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BankBassing last won the day on September 6 2016

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About BankBassing

  • Birthday 07/26/1978

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  • Location
    Paden City, WV
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Ohio River

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  • About Me
    Really new to bass fishing.  Trying to learn.  My wife, son, and I go bassing on the banks of the Ohio River, along with a few local lakes. 

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  1. This is the Ohio River. What does "turning over" mean? I'm relatively new to bass fishing, and have heard this term a few times, but never heard it explained.
  2. Ok, thanks!
  3. The strange thing is, I've been doing what everyone is suggesting. Fishing moving baits (spinners, cranks) just off shore, and I am getting NOTHING. Spinnerbait was irresistable to them before I started seeing these shad, and as soon as I started seeing them, it's like the bite has turned off. Granted it coincides with a major temperature drop, but still weird. Here are the baitfish I am used to seeing until recently: When these were abundant, the bite was great.
  4. Definitely similar to that. I'm looking at some pics of American Shad and they resemble those as well. Not sure which yet.
  5. Doing a little research tonight, I think it might be an "American Shad." I've seen some of these about the size of your hand.
  6. I tried to get a better pic but just wasn't able to today. Maybe next time. These fish are extremely shiny, almost like a mirror on the sides, and their body almost looks like a little shark swimming around. There is no spot on the side or anything.
  7. I have been seeing a lot of these baitfish around lately, and many of them are pretty good sized. Seems like the fishing has been tough since these large meals are easy to come by right now. What kind of fish are these? Does seeing less of our typical shad and more of these indicate anything important?
  8. Since you are a fellow West Virginian, let me share the Walleye I caught in New Martinsville at the Hannibal Locks and Dam on November 3rd. Caught him on a Maroon Crawfish "Grave Digger" deep diving crankbait from Cabela's with an orange belly. Hardest fighting fish I've ever caught.
  9. I caught 2 today fishing the Ned Rig for the first time. One tiny smallie, and I believe a rock bass? Can anyone verify that it is indeed a rock bass? Never caught one before.
  10. I haven't had any luck with my 90 yet, but has anyone else noticed that it lays over to your right as you're retrieving it? I wonder if this is by design to simulate a struggling fish laying on it's side, or mine isn't tracking correctly.
  11. Stay away from the silent ones? Do they make two kinds? I purchased a 90, which is silent. Didn't see anything else.
  12. Well, I stood in Cabelas agonizing over which one to get today. I had a full selection of 130s to choose from and only one 90 in Crystal Minnow. I really thought about getting the 130, but considering this Cabelas is only about an hour north of me, and these people fish the same river I do, them being out of 90s on two trips has to mean something, considering they have equal shelfspace to the 130s. I bought to 90 in Crystal Minnow. We'll see what happens. Thanks for all the feedback everyone!
  13. Then feel free to ignore the post. No need to be a jerk about it.
  14. Cherrywood HD 7ft Medium Heavy, Abu Garcia Silver Max, various baits. My backlashes are totally my fault, not the equipment. I get greedy and try to cast too far, and when I do I really sling it and cause one. Sometimes, I'm backing off on my tension or brakes in an attempt to cast farther, and get just past proper adjustment. The fishing where I am is extremely tough right now, so once I've exhausted all the shallow area, I'm trying to get as far out into the river as I can from the bank/dock.
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