I felt like I wanted a chatterbait with a smaller hook so I got the freedom chatterbait. The keeper is too big for the line tie on the smaller hooks I was going to use ? I have a micro one z-man makes. It's REALLY small tho. I've just accepted the standard size and use small paddle tails and kalins grubs when I use them. They are hog catchers I've caught some big (for my area 19+") bass on chatterbaits When I want a small profile with some some thump and flash I just throw a finesse spinnerbait.
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