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Everything posted by Largemouth21

  1. just noticed the dates in this thread. Why do people reply to old posts
  2. Since I have a canoe, I can take my battery out in the garage and charge when needed. During the winter should I keep it inside? I'm sure all battery's lose a bit of juice when just sitting by themselves (not hooked up/no load) Co I keep it plugged in outside? Northern MI is COLD!!
  3. Nice, I also have a canoe. Keep us posted
  4. I carefully read each and every post. I absorb as much information as I can from each thread. Way2Slow helped me out a lot today.
  5. i don't ignore ANY posts. I sit down and carefully read through everything. I try to absorb as much information as I can from each post. I certainly learned a lot from you. I sincerely thank you for your time. I was originally going to use the car battery charger. Im glad I asked on here because i was able to learn a lot about batteries and figure out a solution to help me save my batteries from dying early. I agree with what you said 100%. I will keep working to get some money put together, Big thanks to everyone who contributed to this thread. I learned a lot 45$ Not too bad. Thanks for linking it to me. I will pick one up
  6. bit of a price difference there thanks for the help. Battery tender jr it is
  7. Yeah I will go with that one. i come from a family who doesn't like to spend money, especially if we think we can use something we already have to make a solution I will pick up a battery tender, they are cheap and the reviews are good! Thanks
  8. Im confused, you agreed with him and he said 10-15 amps. But that charger is only .75 amps.
  9. can I get away with something cheap like, cabelas battery tender Jr. I can look next time I'm there. You said 2 or 10 amps. When would you want 2 vs 10 amps
  10. I can make due for a while, eventually I will probably pick up a nice one like the one you linked me to. Appreciate it edit: unfortunately the link doesn't seem to be working. I won't be getting a new charger for a while anyway but not sure whats going on with my device here
  11. as long as you know how to solder the wire correctly. you will need a short wire with ring terminals to connect the battery to the breaker. Personally I will go with the minn Kota brand box. It is easy to hook up, has a battery meter, is water proof, and has cigarette lighter style charging ports if you have any electronics in your boat. You NEED a circuit breaker. A box is STRONGLY recommended. Keeps corrosion off terminals. in some states it's a law to have a protective box. I think you should save up, buy a min Kota box. But if you absolutely want one now. Get a cheap box and breaker. The min Kota box has a built in breaker
  12. okay so, I've done a lot of research on this subject myself (read my other posts) in choosing one, I never condsidered used. As slonezp said, you have no idea how well it was cared for. Battery might be shot. A NEW Endura c2 30 can be had for ~$100 if you look around. I will put a link in for a decent (also around 100$) battery that will work for your purpose. Now your descision whether you want a circuit breaker split line deal or to just buy the battery box. A circuit breaker IS recommended. I heard Minn Kota will void your warranty if you don't use one. I would just recommend to buy the box (can be had for around 50$) so total is 250 but you get warranty. Can be had cheaper if you have electrical skills and can fab up a short wire with ring terminals on each end. But if you like a gamble go ahead and pick up the used one by all means. Just depends on budget and what you want. A good luck with whatever you choose. edit: just get the everstart battery from Walmart like people are recommending. I would say go for 29 group but that's just me. no matter what it's not going to be cheap. Your better off saving your money and getting something that will last. A brand new battery will probably last ~5 years max(depends on usage)
  13. what would be your guess as how long to leave it on for? The charging gauge works I think so I can watch that.
  14. I have this battery charger that I use for car battery's and my ATV battery. Will it work ok for a 125AH 12 volt lead acid deep cycle marine battery? I read some chargers can shorten life of battery. Thanks for answering all my questions
  15. I can't afford 2 battery's anyway but I will keep that in mind if/when I have enough $ set aside to buy a fishing boat. That makes sense what you are saying though that's right, just paddles. It's kind of an experiment, if I find myself running out of juice, then I will just pick up another battery. I fish mostly small lakes anyway, a canoe is just plain scary out in a big lake...
  16. I'm no engineer but I could try to Jerry rig something up
  17. exactly what I was going to say, you beat me to it As for the OP's question, use the search bar, 99% of the questions you asked can be answered in my thread, I had the same questions
  18. Full out would you think there would be a difference? That's what I would be doing mostly.
  19. Wow, I learned a lot. Makes sense really, So I realize I will not be going fast. But as A-Jay said, it's faster than paddling, so I'm happy. As for a gas engine, My next boat I buy will be a full size fishing boat. That's where the real speed comes from EDIT: what's your battery life with your 55? is it better or worse than the 45?
  20. I realize the speed won't be fast. With the light loads I will be carrying I expect around 4-5 mph (faster than paddling) BUT I don't mind paddling either. This is so I can get to my spot quicker and have more time to fish. I fish a tiny calm lake and I have almost no current/waves to worry about. Round trip I'm traveling less than 2 miles (I think) Going max speed with the 55 and max speed with the 45, the 55 would use less battery because it's not working as hard, right?
  21. Sounds good! I decided to go with the 45 lb because it is the same speed AND costs less AND uses less battery. I will be picking up a group 29 deep cycle battery from Walmart (it has 125 AH) The Minn Kota will be my primary moving around the lake motor. I will bring paddles also ( just in case)
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